The Bleak Walker

Chapter 60: The Knight of Salvatore

There was a knight who stood before a fallen enemy. Sword glowing, he was covered with an aura of bleakness, this knight who suddenly appeared out of nowhere surprised the admirers of the War Maiden who was adored by all. He was a nameless knight who goes by the name of 'Knight Salvatore'; some call him Knight of Salvatore.

He was someone who took the position that everyone coveted. He wore a bright armor at first but those who were against him mocked him. He was told unworthy and because of this, he had to dye his armor black as obsidian. The nobles wanted to replace him as a knight. After all, they've wanted to take that title to get closer to the War Maiden. Why was he chosen? Even the Prince's that coveted to be the Knight of the War Maiden was rejected!

They could not accept this result thus they challenged this knight. He was skilled. And throughout the times he was challenged none was ever able to defeat him. It was not that he was great in handling the sword. He was also the owner of a particular sword that could cut through weapons with ease. He was like a monster dressed as a knight. The person who was standing before him was now cut down, breathing, horrified, and his pants soaked wet.

Knight Salvatore kept his sword pointed towards his enemy, the enemy terrified to attack again. The audience heard that he was a man of skill, yet they never expected that a Knight was no match for this man who wore an armor black as the night in response to his insulters.

"He's certainly strong." A man in decorated armor spoke in admiration. "You have an eye for your Knights, Lady Ciara."

Ciara turned towards the man with her eyes, "Yes. I didn't choose him simply. Is there anyone that still wants to question him? My Knight...has have been through a lot of trouble. I do not interfere out of the fact that I could tear through them like paper—and that I know my Knight can handle them well."

"We know that," said the man. "Certainly, though you know that this displeases the alliance."

"And you will all follow me because of this mark," Ciara said without any care. "You can play your game of politics along with the others. Count me out."

"I am afraid that it is impossible," said the man. "Your power is enough for us to fear. The Heroes are your allies and no one would refuse to be part of your army. Even the Holy City would not think twice of entering an alliance. You are aware of all this yet you choose to act this way, Lady War Maiden."

She casts a gaze upon this man, "Power is power. And I am no fool either. I didn't choose him just because. I choose him because he had no alliance. He didn't have any faction."

The man kept his silence. He looked at the Black Knight who stood victoriously on the arena. It was clear that this man was not easy to deal with. Eyes moving slowly, he turned to the War Maiden and sighed slowly. "I can have them stop. But you will have to put this man in danger, Lady Maiden."

"He can take it."


He walked towards the center of the room, his sword tightly held, and his gait slightly oppressing. Ciara sat on a throne with a smile on her face.

"You've done well, Nolan."

"I would have been embarrassed about losing to them"

She walked up to him, hands going for the strap that was keeping the helmet of Nolan from flying. The helmet was taken by Ciara, revealing Nolan's stoic face.

"Hot isn't it?"

"I got used to it."

She patted the helmet and placed it on her lap.

"Are they going to throw more shit on me?"

"They will. Those people won't stop bothering you."

"I see."

He nodded, eyes pointing down, hands clenched badly. Ciara examined him from head to toe. Her eyes had this energetic glare.

"I could ask them to politely stop. But abuse of power might make the citizens scared off me."

"Politics...I really hate it being involved with it."

She nodded in agreement.

"I understand that frustration. But I think they won't do anything for fear that they might lose me. As selfish as they can be, they are still reasonable men that knows how important it is to take hold of a weapon like me. Trying to anger a weapon that has its own will could be terrifying."

"A weapon, you call yourself like that?"

"Why should I not?" she smiled bitterly. "Isn't that why they give me all of this stuff? I would have thought that they are decent and kind people, but the wisdom of the past war maidens tells me they are just doing this out of benefit."

He nodded, "That just how it is."

"I know. Everyone is motivated by self-interest. I know that better than anyone else."

He kept his silence. She looked at him, standing still, quiet as a ghost.

"Should I kill them all?"

"Don't," said Ciara. "It would be wise to keep them alive. You should know this better, Nolan."

"I know that, Ciara. But they pissed me off enough that I want to slit their throats."

"Sounds terrible to hear," she smiled thinly. "But they'll have someone to blame. They'll frame you and order you around. These royal bastards are quite prideful aren't they?"

He nodded.

"Anyway," Ciara continued. "I know that I am keeping you around for my own benefit. I just hate it that they keep insisting that I have someone to accompany me when I can take care of myself. I am sorry that I have to make you my own knight, Nolan."

"It is my pleasure."

She smiled thinly, threw the helmet towards Nolan.

"I really hope that they won't go overboard with their ordering around."

Starting to her feet, she placed her arms around Nolan's neck.

"Can you not stay?"

"I am your knight, Ciara. I have to take care of these problems for you now that they agreed to let me become your Knight. I just have to endure it until I have enough credit in my hands to prove them all wrong."

He took care of the problems that were needed to be solved through his presence. No one knew of Nolan other than that he was the Knight of Salvatore that was chosen by the War Maiden herself. There were many who wanted to covet the position from him but he has successfully fended them off.

It was not his choice to take this role. All he knew that he learned that they were annoying Ciara and was forcing her to have someone by her side, acting like a knight. So he had to step in and show them who her true knight was. He has become a Knight for her. He didn't even have the thought that one day he would become one.

"Odd," he thought. He was walking the streets. "I thought that I'd be wandering the dark. Why am I here now?"

He continued trotting down until he reached a lavish house. Two knights stood in front of him, dressed colorfully, holding two halberds, eyes piercing Nolan who wore a black armor reinforced with Tania's blood.

"Are you the Knight of Salvatore?" asked the knight?"

"Yes," said Nolan. "Tell him that I am here."

The Knight that was standing guarded wanted to say something. But the red glow that was emitting from Nolan's helmet made them shiver. It was that same glow that reminded them that the person in front of them was the Knight who triumph over the Knights of the Light' s Army.

Their reaction made Nolan sigh in relief. He did not want to show off his skills unless necessary. He made his through the building, entered a room, found a person who was looking for him. His name was Commander Jules, a rugged man who was part of the army. Normally, he would not bow his head towards anyone. But, the person who was before him was someone who he respected. He bowed his head.

"The Knight of Salvatore would bow his head?" asked Commander Jules.

"Not for everybody," said Nolan. "It is a pleasure to meet the Hundred-Man Slayer himself."

"You know me?" laughed Commander Jules. "I thought that I would have to test your skills. But it seems like we will get along just fine."

Commander Jules would have tested Nolan if he showed the same attitude.

"Sit down," Commander Jules said. "I can tell why the War Maiden herself chooses you, but let me ask you, Knight of Salvatore, what are you really are?"

"I am a Wanderer, an errant you might say."

"I see," Commander Jules nodded. "You have two sigils in your eyes, is this true?"

"Yes," said Nolan. "You should know what that means, Commander Jules."

"I know," Commander Jules leaned on his right hand. "As the Knight of the War Maiden, I hope that you can assist her. She has the heroes but she still needs someone to be by her side. I was not against her when she chooses you out of the many Knights of the Light's Army. Please do not fail her."


There was nothing much to talk about that meeting. Nolan returned to the castle unhindered and went to look for Ciara. She was cross-legged, hands open, eyes close, and her aura brimming wildly with a glow that made the servants around the area fall back.

"You are here?" she said.

"Yes," Nolan nodded. "Are you synchronizing with the War Maidens?"

"I am," she smiled. "They are quite proud and boastful. They have shown me many techniques and knowledge. Every day I feel like I was being enriched by them. How is the trip to him?"

"I am glad that I did," Nolan said. "Commander Jules is a man worthy of respect. I feel sorry that he had to be dragged into the realm of politics."

She nodded, "I met him. He was a fine Commander and was indeed the only person who was worth listening to. Even the other royal factions could not help but listen to him. What did you two talk about?"

"Monster slaying," Nolan took out a scroll. "And matters that needed to be discussed by us. It seems like there are people that are willing to profit from us and are using the contrabands for extra profit."

"Oh?" asked Ciara. "What should we do?"

"If you permit," he looked at Ciara. "I can eliminate them."

"Do you want to work as a Ghost?" asked Ciara. "You know that we could leave them alone."

"I know. But it would best if we remove all the disease. Or do you want me to control the supply?"

Ciara folded her arms, eyes pointed down. "Isn't it odd that the War Maiden, daughter of Light, favored by the War Maiden doing these things?"

"That's how it is," said Nolan. "I think the War Maidens will agree with this."

"They do," she nodded. "We need the funds to support an army. So do it. Control the supplies and let the flow of money enter directly into the funding of the Light's Army. If the three-fates are right we would need to prepare for the dimming that will happen."

He nodded. He was about to leave when Ciara called out for him. "Are you going to be fine?"

"I will be," said Nolan, continuing walking away from Ciara.

He would love to stay but sadly he has a role to play for her. He was back to where he was in the past world. Beside her, supporting her with everything he can. It was funny actually. That somewhere along the line he ended up going back to this role.

He didn't have complaints though. He had spent a wonderful time with her. He knew that they have their own parts to play and simply spending it all the time together would do them no good. They were bound by this sense of duty and cruelly, they have to follow this unless they want to fate to work against them.

But it was okay for Nolan. He let go of the worries that he had on that place where they danced. He could no control fate, therefore, he can only try his best to steer it on the path that would allow him and her to be happy. Going against fate was hard, but letting fate drift you was easier, thus steering it would fare him better.

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