The Bleak Walker

Chapter 305: The Lost Can Rest

Nolan saw two walking towards him. He stood up. The night was shining. The island had this mythical look around it. And two ladies who were like fairies was mystical to him as well. One thing particular about them was their elongated ears.

“Good evening,” he bowed.

“I wish you an evening as well,” said the woman who had the look of a noble.

“I am Nolan, just Nolan.”

“I am Vitoria De Concordia. This is Lucille, my assistant and a servant of House Concordia. I’ve heard that you had recently entered our community. Is this correct?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Were you in an accident?”


“Where are you from?”

“Far away,” he laughed wearily. “I don’t think I remember it now.”

She studied him. Nolan laid his eyes on her emerald eyes without flinching.

“I’ve confirmed that you were a soldier. Do you remember what army did you serve?”

“The Army of Light,” he said, softly.

“The Army of Light?” Lucille said in the side. “I do not know which army is this. Can you explain?”

“An expeditionary army.”

Lady Vitoria waited as if he was going to say more. Nolan kept his silence and stared back. None of them gave up until Lucille continued.

“So do you not remember”

Nolan shook his head. He smelled a wafting aroma coming from Arel’s house. He turned to Lucille. She wore a silver short hair, a frilly dress resembling a maid’s outfit, particularly a Victorian one. Her piercing silver eyes match her hair, and the moon behind her back was lovely.

“I don’t,” Nolan lied.

“I see. Tell me, do you intend to stay on this island?”

Nolan touched his chin. He looked at Lady Vitoria. “It depends. I am used to not being wanted. Besides,” he looked around, “the island makes me rather afraid.”


“That I’m dreaming. That there’d be an island this peaceful in the many universe.”

Lucille said. “Well, the island has been left untouched by external elements. I assure you that this island has been like this for hundreds of years.”

“That is good to know. I’ve been here for only a while and I think I liked it. I’ve always loved the ocean.”

Lady Vitoria stared blankly, fiddling with her sword’s hilt. “Have you killed?”

“I did. Some deserved it, but most of the time I hated it with all of my being.”

“What is your race?” She asked.

Nolan found it odd that she didn’t ask for that sooner.

“I am a hybrid.”

“A hybrid?” Lucille asked.

“I have a dragon’s strength and endurance and something else. But, I’d like to be called a human.”

“Your age?”

Nolan wearily smiled. “I honestly don’t know. I stopped counting at twenty-two.”

Vitoria and Lucille looked at each. They turned towards him. “You look young.”

“As the Alf’s are.”

“So you are older than you look.”

“Yes, sadly, I am. But some parts of me are that of a dragon. That’s why I call myself a hybrid.”

Vitoria gestured Lucille. She took a handbook from Lucille, wrote on it, and handed it back to Lucille. She tapped the pommel of her sword and started.

“If you wish to stay on this island. I hope that you do not break any rules. Like any town or village, we have laws. I hope that you can follow the laws and live with us until your heart’s desire.” She took her hand away from the hilt of her sword and offered it on him.

“This is a small community, Mister Nolan. If you wish we can give you a chance in the village the opposite of the Island. But we are lacking manpower. And I think Arel heavily appreciated your help.” There was a smile that bloomed on her. Lucille was neutral, but her calmness made Nolan wonder.

“I thought you’d asked more questions, Milady.”

She smiled softly. “I would love to. But as we are sensitive to nature. I am sensitive to the woes of those who could not feel the calls of the earth mother. You speak with a heavy heart, Nolan. You are lost and you found yourself on this island. Arel was the same as you. But four years on this island had changed him. This island is welcome to those who are lost and had nowhere to go. I just hope that you do not break our hearts, Mister Nolan.”

‘Oh, I won't,” he said to them. “You are giving me a chance. That is all I could ask now. I was worried that you might kick me out. But are you not doing so. And I am thankful for that, Lady Vitoria. This is the first time that I was saved while drowning in the middle of the sea.”

He saw a smile on her face. She was looking at the moon. There was a shower of pink and blue that started to glitter when the moonlight hit it. “This is truly praiseworthy,” she said. “I hope that your stay on this island, it will be healing to you. The Island of Concordia has been always accepting strangers since my ancestors. This land once belonged to the Alf. Now, it is just a place for those who seek peace. I do hope that you would not break our trust, Mister Nolan.”

She said and smiled. She sauntered away with Lucille and gestured goodbye. Nolan smiled wearily and rested his back on a tree. The tomatoes were harvested. There was a river of stars above and the red moon had a small object that circles the moon.

“I wonder if this will end?” Nolan asked. “Being thrown away from one world to another? How many times I have died? I don’t remember at all.”

He had been on this journey for so long. He had seen things. He had done things. He was pained. He wished that there would be something he can do. He saw worlds being destroyed and false hopes. Still, Nolan wanted to believe that there was still hope along the way. That there was something more. That for once in his life that the world would give him peace. That there would be an oasis for him.

He wished for it.

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