The Bleak Walker

Chapter 242: The Memories of a Boy

The new world was vast and wide. Countless seas of trees and untamed wildlands spread all over the world. He recalled. He had seen creatures that towered small mountains. The memories were being fragmented back. This metal plate forced by a hammer to fit. Then, it all came back to him, his journeys around the villages of this world, helping people, granting them the ability to have hope. Even without power, he was doing things that were close to his heart.

Nolan Salvatore opened his eyes. Blocking the lamp with an arm. He lifted his body and turned his attention to the window, so many people running around, he thought. He leaped out of his bed, dressed himself up and tugged on his coat. His eyes darted to the box on the corner of the room. He nodded.

The Inn was loud again. The boisterous guffaws of the men, their wheezing, and the chuckling of the women could be heard. He strode to one of the tables, reached up to his arm, and ordered cherry juice. He waited for his order when it arrived, he immediately started gobbling up the food before him. When he was done eating, he pushed the wooden plate away and drank on his wooden pewter cup. It smelled heavenly in the morning.

“Still thinking of her?” A glowing sprite appeared before him, arms folded. “You are quite the womanizer, aren’t you?”

“No,” he shook his head, “I was merely being friendly. Will you do this every single time I meet with other women?”

“Nolan Salvatore,” she tugged on his ear. “Do you know how many women you somehow met up, turned out to be odd creatures that would break time and space? You meet with those who are Chosen, and that is a problem. You are Weave Breaker, a man who breaks the weaves of others.”

“Weave breaker?”

“You break the weaves of fate, that is the only explanation that I have for you. I was supposed to meet my end in the final battle, stabbed in the heart by the War Maiden, but your meddling had turned everything differently. I know you now, Nolan Salvatore, I see you for what you truly are.”

“Then what am I?” He said, calmly looking stolid despite his whispers.

“Just a Strange Foreigner lost in this world. Nolan Salvatore, have you doubted your memories in the first place?”

“I do,” he clenched his fist. “By the heavens, I do doubt it. Every single waking moment, I doubt it, I doubt that my father, my dearest mother, and those who I call family might be a delusion. Think about it, my Tania. I have lived for millions of years, and have walked realms now. You witnessed it all, and you’ve been with me. I can clench the souls of other beings and devour them. Do you know? I can remember the memories of Kaiser, the Half-Dragon. His love for this strange flower girl, who would dance along the fields of Arata. He loved that girl so much, and he married, had a happy life. He never loved again so that he may become a Guardian for the Dragons who he guarded. I ended his life for a squabble against a woman whose love I don’t know.”

He recalled those warm moments above the buildings. Where he could see the sunrise even though there was a mountain blocking it. The wind forcing him back, loudly bellowing. He did not want to believe that those were lies. Lies conjured by a dead man. The dead man is known as Nolan Salvatore.

“I want to be Nolan Salvatore,” he said, almost whimpering. “I want to be him. The boy lost from time and space. The one who begged for alms worked on taverns and was forced to fight for a war he wants nothing about. Only because of a woman’s inspiring figure which then warped into a pitiful love. I want to the Nolan Salvatore who fought with his brothers of war and walked even though his heart broke. I want to be simply he who walked through the valleys of death, slaying monsters, forging on despite his withering body. Tell me, Tania, I want to be Nolan Salvatore, I want to be me - not somebody else. Am I wrong for thinking that?”

“No, you can be whatever you want to be, my sweet,” she pressed her head on his cheek. “I know what you are. I saw you all within those times - the times where you fought and madly slew those you could. Do you know how many times I’ve watched you fight? To see you shoulder-to-shoulder with your brothers, pushing back an impossible tide, and the way you walked alive through all of these suffering. But do you know what amuses? The way you never really push away those who needed help. I must admit that seeing such sight was strange. I am a Demon, and yet your strangeness had led me to stay with you. I confess that I had my failings. I despaired as time passes, but your memories and your will to forge on allowed me to continue walking this path. And you have infected this heart of mine. You never really assume to give up. That makes you good and kind to me.”

“You assume that I am a kind and good man? The man who would hang a bunch of fools for the sake of his selfish reason? Or when I murdered those bandits, claiming their lives, torturing them mentally while I butcher their kind for the evils they committed? Would a good man do something so horrible? Is that a kind thing to do, my Tania? I am not a kind man and never was a good man. That’s the truth.”

“No, but you are a good man, Nolan Salvatore. You have always been. No matter what, you are always the Nolan Salvatore that I know. You are him, so do not doubt your memories, Nolan. For you did not steal a man’s soul. You are him, and that is the only thing that matters,” she lied.

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