The Bleak Walker

Chapter 35: Vero of Sorer

He sat under this hollow tree taller than him. He was eating dried and salted meat. Each bite made a crunching sound. He tasted the flavor. No emotion bloomed upon his face. It was as if he made use of it to live. In this state, he was alive just for the sake of being alive.

Around him were the thick vegetation and the curtains of vines. Wide spade-like leaves have water sliding down the spine of the leaf. The droplet of water melted into the ground, disappearing, along with the wet ground. The droplet continued as the sky teared up.

There was a porcupine-like creature with a navy blue cover of fur. The snout of the creature was at wrist's length. It was snorting the ground, sucking seed fibers from the roots of the trees. The seed fibers come from the roots of trees. They are excess seeds from the towering trees. The towering trees have no name. But, he has known that he could find food under the trees.

A creature that had a crown of teeth appeared and almost took the creature underground. These underground creatures are mole-like abominations that prey on animals that eat the fibers around the trees. The creature was able to evade death through the wet ground.

He watched the whole thing with droopy eyes. He nibbled on the salted meat. His eyes examining the leaves and bushes that swayed from left to right. He was attracting monsters and the monsters are usually middle-tier monsters. He could kill them as long as he doesn't face them directly. Although he knows the weakness of the monsters that are attracted to him, he doesn't dare to face them head-on. He had to make do with hit and run tactics and sneak attacks.

If he was stupid strong he would advocate brute strength. But he didn't have the strength of Heroes. He had to chase his prey down and make them fear. He had to make sure that they are unable to fight in their true potential. He was taught and throughout his years wandering he learned how to exploit these tactics to his advantages.

The 'curse' allowed him to attract the enemies. In the past timeline, he was used to monsters everywhere that it was not unusual for monsters to hunt him down. The curse indeed attracts the monsters but he was making use of the phantasmal oil to dispel his scent and that the curse could confuse the monsters. This, however, was not temporary and once a monster finds him he would have to apply the phantasmal oil. He's been using the oil less hence he was now looking for any monsters.

He has been traveling for weeks around. His delusions of tampering the world were now gone. His only intentions are how to make sure that everything won't be too hard for Ciara. But as he expected Ciara was doing fine and better than the last timeline. She didn't need help and she was getting more campaigns than the last timeline he was in.

Her restored beauty allowed her to effectively charm her followers, and at the same time making them believe in her strength through actions. He didn't have to do anything. In this timeline, she was the master of her fate and the captain of her soul.

He didn't have to do anything so he's just wandering around killing monsters. He has been trekking dangerous lands and re-mapping them. Since leaving Ciara in the Fortress of the Three Fates he has been marking areas and sending them to the adventurers for funds. The adventurers have been making use of his maps to clear the areas.

Tania of the Obsidian has been conquering the lands of the Outer Lands. There are about fifteen territories around the Outer Lands and eight of them have been conquered by Tania of the Obsidian. The death of the Warden of the Barren Lands allowed her to launch a campaign to usurp the Outer Lands.

The Outer Lands are rich in minerals and resources. The grounds are fertile and the monsters are easily subdued by those who are superior to them. Not to mention that there are many locations around the Outer Lands that is ripe for mining. He knows where the locations are but he's wondering what his actions should be. Should he inform the Talon King? Should he spread the information to the miner's society and the merchants behind them?

He knows that this would allow them to gather an army to fight the lands and take them. Indeed, there would be frontiers and new settlements but he's worried that it might cause conflict. He's thinking has been too simple. The fall of Oasis City was a lesson for him. He wasn't thorough about the situation and it leads to Ciara nearly dying. How could he not learn after that?

If he plans to take actions he needs to consider the little things and the smallest of details. He cannot just do things as carefree as he did back in Oasis City. He would be a true fool if he doesn't take what happens and readjust his way of thinking because of it.

That's why he cannot easily tell the miner's society about these goldmines and spots filled with metal and gems. Not to mention that the greediness of a person could reach horrifying degrees. He doesn't dare to assume what the domino effect of these actions. So he has to take measures when he plans to act. That's why he needs careful consideration when making use of these advantages. He was not omniscient or a genius who could clearly predict what will happen.

Thus he can only gather data and make use of the data he collected and enact his plans. He doesn't dare to enact his plans at the moment. Right now he was focused on mapping the territories that the adventurers need to clear the areas.

Knowing what the environment and the enemies are beneficial to the adventurers. They've been taking down the territories of Tania the obsidian slowly. He has been wandering but right now he was hunting down the key monsters and the foundations of Tania the Obsidian's influence. She has taken roots in the Outer Lands and he needs to take these roots out before they can grow and spread.


A man walked through the vegetation and sat near him. He looked at the towering trees and heaved a long heavy sigh. His hands were covered in plate gauntlets. His head covered by a plate helmet that obscured his facial features. His bastard sword was stabbed on the ground.

"Bleak Walking Ghost," said the man. "Your parade of monsters has been making the news. I find it hard to believe that you'd rather not profit from these. Wouldn't it help you with this?"

"Vero of Sorer, are the monsters taken clear off?" asked him.

"Yes," he nodded. "Thanks to your helpful maps and data about the monsters we've been fortunate enough to wipe them out. Ghost, you could make a living writing a book about these monsters. Do you know how the adventurers would thank you for that? Oh please, I am not really planning to have you write the book. Don't give me that face."

"Make use of it if you will." He balled his fists. "I find no reason to be known."

"Ah, what a shame," Vero said. "You'd be a valuable asset for the Inner Lands. Hmm, those poor bastards are still playing their game of politics."

"Hah," he scoffed. "Vero of Sorer, you are a person who won his position through politics and nepotism. You dare to speak of ill of the politics that gave you prominence?"

"And you are a faceless man who I cannot trust. If it wasn't for your maps I would not trust you. Your maps worked and your scouting shows your expertise. You are a good stalker and that I can respect. So do not misunderstand, Ghost." he said with his eyes narrowed.

"Certainly, trusting someone whose face or name you don't know is hard. But, do you not benefit from the things I do for you? Aside from the funds and the ingredients, I am doing this without asking for higher funds. My goal aligns with yours, and that alone is good enough for me. Don't tell me about your trust, adventurer, or would you prefer of me calling you a sir?"He said in a cold tone.

The plated helmet of Vero moved slightly. His eyes pointed at him for a moment. His eyes showed no emotions. He didn't show anything in his eyes, only the red glowing sigils beaming at Vero of Sorer. Vero didn't talk for seconds. The sound of rain hitting the leaves and trees was the only thing to sound out.

"If I didn't know better I would have killed you, Ghost. But I've seen you fight monsters and your way of fighting is clear enough for me to understand that I must not challenge you so easily. I am not that foolish to face a bleak walker like you...not when you can kill monsters so easily. No genius can do what you can do. You must have started walking while barely able to hold a sword," he mouthed.

"You can think whatever you want. Why are you here?" asked him.

"I followed your trail. Ghost you didn't have to really want to leave that trace unless you want me to follow you," he patted his plate helmet. His tone became serious. "As usual we are conquering the areas you've told us. You're not offering supports so my men and I have to kill them ourselves. This Tania of Obsidian Blade is quite the hefty one. She knows how to control her troops and how to defend the lands she usurped. Not to mention she's using the area's advantage to prevail. Your maps helped us but it did not reveal the ambush points or where the monsters are. We've to deal with them ourselves that if it wasn't for your maps and details about the monster's we would've suffered casualties."

"So you are doing fine?"He breathes out.

He grunted, "We are doing fine. Most of our casualties are amateurs who thought they could take the monsters with their non-enchanted sword. The experienced ones are having a time scolding the new ones. We're doing fine but this forest has been making it hard for us to move around. Not to mention this rain has been going about that we've to hide under these hollow trees. I have to admit we would have long got killed if we didn't know about those seed-eating abominations. I guess covering the hollow trees with leaves really made us invisible while resting. Though the cold has been making us shiver."

"Suck it up," he curtly said. "Would you rather burn the whole forest along with yourself? These trees are old and ancient, they easily burn and even this rain won't stop it. And even if you do not die because of the fire you would die because of the monsters that have been attracted by the fire. Always remember that monsters easily assume that humans are around when they see the fire. Keep that in mind if you want to last in this area."

"I got it," he said. "There's no need tell me. But should we really attack the next area? Those monsters are really going to be weakened by the flowers we've spread?"

"They are weakening agents, simple incense that melts with the air. So make sure to wait before attacking the area. Tell your men to cover their mouth and nose," he pointed out.

Vero nodded, "I got it, Ghost," he said. "I'll have them ready. Are you going to advance forward? Monsters gather around you. Are you even tired?"

"I am used to it, Vero of Sorer. Or do you prefer that I leave the monsters around your flanks and tails?" he stood up.

"I understand," said Vero. "Ghost, may you have luck and your threads light, don't die too early, it would be a waste of a valuable asset."

"It's time for you to head back, Vero of Sorer. Let whatever God you worship bless you and your men, Vero."

"The same can said," Vero stood up. He watched him disappear into the fog and melted from the scene. Vero of Sorer stood up. He patted his armor and turned to the direction where most of his men are hiding. They still have territories to conquer and monsters to slay. They shall gain glory from fighting the monsters and take the lands that the monsters dare to usurp. He doesn't trust the Ghostly Walker, yet he could only rely on his knowledge and experience to survive.

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