The Bleak Walker

Chapter 272: The Deadman’s Wish

Why do you live?

“I am scared, okay?”

Don’t look away from us. Look at us, gaze at us, we are here always, following, that is your curse.

“Leave me, I don’t need ghosts. Give me the colors back.”

The colors don’t matter, Lanon whispered, the voices repeated. How many of them that they started mimicking the voices of nature? The sounds of rain were mimicked by them, mockingly, as if to distract themselves from the nothingness.

“Leave me.”

I can’t do that, Lanon whispered, his voice sounded scared. How would we know if we are out of the loop? That woman will not stop, no, who is she? I don’t remember, ah, maybe I do remember, it’s just that we are forgetting.

Amadan covered his ears. The ghosts of the past cried louder than ever. Their maddening sounds were enough to drive him mad. No, was he going mad with all of these voices? He doesn’t know what to think. He simply had to cover his ears and maybe they’ll go away.

It was a strange day, a ghost said to him. A rugged old man whose face was gashed by a dagger wound. I was minding my business, guarding the lady, she was beautiful, and yet she made me follow her to this garden, and before I know it I was at the end of her blade. The look on her face that screamed murder, the wickedness inside her heart. Why is he the only one free?


The Old Revenant, the one who saw the end of the dying of the light. He who saw the saving of the world. The kid who turned his mind into steel, the old ghost whispered. He was able to break out of this uncertain loop, but why did he not take all of his fragments? Ah, no, mother no, I don’t want to be stuck to this suffering. Why won’t God help us?

The time wraiths, Lanon whispered to Amadan. She devoured them, no, we are time revenant, those who rose from the dead to live on, seeking for something that we’ll never reach. We’ve corrupted the time wraiths, and by her eating, we’ve become the worst of our kind. Bleak walkers are cursed, birthed by the old revenant, the first burnt witch, the knight of Salvatore.

“I don’t understand,” Amadan whispered back.

Remember the knight of Salvatore, remember Machina and Adey, remember the pale shine lady who dances in the pale bridge. Remember the tower of many monsters, remember the girl in the well, remember Vero, and make him live. Remember the poison on her hair, and remember the twin’s heart.

“Please, I don’t know what you are saying!”

There’s a little girl that is lost in a new world, a ghost whispered. She cries with two toddlers, she cries, and they cry as well; when the towers are grabbed by those who are greedy; when the tireless servant lays down her blade, and when the two are lost - the world shall repeat. Find the babes or continue the bleak path.

“What are you saying?”

A crystal sits at the end of the world. She cries for her babies. A girl is reborn again and she murmurs in the dark. You can do nothing about it, the old man said. The powers are beyond us, and there is no hope for anyone. Escape, leave this place, do not let be taken in by her; no more, no more of her, do not fall into her voice.


The girl who sings a new voice, another voice said sadly. Hear heart and soul yearns but she is what she is to her core and there will be no endings for her and you. Do not let her find you, do not meet her, and maybe we’ll find peace.


The liar lies, a voice that seems maddened said. She lies, and lies, and hurts and despises. She will lie and lie until we are dead and broken. Her heart will always be the burnt woman, no matter how pale shine she wants herself to be.

“I should go alone? Leave again and be alone?”

It is what we do, Old Salvatore said. We walk alone and find whatever meaning we get. Did you forget, no, you never felt it didn’t you? By the time we walked that path for the first time, we’ve already let go. We hold on to that feeling because it felt good, but then we were returned to the place where we thought we could fix our mistakes; in the end, it was never us. It was her that wanted to fix her mistakes and somewhere along the line she had drank too much power.

“I thought we love her?”

She died, Old Salvatore said. And I moved on, tell me, young one, in the memories you saw, when they find themselves back in time, what did they want? That’s right, they wanted to fix what had happened. I had lived a life that I called proudly. Why changed it? Why trample the sacrifices in the first place? I see I was the only one who saw that scenery.

Amadan saw the memories of the clouds that shadowed the world being split apart. The sun finally coming out after so many years without it. No matter what fragment of the soul. The scene of the world finally being saved was carved into their souls.

Amadan felt the quiet of the ghosts at the mention of that scenery.

At the end of the world, they saw happiness.

In the end, they were able to witness the sun’s return.

“What should I do then?”

The ghosts were quiet. They turned their attention to Old Salvatore who was looking at Amadan kindly. Find that same peace I saw, young one. You’re chased by ghosts and the voices of the dead. I cannot help you with this. Sometimes you just have to find that peace yourself. So face the chaos, stand up, and clench your hand. Solve the problems until you find it.

“We’ve been saying that. To find peace, but we never do find it!” A voice raged. “We fail every single time!”

Old Salvatore smiled, “Then go fail again.”

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