The Bleak Walker

Chapter 74: Sons of Helios Part 1

At dusk, the room was filled with clamor. The members of the Sons of Helios quarreled over the current events. The Captain of these members had his hands full. He didn't expect that there would be someone brazen enough to attack the Sons of Helios at their peak!

"Captain!" said the thug. "We are being raided!"

"I know that you fool! How many?"

"We don't know, Captain!"

The storm made it harder for them to see. The rain lashed out against the windows and the tiles of the roofs made sounds as if they were going to break sooner or later. The Captain felt his heartbeat grow louder as the second passes. How can anyone be so brazen to attack them?

"Captain!" another thug rushed in. "The guys in the back are-"

The thug's head suddenly was popped by something of black hardened flesh. The Captain's mouth hung open before he took action and covered.


The walls shook and the lighting inside the room was gone. The papers on the table were blown to the windows. The thugs inside screamed as the total darkness had allowed them to unable to see. This blindness cause chaos and before the thunder rolled, two of the thugs were dead, and the Captain had wounds all over his body.

He was able to evade the initial attack by jumping out of the window. He landed face-first on the knee-length puddle. His teeth were broken and his left cheek bleeding from the hasty jump. The lighting inside that room has returned yet the thugs inside were dead.

"No!" he shouted. The thugs that heard the commotion rush towards the scene. The Captain's eyes shook at this. He didn't want his men to die! He had to stop them from coming. "No! The enemy is right here!" he bellowed loudly as he could.

But it was too late already. The shadowy figure that attacked them synchronized with the sound of thunder and rain. The Captain saw it clear how one of his men had his head cleaved open. Those that tried to use their pistols got their hands slashed at.

It was then that he saw the man's skull mask made of stony dark flesh. The bloody eyes of the predator that has targeted them made his pants warm. His vision blurred and his hearing echoed as he felt his body turned towards the exit of the square.

"Help us!"

"Gods! What are you!"

Limbs that are as dark as the night. Red eyes that seem to glow like fire rubies. A face that resembled a black skull that was recently skinned by a sharp blade. The body that had strange tentacle-like sinews that could pierce through flesh easily.


It was a monster that had no place in this new world. He had been told by his nannies and elders of the world before the appearance of the blessed maiden of the Gods. He remembered his nanny telling him in his room of the tales of monsters and those who fight them.


He thought of one of the tales that his nanny told him. It was the tale of a monster called Wraith. Creatures that haunts those who had done deplorable deeds and would meet their death the moment they stare at the Wraith's eyes. Recalling the story made the Captain's legs lose strength. He sat on the puddled water with his nose cringing at the smell coming from his bosom.

"Spare me!" he pleaded the monster.

The monster executed one of the thugs as if he was squashing a watermelon with his bare hands. He turned his eyes towards the Captain and pointed his palm. His palm churned and needle-like flesh that resembled obsidian flung rapidly towards him.

The Captain ducked out of fear. He avoided death and he didn't think for a second before running towards the exit. But the monster didn't give him any succor that he would escape. He knew it too well that running away from such monster that had tormented the stronghold of the Sons of Helios wouldn't leave anyone alive.

What was his goal? The Captain thought as dashes with reckless abandon. Nonetheless, it was a fruitless effort as he was easily lifted by the ankle, he was pulled up, flesh tearing, as he screams in pain. The skulled-face monster trod towards the Captain with a chilly gaze. Behind him was the thugs strewn with their limbs separated from their body, their entrails decorating the floor. The Captain didn't notice it before yet now he was able to discern the guards that should have been watching from a bird's eye view.

The monster had simply methodically decimated them. Starting from the guards watching from above and down to the bottom where most of the thugs were. The thunder and rain made for excellent cover yet he realized that it didn't matter in the first place.

Whoever this monster was it was proficient in hunting down folks one by one. Their numbers didn't matter when it comes to someone who had planned to kill them separately. The Captain felt his breathing tighten as he looked at the monster readying its claw against his stomach.

"Please no-ah, God, please help me! Ah, spare me!"

The Captain's stomach was cleaved open by five sharp claws. The Captain couldn't even further as the monster tore open his throat, and pulled his tongue. The monster then smashed the Captain's head on the walls. The stronghold of the sons of Helios was wiped out and the scene of carnage polluted the district.

When the other members of the stronghold arrived. They witnessed half of the thugs have their skin turned into a rope that was then used to tie around their neck. The officer of the Sons of Helios arrived two hours after dawn. He saw the carnage and vomited in front of the entrance. The amount of entrails that strewn across the stone floor had left the Officer unable to sleep. What he saw was simply the madness that had happened here.

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