The Bleak Walker

Chapter 76: Sons of Helios Part 3

It was a decorated room filled with weapons. There was a luxurious couch that acted both as a throne and a bed. There was a veiled woman sitting in a lotus position while meditating. Around her were four multicolored balls of energy. Fire, water, earth, and the wind. Her silver-gold hair held the light so unimaginable to those who lived on such a new world. Her eyes changed periodically into different colors as the glow around her flickers.

“Hail, Blessed Maiden!” a person wearing silky decorated clothes heart-saluted her.

“Speak,” she said. Her cold tone turned the room colder for a brief second.

The person swallowed his saliva, his hands shaking as he musters the courage to look at the person who is the center of the Empire. Those who favor her are told to have power and those who don’t are treated but trash. How can they stand in front of the person blessed by God?

Beauty that could make a nation fall.

The strength that could take on armies.

The wisdom that she gathered from her eternal life.

“I’ve come here to fight for the hand of my beloved. I am Cero of House Cheery, and I fell in love with one of your family members. I wish to take her hand in marriage and to love her forever.”

“So you come here wishing for my permission?”


“I see. Then you should know that I cherish my family. Tell me. Why does the current matriarch of my family not think of you well enough? What gave you the courage to be here?”

“Because I do love her, milady.”

All the fear that he had was gone for a brief second. The veiled woman stared at his eyes, her lips forming a smile as she nods her head. “Your words resonate finely. Tell me. Will you love her even if her face gets burned?”

“My love is not so shallow like that.”

“Will you carry her on your back even if you are a surrounded by the hideous creatures of darkness?”

“My great grandfather would call me a coward and I am no coward! I have come here and even if I have to die trying to make you agree! I would do it!”

And suddenly there was a coldness that made him shudder. If that coldness a while ago was indifference then this was cold fury. Cero could not imagine what made the Veiled Maiden act like this.

“Do not speak like that if you truly love her. A man should take responsibility when you make a woman fall for you. Do not leave her alone and make her suffer a heartbreak of never saying goodbye and disappearing without a trace. If you do that then I shall not let you have my family.”

The veiled woman turned towards space with such a lonesome mood around her.

“No woman should fall in love so badly and be left alone with such heart. I will let you have one of my great-granddaughters. But let it be said that if I hear that they have their hearts broken. Then know that I will hunt you down no matter what even if it means getting out of this chamber. Do you understand that?”

Cero could not help but smile at that remark.

“I will not do so. I will personally deliver my head to you if that ever happens.”

“Good. I shall be watching.”

And so the man named Cero left the chamber of the Veiled Maiden. Ten seconds passed and a woman clad in shadows jumped beside the Veiled Maiden with silence.

“Investigate that man’s family. I want to know everything about someone who wants to join my Alician Family. Seek their objectives and see if they have ulterior motives. The Alician Family has stayed neutral and unless the dark rises or a demon arrives in this city, then we shall not be used by anyone.”

“Yes, milady.”

“Hmm, tell me, what is the news outside these chambers?”

The woman clad in black was silent for a while.

“There has been news of slaughter...some are saying that there is a monster hunting down the gang members of the Sons of Helios.”

“Tell me more, Nia”

The shadow woman nodded.

“A week ago an unknown person has started methodically killing the territories of the Sons of Helios. Ever since then they have lost three districts and many of their members have died.”

“Do you know who’s doing it? I assume that you already know?”

“No, grandmother,” she said. “The murderer is as quiet as a ghost. I’ve tried to follow his tracks but their enemy this time knows how to hide well. I have tried following the enemy but he was like a shadow as well.”

“Is that so?” the veiled woman’s brows sharpened. “Have you seen this ‘monster’ fight?”

“I have seen a glimpse of it, milady. The enemy fights savagely and he makes use of stealth well. Although, he leaves a throng of bodies,  he is doing well.”

“Someone is actually so brazen to start a slaughter in this city? Hmm, is this a newcomer?”

“I believe so. But it was as if this monster appeared out of nowhere. I had tried to find traces of where this man came from. I had no luck. Almost like a phantom.”

“He’s breaking the status quo that we have maintained for years. Indeed, I understand that they are doing things that I cannot stomach. But we control them, and we prevent the worst from taking over. The sons of Helios have been branded as a necessary evil in this new world of ours so that the Sunspawn Knights can care for this world. Nia, tell the Sunspawn Knights to move, along with the Crusaders of Salt Passing, and tell them to bring a wizard from the Wizard’s Society and protect that wizard. I will be counting your maidens of throes as well.”

“Isn’t this too much for one monster?”

“Nia,” she said calmly. “Never underestimate an enemy. The enemy must be neutralized to maintain control. The Empire has been stretched thin. The Tian Islanders and the Holy Order of the Pontifex demand the killing of any monsters as well.”

“Your wish shall be granted, milady.”

“Good. Now leave me.”

Nia disappeared from sight. The Veiled woman squeezed her eyes and focused her power on the elemental orbs. Without her guidance then the powers that lifts this city would be slowed down. She must not slack on this self-imposed duty of hers. For that has been her eternal duty for over four hundred ninety-nine years.

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