The Bleak Walker

Chapter 329: Visitors From the Alf 1

Nolan in the past few days had focused on building the frame of the building. The roof was done. The walls chiseled with wood supported by the stone he carved out of his power. He had the means so he chooses to cut the walls.

Nolan used the funds of his island clearing missions to buy seeds. He used an earth wand which allowed him to grow trees instead of waiting for them to grow. He did it by using his powers to cultivate the land advance the growth of his orchard. He settled a few wooden fences around his home to keep any stray animals from getting inside. When he was done setting in the fences he crafted a bench in front of his cabin. He bought a mattress from the general store and bought utensils. The cabin was simply in a way that it had a room, a small round table that acts as a living room, and a toilet. There was a nationalized bathhouse so he could use that without worrying.

He sat on the bench watching his trees grow. Arel would visit sometimes alongside Ania. He would get a few stray people who amble around his orchard. A church was located near the plaza dedicated to the mother of light. They had two kids and a father who preaches the good word of the holy mother.

Nolan didn’t know why but he carved a cross near his bed. He recalled the days where he sat alongside his father whose face he could no longer remember. The sign of the cross, and a bible in hand while listening to the local priest whose jolly attitude made the trip to the church worth it.

When noon comes he goes to the Sister’s Inn where he would dine alongside Arel and Ania. When that was done he would help in the patrols while keeping the wanderers off the dragon shrine where Dalia won’t get disturbed. Speaking of Dalia, she was fond of an eastern drink which she enjoys. The barrel-sized gourds she drinks made Nolan astonish.

Bach was an accommodating individual and when he’s not lazing near the port. He would invite Nolan to catch these shrimp-like creatures that are the size of coconuts and sell them on the other side of the island. Nolan didn’t know why but the island life followed with things that required him to do made his life busy. He viewed life with the view from above, but when he was here he was forced to care. Time seems slow here and yet fast enough to make him notice a few strange things.

When he’s not doing anything he would teleport himself to the bench where he watches the sun take a dip on the horizon. He spent most of the time gazing and feeling the winds coming from the sea. When night comes he would take a seat inside his cabin and think of how he should expand it to a wonderful cottage.

When it was time to sleep he was stuck in a dream of a world where those who died before him ranted and screamed murder at his face. Some of them held their hands, begging for Nolan to pull them up. Nolan stayed still on a platform made of red light and watched them be pulled down by the strange gray void below his feet. In the morning he wakes up and tends to his fruit trees. When he’s done with tending he would go to where Arel was and helped on his crops.

It was when he took a break to smoke a pipe that he saw the figure of Ashia walking around with a bag. She leaned on the fence and offered a bottled drink that smelled of apples.

“Apple Cider?”

“Yup,” Ashia said. “I heard you were making an orchard farm. Didn’t think you’d go through with it.”

“Miss Ashia,” Arel said.

“Oh, so same person,” Ashia nodded. “I thought he was talking to a different person, Arel.”

“I’m the only Arel around here, Miss.”

"True, still, how do you like your life here?” She asked.

“I should be the one asking that, Headmistress.”

“It’s fun. Kids are so lovely, aren’t they? So young and full of energy.”

She hopped on the fence. “Doing odd jobs seems so suit you.”

“I didn’t think I had it in me. Well, it’s a start, I wouldn’t want to jinx myself, but I think I am adjusting to this place. It also helps I got Arel here to help me out.”

“Glad that you settled in.”

“Friendly, aren’t you?”

“I am in a good mood. Gotta keep the darkness out of you. You wouldn’t mind serving some of the fruits you have grown to my students? The dean told me that they wanted to serve up some snacks. I think it will work out.”

“They can just buy some snacks, you know?”

“Fruits are healthy. How about we talk about it?”

She landed on the stone road and started walking to the direction of the tram. Nolan followed suit with his hands inside his pocket, walking side by side with Ashia. He kicked around a few stones to the side and carried on with his eyes faced forward. A group strolled near the mansion to their side. They went past the bathhouse and entered the plaza. They turned to the flights of stairs and entered the tram. She sat close to Nolan which didn’t surprise him.

“I need a favor from you.”

“Huh?” he looked at her.

“The Alf Council wants to meet. They detected you and have chosen to travel to see. Lady Dalia had intercepted them and had given them her thoughts. But it would be best if you come and let them see.”

Nolan turned serious. He placed a hand on his chin. His other than hand resting on his lap. “I hope they’d be lenient. I have already told you my case. I won’t allow my power to be sealed. But I will talk to them in hopes that they’d understand.”

“Thank you for cooperating. I think you are settling in nicely. I don’t want to ruin this for you.”

Nolan smiled wearily. He held his chest. The urge to walk the earth filled him.

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