The Bleak Walker

Chapter 308: A Dream for Silence

She had another dream. It was a dream of a soldier who returned from the battlefield. He was a survivor. Young, hopeful, and never really look back. She wondered why she was seeing this dream - it was like she was walking around this dream and that feeling in her chest was so warm.

Then she saw a woman who stood in her courage no matter what. Dalia saw the two of them appear before this world. One had a pale shine on her and was born blessed, a catalyst for those who would save the world. She would be the beginning of a hero. She would encourage those who have the heart to save the world. She would be a mentor. For the sake of worlds, she would save them.

The soldier, the walker, and wanderer keeps looking for purpose. While he would forever remember, she would wander worlds first without knowing who she was or where she got her skills and talent. Unknowing about her fated, who constantly chases after, unable to catch up, and always too late to arrive.

Dalia thought it as a saddening story among the many stars she had seen. Still, they were the new arrivals, the two that had shed their normalcy to follow the path. Though she does think that maybe they had forgotten what it was like to see peace. She had seen their longings for it, but the two were so hardened by the worlds they travel, and the pains they had witnessed to know peace.

She felt it on the walker who was too broken to function. The peace hurt him more than any war or murder. To put a man who lived his life in war and battles to a peaceful world was too sad. He had a bleak hope while the woman had hope that shimmers at the darkest day. She was perfect for her role while he was just lost.

One day, like every world, and every timeline they will see each other again. He would be clueless and she would be as well. That has always been their role. The role of two bound by a single curse.

Dalia had seen the mouth of the world closed the moment he arrived. The gateway that should be opened was gone. She was quite startled that the visions were gone. The last of her vision was the arrival of the two. Despite ruling time and space, she could not do anything when even fabrics of time itself won’t move for her. However, the peace that was coming made her happy, for she knows that among the many stars and worlds out in the baubles. This world had succeeded in creating a happy one.

There was healing. There was peace among the world and many who had shared suffering the Greater Evil had come to talk peace and hold hands. Such peace won’t last but it would be known as the only world to have such a phase.

Of course, evil and such would still rise and that there would be many crimes as well. But it was different and the senses of the world changed because of this. The Greater Evil defeated and peace will reign. Every world has a cycle and it would take too long for this world to have one again.

This world was a world that has already been saved. Monsters still ran amok in their lands, but they had no desire other than to live by the way they should live. Humans would chase them and the rest of the races would as well. That was natural and there can be no change in that.

Dalia wondered if the two were sent here because of the peace. Or was this the repentance of the woman who took the life of the eon-father? Or was it the obsidian demon who had been devoured by the one who took the new role of the eon-father?

Still, Dalia did not wish for that woman to suffer. She understood her reasonings and how she was willing to fight gods for the sake of her children. The woman who burns would never find the warmth she was looking for. She was cold and all alone lost in her dreams and thought; locked from the rest of the baubles which contained universes in it. The cosmological multiverse that she rules with no life in it other than her. It was her prison and her own sentence for damming a world of trillions. It was her self imposed punishment.

Dalia closed her thoughts. She watched the horizon and the sparkling ocean. She saw the giants walked the ocean and the sea leviathans jump out of the water. She saw the airships from different lands passed by with her eyes. She had seen so many things. She had been through the hell that she understood the feelings of the two. However, the visions and what she saw must cease. No, she could see the visions being pulled out of her mind. Before long, this world would become isolated from the rest. Many like her who protects their lands could see this. The gateways of cosmos had left them and they were only able to fend for themselves. But Dalia had accepted it. If she didn’t, then she wouldn’t have welcomed them. She and the others would have taken action, but the time of war was over for this world, and it was time for a cycle of peace. It was all thanks to a little hero and the one who guided the world into this path. She thought of it as the birth of a new fairy tale.

Season changes and time as well. Those who are lost don’t stay too long. They travel until their feet are sore. But in any event, even the wanderers of time and space should find rest in a good warm place.

For now, why not give the two wanderers a rest?

This was their moment of silence.

The dragon smiled at her generosity.

Seeing those visions made her dream of an ending she wanted for the two travelers.

She smiled at that dream.

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