The Bleak Walker

Chapter 359: Earned Peace

Nolan piggybacked a kid who got his knees hurt. The little boy was crying as he wiped his tears. “Come on, your knee will be fine once we get a hold of your Teacher.”

“But!” the kid protested.

Nolan smiled. “Now, now, crying will make it less hurt, but it will be fine. Besides, how many times have I told you not climb the vines? If I didn’t catch you then you would have broken something.”

“I am sorry.”

“I know you are, but be careful, okay? Teacher Ashia will scold me if I don’t watch you.”

Nolan plodded the hill until he saw the building. On the backyard of this building there was a woman wearing a dress, a shawl around her shoulders, and a gentle expression. Her golden locks shone brightly when the afternoon sun hits it. She was raising her finger at the students while off-hand was placed on her lips. She had a different face, body, and a new name yet her soul remained the same. She called herself Ciara Alician once, but now she was just Ashia Salvatore.

Nolan carried the kid back to the backyard. The little boy slid down his back and raised her hand. His little eyes begged Ashia to tend to her wound. Her face changed with worry and after producing a milky glow from her palm. The wounds of the kid was gone. The little boy turned to face the wall after Ashia was done with him. She excused herself from the kids and let her assistant teacher, named Mary, take care of the kids.

“Thank you for finding him,” she said. “I couldn’t leave the kids alone.”

“I know what you have to do. Besides, I shouldn’t really intrude when it comes to your classes.”

“Oh, I don’t mind. I am Headmaster of the School so there is no need. Besides, I believe that I am giving you too much tasks. I wanted to travel around with you, but it seems I cannot do it yet.”

Nolan shook his head. “Please, for once I don’t want travel around. I’ve been doing that for years that it has been tiring. I am a bleak walker, you know? I do a lot of walking so don’t mind it. Besides, I like Concordia, and especially seeing that smile on your face.”

“You flatter too much,” she said, but she’s smiling. Nolan couldn’t help but stare at that smile. All she know of Ciara was that steeled-look and the constant worry. With the weight of the world lifted from her shoulders. She seems like she found a place where she can be without worry.

“I really like seeing you this way.”

“I do. I…should have done this. It feels good running away from it all. But is it right?”

“This is not the world we vowed to protect. Still, it is home. You’ve done well for the years you’ve spent in this world that it makes me quite ashamed to have someone as wonderful as you.”

“Oh please,” she thumped his shoulder. “In what world would you have a man so loyal that he would travel worlds upon worlds and fight gods and demons? Nolan, I hope you don’t forget that three souls have merged into one inside of me. And as Tania, who have been with you since you could remember, I couldn’t imagine separating from my other half. Goodness, you were so forceful, that I sometimes wonder if I’d like dominant men. Still, I am happy that my heartaches are soothed now, not to mention, that I can be with you! I feel blessed that we can finally walked under the sun.”

Nolan thought of the journey. It was painful and yet he took a step forward. That was the only way to go. He was glad that the long walk allowed him this warmth. This warmth may not last, but Nolan had thought that he would cherished it as long as he could.

He couldn’t help but smile. Ashia raised a brow and elbowed him. “You’ve been smiling a lot. Goodness me, you make me feel young again.”

“Our souls are old, but not our bodies.”

“Thankfully for that,” she dragged her boot on the ground.  “Come, Mary might get annoyed if we dally too much.”

The two of them returned to where Mary was. Mary was a simple girl who had aspirations of teaching. She showered the kids with her own gentle smile and taught them. Nolan stayed on the side to watch the two women teach the kids. Once in a while, the kids would gather around Nolan where he would play around with them. Around the corner of his eyes, he saw Ashia giggling happily. There was an expectant glare on her eyes that made Nolan wonder what she was thinking.

When the class was over the kids were escorted back to their homes. Nolan and Ashia took the curved scenic route and walked quietly watching the afternoon sun paint the seas with its colors. Various giants rose from the depths of the seas and floated. Nolan and her continued strolling until they reached their humble home. The orchard that Nolan has been keeping were flourishing. Around the trees were baskets filled with produce. There were workers who came from the other side of the island carrying the baskets into wagons. Some of them gave a greeting while the rest continued harvesting the fruits. The once simple cabin that he had built became rather grand. It became a proper two-storied brick house that was made painstakingly by the two of them. He was proud of their work and the house could still be expanded if there is a need for it.

Ashia entered the house first. Nolan was about to enter the house when he stopped for a second. His eyes drifted to the skies where he saw a faint object that was there. It was round with a faint halo around it. He squinted his eyes further and saw that it seems to be a moon. He hadn’t noticed the moon before, and thought that it was just hidden. Still, he couldn’t help, but feel worry at the sight of this new round object that had happened in the sky.

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