The Bleak Walker

Chapter 354: A Meeting Of The Cursed Ones

Alice despaired at the thought of it all. It was unlike her to spend her time doing nothing. She wandered this war-torn land and she saw healing. There was only refugees to guide and bastards that needs punishing. Even the case she had seen in that city was an exception. The more time she spent wandering this new world. She realized that she was not needed. That she had been doing nothing, but taking care of problems that would have been solved by itself.

What does a savior do in a saved world?

Alice wanted to ask someone that. But the constant presence that had warmed her for billions of years of lifetime had left her behind. She’s alone now. Alone in a world that doesn’t need someone like her. Of course, she walked around to help people, and do odd jobs to have money on her purse. She really doesn’t need eating or material things. The perks of being alive for too long was that she knew techniques that would allow her to survive without those two. Still, eating was a way to make her feel that she was human despite the things she had done. She understood what she was. There was no helping it. Still, she at least wanted to drown these feelings away.

Hah, a monster, having feelings, what a joke.

That voice inside her said with venom laced on it. She could not be easily poisoned or hurt. Yet her heart was in pieces and her soul was cracking. She had become unstable to the point that she wondered if she would implode at any second. She had keep herself from walking on cities and towns. The more she wandered this world the more she realized that there was barely nothing for her to do. There were occasional problems such as roadside thugs and people that needed help on the road. She had stopped counting which people she had helped. If she wasn’t good at helping and doing things quickly then she would be embarrassed, knowing, that she lived long enough to know what to do already. Wouldn’t it be more embarrassing if she could not?

Alice stared at the stretched landscape of rolling mountains and hills. Sightseeing was the prime hobby of those who have perpetual lives like her. If she was going to be asked who she would rather share this scenery, then she would like it shared within the comfort of someone she cared. But that will never happen.  The Eon-Father had took him away. And she have no right to think about affections when she herself was a monster to him.

She didn’t know how it took her this long. Or was it because of how desperate she was after having her babies used as batteries for the world? Her twins…the children that she gave birth to. If…the Eon-Father didn’t found them. If she had not given them such heavy power…would she have been able to live that life? A quiet life watching that calm river, listening to the sound of bamboo, watching him work.

But that will never happen, she thought. She had lost herself to rage and had given herself the power that made her an owner of her own prison. Even though she had the power now. She can still tell that some parts of her soul were scattered in different timelines where she is forever bound to fight for others. She could see them like multiple monitors she could only watch perpetually.

Still, that child that was inside, that little miss that was covered with dirt, and smelled of grass. She wondered if she could ever come back to that kind of behavior. She was a witch that was left alone inside a hut. She recalled the days where she made spells and potions, and waited for people to come to her. It was only when that Knight came to her that things changed. That she understood who she was. She had tried to help, but one of the Greatest Sages in that timeline had caused her to be cursed. She had become the Burnt Woman. A woman destined to be burnt for the sake of those who are around her.

Still, a good amount of her wanted to experience that peace. If anything, she understood why she couldn’t let go of him.  She felt pathetic as she continues to grimace at the sight. It was only when she noticed a small figure on the side of the hill staring at the sky. She was small, barely six, and she wore ragged clothes. Her soul felt familiar and that green tint of her hair made her chest tremble. She could see that her soul was cleansed. She had undergone the proper cycle of reincarnation.

Alice had already walked to the little girl. Alice froze once she got closer. The little girl opened her eyes wide and cowered, expecting to be hit. Alice gave her a smile and kneeled on one knee “I am not here to hit you, don’t worry.”


She continued covering her head. Alice was about to reach out when she suddenly saw a face overlap. Her limbs froze and she saw the soul that was as cursed as her. She didn’t know why, but she was rattled.  The person in front of her was cleansed. Truly reborn…yet why is she like this?

“Okay, calm down, I won’t hurt you,” she called to the little girl. The little girl opened her large round eyes, and stared at Alice. “Who are you?”

“Alice Dame, and you are?”

“Nia,” she pointed at herself. “You won’t bully me?” She said with shaking voice.

“No, I won’t,” Alice said. “Where are your parents?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “They left Nia around an alley and never came back.”

“Oh, would you like to be with me? I can help you.”

She looked up to her. “Why?”

“I just want to help.”

Alice smiled, no, she forced herself to smile. She knew who this little girl was, and she knew that she wanted to care for this little one because of it. Vie, the green-haired bleak walker with a poisonous hair. The girl that was forever damned to die on a well.

She was once called Vie. But right now, she was just Nia, a girl who had lost everything.

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