The Bleak Walker

Chapter 280: Soul-Bound

Amadan had crawled through this sandy area with Sula following his tail. Wrapped in a shemagh scarf, her eyes followed, leaving Amadan to think that they should switch.

“And you could stare in my lovelies,” she said. “I’m your sister, this is indecent.”

“Blood Sister.”

“And yet you could find to understand that in our customs it is the same. Do not worry, I will not pursue a man who does not like me, and I had made you my blood brother, and that won’t change.”

Amadan frowned, he took cover around a rock, turned his attention to the dire beast with the same frame as a scorpion, with longer legs and multiple stingers. Amadan placed his gloved hand on the rock, he took the mace on his waist.

“You can summon those black rocks, and you choose to use tools,” she said.

“Takes energy and time, don’t want to use it and let me borrow your gauntlet.”

She pulled her gauntlet back. “No, I’ve seen you destroy rocks with your hands, and I will not hand over this.”

She was a handful and headstrong woman, a strange one. Amadan didn’t hate her, and although her strange words would amuse him. He didn’t have to force her, and so he moved. Crawled through the sand, took a stance, and leaped to the dire beast. The dire beast didn’t notice, he swung his mace on the first stinger, wrapped his elbow around the stinger, swung to the main body, and hammered the carapace, and leaped out, doing a forward roll followed with a step out of the way.

He saw Sula ran out of the cover, and threw a spear on the soft sections of the beast, Amadan pushed himself up, grabbed hold of the grappling hook, threw it around of the stingers, and started to pull. He was able to hold the scorpion down, and Sula drew her saber and slashed the soft area.

Amadan tangled the stingers, pulled on the power, and grew a spike on the belly of the scorpion, making it writhe in pain. He sprinted, grabbed his mace with his gloved my hand, and smashed it on the head area of the beast. The beast still moved, and he had to climb up the beast and follow it with a smash on the head.

Green blood spurts out of the monster’s head, and he dodged, making sure that none of that blood would come in contact. Panting, he twisted on the sand and leaned his elbows on his knees. Sula plodded, her shemagh slightly rustled, a lock of her hair on her nose. Sometimes, he thinks that her eyes were like a diamond.

“I do not remember being undressed,” she looked at her clothes. “Why do you stare like a dumb four-legged beast? Silly Brother, if your crotch is aching, so do not be worried and let it go. You must go on a journey to dismiss this blood oath that we had done. I shall find us a hovel, and you will bring money while I give birth to younglings.”

Amadan pointed at his forehead, “I sometimes wonder if that is your real thoughts or you are messing with me. You’ve been doing this ever since that day.”

“Brother,” she said softly. “When two gods collide like that, it is not hard not to think of love and such things. The world’s ending, and you wonder why I think like this?”

“Sorry,” he said. “I can’t do anything about it.”

“I do not expect my Brother to fight Gods,” she said, standing near the beast. “The only beautiful thing that happened is that I have met a blood brother so foolishly. However, I have gained thoughts that maybe I had tried harder. Oh, if the world ends then at least I spent it with a blood-brother who has strong arms.”

Amadan had no complete thoughts when it comes to her. He was unsure how he would react to suddenly having a sister like this, and it was odd, and he couldn’t ask truly to leave.

He turned his head and look at the skies. The battle that happened had caused strange changes in the desert. The desert became muddy, and spots, where volcanoes were active, started acting up, producing river of lavas.

Adventurers gathered on the city of sands. All with one goal of finding the tower that lives inside a haze, a pocket of space that only a few could see.

Amadan had seen the tower of Nimrod in the distance. There was strange attraction coming from that place, and that allure was not easy to resist. He cleared his head, turned to the beast, grabbed the ropes from his bags, and wrapped it around the beast.

He pulled the beast out of the sands and starting to the city. He could tell that Sula was behind, and it was an hour-long haul. When he arrived in the city, he was stopped by the guards, and adventurers turned their eyes on him. The buyer of the beast came out, told him to follow in his home, and to wait until he bought all the gold. As he waited he felt a presence that shook his heart madly, his eyes opened widely and he turned to where that presence was. Two familiar faces, and different expressions on their faces.

One had the look of resignation while the other looked pleasantly surprised, cheeks blushing. Sula went past the two, turned her eyes to the two, and back to Amadan, she said, “Brother, I know that they are beautiful, but you must not stare at them as if you are seeing a monster. That is rude.”

Amadan could hear the thousands screaming inside his head. Old Salvatore appeared on the corner of his eyes, he looked at Ciara, lowered his head and said, “Soul-Bound, we really can’t escape from her. No matter where or when she will unknowingly find us.”

Lanon screamed, he cowered on the floor and started sobbing. Amadan looked at that sight, and could only look Aria in the eyes, with the same look that she had on her face, a look of resignation, and the look of someone who could not escape. Amadan thought, no, it was time to speak, no more escaping.


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