The Bleak Walker

Chapter 285: Tower Worlds

Einar Elior felt the tower world floor tremble. He knew how volatile the tower was. Each floor equaled a world. Time was so dilated that he had not aged despite traveling for years in one single world. He had to remember that he was in the tower of nimrod. The tower that belonged to the world that he was born into. He recalled the Old Man, the Wraith with Dragon’s Flesh, who was bound to his soul. He recalled his soul’s destruction at the hands of the Burnt Woman. He remembered the salvation and the conjunction of all worlds into one.

Something went wrong. The worlds didn’t fuse properly and now a tower holds many worlds. Such vast worlds of broken civilizations purged and blended together to create anew. Some of these worlds were that of concrete jungles. Places with towering peaks, metal stars, and Jade palaces larger than mountains. Technologies that he only saw through the memories of the Old Man, the Bleak Walker, Nolan Salvatore.

Alongside him through these worlds was Lady Rubina, a Hero of the world where the tower of nimrod existed. The strongest of the favored children, and the one that had been with Einar through birth and waking of memories. He had tried to release her from the bond that he had casted. She had refused and choose to beat the lights out of him in fury of his own words. “I dare you not! Einar! The moment you release that bond then you will have the strongest of the favored children’s fury on you. Or had the years come and by, and you still think of me as nothing, but an acquaintance!?”

Her fury had made Einar hesitate in asking the question. Dear no, her presence was a blessing to the worlds he walked. If not for the memories of the Old Man who walked millions of miles. He would have given in to the temptation of settling into one of the many words that held no life He could have been an Adam…and she his Eve. Such thoughts were degenerate and to think further would have been a dishonor to his friend.

He had walked with her through these worlds. Each one was devoid of any life other than the beasts that inhabit it. The few forms of human remnants were lost or idle wanderers that dreams to escape the tower. Bleak Walkers, men with cursed sigils on their eyes, forever doomed to walk forevermore.

Einar had a sigil however it was suppressed. Rubina was immune to the curse for her pride did not allow it. They were unable to die due to their bodies feeding on the energy around them. They can go on for years without nourishment as long as they can sustain their bodies with the same nutrients through meditation. A method learned from a robed walker with jade skin and long black hair. A walker that rides the sword as transport and companion. They had not seen the walker for the walker departed to venture the world.

Among the walkers were those who trade food and luxuries that they have no knowledge. They had eaten as pleasure and acquire technology which they have not been able to witness. The memories of that peaceful world were useful to Einar. The Old Man’s knowledge had allowed him to understand these devices. Weapons that only through memories he had known or through the imaginations of those who had dreamed of it.

“Such weapons they are of use to us,” Rubina gleefully said, fashioning her embedded staff with such technologies, remaking them to her liking.

Blessing as they were for they are adaptable to the bodies. Einar needed no armor for he could phase, but yet such armor was welcome for someone like him who had not been given the right to control the strings of power.

The worlds they walked started to blur like passing scenery. Such worlds were beautiful and lonely. Abandoned civilizations, a carcass world, a water world, and many more worlds came to the past in such times. There were days where Einar dreaded to think what would have happened if they had not to gain technology to breathe in space.

So many worlds yet Einar could still hear the cries of two infants and the whispers of hope of a little girl. Stalwart steel heart and a wish for the death of solitude had driven him. Einar asked multiple times for why he was walking. Why he was urging to follow the road?

Einar followed the voice. It was so hard to give up when he had walked so far. He had thought that walking in solitude would not faze him, that the memories of the Old Man would steel him. Steel gathers rust and becomes brittle. He had to admit that the shoulder lent by Rubina was something he cherished. So many worlds and thousands of sceneries. Yet a scenery without her would have been a sour memory.

He had understood how little connection that he had with the tower. How the tower was not controlled, and that the string of connection that he had with his sister was too thin. If he had a greater connection with the cry he would have done something. Their journey would not span for years, and he would not be able to witness the countless worlds.

He did not even bother to know what world it was. All he needed to do was find a way to the heart of the tower where the crying was. It did not matter to him if it meant an eternity of walking. Time seems so fast despite all the things that had happened to them. He had noted that he had lost track of the number of times he had been into these kinds of worlds. What does it matter when he could not do anything?

Einar Elior turned his attention to the wreckage of spherical ships that floated in the sky. These ships seem to be digging into space itself like worms. It was a world that had reached the stars, yet Einar could not detect any people. The door was at least visible with training and he’d know how to.

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