The Bleak Walker

Chapter 67: Spiced Snow

She dreamt of a scene that made her feel like it happened. Awakening with tears rolling down her cheeks, the War Maiden was defenseless. In this room she was true to herself, Tucked in bed, her blanket covering her lower body. She stared at the ceiling with reddish eyes. The room that was around her was spacious yet she was alone.

"Another day?" she thought. "I should command them again. I wonder how it will go."

She looked at the world. It was grey and cold. As if there was a constant coldness around. She was blessed with power. She has everything now yet her heart was so heavy and cold. She found it hard to stand up. Not because she was tired or anything. She just felt like it was so tiresome to move her body. Her cold and dulled face thought of the dream.

She remembered dancing on a hill. Above her was the blanket of stars that resembled droppings of milk. In front of her was the person who was a constant heartache to her life. Dancing and giggling while their hands interlocked. That dream alone was the reason she would tire herself out. Hoping that she would dream of the time she was with that man.

"Why?" she thought. "I didn't ask for all of this in the first place."

In fact, at the time she was at rock bottom. That man carried her through various places. Not caring about the weight or the enemies he has to face. His warm back was the only thing she could rely on at that time. No matter how broke she was when she lost her legs. That man took her hand and made her believe in Hope.

It was only because of that hope she did not give up on herself. She believed that she can believe in him about her fate as a War Maiden. Funnily, she was ready to give herself to him. He saw what she had to offer. She remembered the sweet caring hands she received during that time. No matter how uncaring she was. She could still fondly remember those times.

Now she was alone. It was like she back at the time before she met her in that alley. His appearance was sudden and short. Like an enigma that made her infinitely curious. Her cold heart was struck and her defenses were quickly shaken. It was like he knew what to hit her in a short time. Her heart could only curse at this man.

But now Ciara, the War Maiden was now all alone again. Treated like a Queen and a figure of importance. A woman with a beauty that makes the Princes and Nobles beg for her hand. Many wanted to be her Knight yet she never accepted them. She could clearly see their lusty gaze. She could see the desires of them.

She has to take care of the Six Heroes. She was their conduit and with their awakening, she could clear their power flowing on her. She does not have the time for their self-interests. Her heart was still and cold. The thought of seeing that stern man deprived of life, carried within a coffin. She could not believe it. She could not believe that the man that would die so pathetically.

But she knew that the person in the coffin was the same man who made her heart. Now she was lost again. Her world back to what it was. Dull, cold, and uncaring without any warmth. Without him, she was now Ciara the War Maiden, the Strongest and Fairest War Maiden that the world has to witness. A War Maiden that could join hands with the Heroes and defeat their eternal enemy.

Her cold demeanors made the pesky nobles leave her alone, proclaiming that she was tasked by the War God to save the world. She didn't have any time for such things but in truth, she only wanted to hide her heart from the heartache was killing her inside.

Ciara moved from her bed and wore her usual garments. A plated armor crafted from the greatest materials and a sword that could endure her strongest strikes and thrusts. She has ornaments and boxes of jewels that she could decorate her hair. But now she just let her hair loose without care. Her ears twitched at the noise of the maid's footsteps. She was not fond of the maids. She was a person that was used to taking care of herself.

Ciara moved near the window. The city's roofs reflected in her eyes. She could tell that there was a throng of people going around. Her senses were at their peaks and her vision could discern the activity. Her eagle-like eyes scouted the whole of the city. The castle was positioned in an elevated area and because of it, it could scope the city whole. Her eyes moved around scanning everything that she could take in. She was hoping that there would be a sign of him.

"How delusional of me," she grumbled. She grabbed hold of her sword. Her face crumpled. Anyone who could see her right now would widen their eyes at the sight of her usual expression gone.

There was nothing but a lonely woman here. She was mourning and the worst part was that she hoped that the man she's thinking about would give her a miracle. It has been quite a while yet there was nothing like that. The snow was starting to fall heavy. And before long her world would go grow even colder than before.

"My world shouldn't revolve around him," she thought. "I have to save this world along with the Heroes. That is my duty. That's why he carried me to that place and gave me all of this power. He would be angry if I waste it all, right?"

She gave a painful smile. Her brought her palms on cheeks and rubbed it. The window reflected her face covered in tears. She felt like a fool doing this ever since seeing that coffin. She never thought that one day she would feel so rock bottom despite having it all. Riches, power, fame and even the beauty she thought she would never have again.

"But what's the point of this?" she grumbled.

She walked along the carpet-ridden hallways. Passing through the decorated walls, columns riddled with gold and silver. Upon entering a fall, a group of maids bowed her, their expressions solemn at the sight of the War Maiden.

"Good Morning, Lady Ciara."

The harmonious voices of the maids didn't bother her. She marched on with her left hand on the hilt of her sword. She then entered cone hallway leading up to a majestic throne that was specifically made her. It was a wooden throne laced with comfortable stuff. The velvet throne was crafted from the hands of the greatest craftsmen of the Inner Lands.

The door opened wide. Ciara calmly seated on her throne. Her left hand placed on the left. Her right hand supported her cheek. She gazed at the line of nobles that entered through the door. They are wearing articles of clothing that could buy the troops at her disposal enough food to last for a week. She was rather displeased already.

The scowling look was quickly noticed by the Nobles. Their minds halted before they gingerly fell in a column. Inside their heads was regret. They showed their unpleasing side to the woman in front of them. Ciara, the strongest and fairest War Maiden, was clearly displeased at their appearance. But they can do nothing about it.

A noble with a felt halt stepped in front of Ciara. He kneeled and gazed upon her. He was clearly shaken looking at the War Maiden. Her cold yet beautiful face made her so striking. She was like a flower planted on top of a snowy mountain, where she could shine and be gazed at. He heard that there was a sudden change of attitude that happened after a Hero appeared. There were rumors surrounding it but it was quickly silenced.

"I have come to greet the War Maiden!"

The noble said. Ciara nodded and let the Noble go. Another Noble followed and so on she listened to their prattling. She didn't say anything. She kept a stony face until the farce was over. Then what followed was the commanders of the Light's Army that gathered under her banner. They reported the movements of their enemies and the plan to take Oasis back and repair the barrier separating the Barren and the Inner Lands.

She nodded at the reports. She tapped the arm of her throne. The Commanders stared at the War Maiden as she then instructed them. She made use of the experiences of the previous War Maidens to lead them. Each of her commands was precise and the Commanders could not find fault. After that, they bid their farewell and left Ciara alone in her Velvet Throne.

A cold wind entered from an opened window. Ciara glanced out the window. The clouds were forming and the clouds cried snow. She rose from her velvet throne and neared the window. Her dull eyes reflecting the snowflakes that slowly swayed down from the sky. She looked around her. An aura coated her and before long she pulled the window completely open and leap out of the window.

She glided down into the roofs of the city houses. She gazed at the sky as a snowflake then fell on her palms. She glanced at the hill where she once dreamt. She moved towards there, occasionally stopping by to look at the hubbub of people walking around. Along the way she found a stall selling spiced wine. She bought some, tucked it into her bag and carried on her way. The cape of hers disguised her and before long she found herself on the foot of the hill. Slowly climbing the cape and hood of hers was dyed in the snow. She found the bench where she dreamt of dancing. With the spiced wine in her hand, she sat on the bench.

The snow fell on top of her head. With a sip, she tasted the wine while staring at the city. She didn't know why but by the time she was done drinking five bottles, the scene of that dream carried on. Like a scene from a time she could not remember. She was blessed by the War Maiden and she knew that she was immune to all kinds of spells and charms. But the dream-like feeling of her dancing so happily made her question that. If this was the way the War God was treating her kindly then she was glad.

It might be a dream or a delusion created by her pained heart. But she chooses to believe that it was some sort of treat. She raised the bottle of spiced wine with a bitter smile on her face. She bit the side of her lip and laughed as if mad. She lowered her head. Tiny droppings of tears wetted the ground she was staring at.

She then gazed at the happy woman dancing in front of her. She did not know why she was seeing this. She doesn't even know if this was supposed to be a treat or a painful reminder. But clearly what she was right now was just alone. In this lonely hill, a War Maiden sat drinking spiced wine, watching a memory she has no recollection off.

Her crumpled face and tear wetted face. Her loose hair flapped about as the snow dyed her hair white. She leaned on the bench grumbling at the sight of this painful mirage. Then like a flash of a film she saw painful scenes that she could not recollect at all. As if showing what could have been. She didn't know she could see the mirages of pasts and future. The powers of the Three Fates rumbled and she knew instantly that this was the power that allowed her to catch a glimpse of the fate.

It made her confuse. How could she have so many fates?

And why was all the fate she could catch a glimpse ends with her crying or him walking bleakly until he kneels down and bows his head in surrender?

Then as if the mirage was finally done. The scene of the dancing woman faded away along with a gust of wind. As the mirages stop the War Maiden was left alone in cold silence. And so with a drink, the War Maiden took all her worries and drowned in on a bottle.

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