The Bleak Walker

Chapter 85: Eternal Hawk’s Sigil Part 2

A man was punched on the nose. His nose bled as he tried leaning on the wall. The person who was punching the man did another punch before punching him unconscious. Nolan picked up the journal of the man and sat down on the floor. He opened the journal and read on. His eyes red eyes shining within the darkness. The eternal hawk continuously. The white on his eyes had become gray and there was this darkness within it.

“Had to get rid of the documents as the boss said. The knights are doing this because they think that the Porters are trying to get inside the Alician. Heard they are looking a sword or some sort. Some kind of artifact that belonged to an old warrior in the past. The Porters want to take the sword and give it back to them.”

Nolan flipped another page. The thoughts of the man he just knocked out were written like a report.

“Heralds were working with the Porters. Had to carry to the message for Boss, again. Can’t believe that someone is targeting the Sons of Helios. Thought it was all rumors until three districts were lost and half of our caravan supply was gone. We were protected but it seems some has a daring to go after us. Probably had a backing or the Porters are doing some scheming again.”

“Porters?” Nolan thought. “Hmm, must be an organization from an unknown faction.”

He continued reading.

“Wife’s gone to labor. Had to make it back home in three days or I’ll miss my child’s birth. I wonder what I should name him if he’s a man, and what if it’s a girl. Never knew that I wanted this. Had to quit this job. Boss says that he’ll be giving me credits to take an office position instead of a courier. Good thing I studied on office matters.”

Nolan’s heart tightened. He turned to the man who had been knocked unconscious. He admits that he killed without thinking about the person’s history. What they were doing was what was important to Nolan. If he didn’t read this journal then he wouldn’t have this much of sympathy to the man he just knocked out.

“I wonder if there was time for rest and she didn’t have to fight. I wonder, would our child be born? Would that child be a boy or a girl? I guess I’ll never know, huh.”

He flipped the journal again.

“Okay, this is my last job. I had to settle this and deliver the parcel to the guys. The rumble had me concerned since it was dangerous enough for her grace to act. This job has many disgusting sides but if it means that this city would stay prosperous and I wouldn’t have to deal with the fear of the war overseas. Our troops are stretched thin and if they come inside the city. Can I really think of what we are doing as sinful compared to the lives that would be spared? The children working on those factories are only the button pressers and experienced workers do the hard labor. They are tiring them out, and only because the other cities had been out of commission. Our troops lacked weapons and we are having a hard time controlling the stream of armaments from the black market. The young ones are out there fighting and we have a lack of good burly lads that could carry the hard work. I know that it is wrong for us to treat them like this. But if a bit of cruelty can lift up the population’s safety then it would be good. Her lady is strong in combat, and she can take on cannons and invade countries if she could. But she’s just one woman who protects her home. If it wasn’t for the blasted war and if we didn’t lack food and coal then we’d be safe.”

“War, there’s that word again. No matter what world or timeline it seems any civilized world cannot stop killing each other. Shit, this really puts things into perspective. As usual, I am narrow-sighted, but I can’t still ignore the children being put to work. I know that it is reasonable. I know that it is the only thing logical to do.”

He closed the journal and left it on the man.

“Wake up,” he said to the man with a slap to the cheek.

“Huh?” the man shook his eyes open. “You!?”

“Be calm and you won’t have to be hurt further. I’ll let you go if you tell me where the parcel you delivered is. Would you like to leave your wife and child alone?”

The man’s eyes seethed with fury. But he swallowed that fury along with his pride.

“I delivered it on Las Forte Street. The parcel should be in that hideout. Look for a package with a red band around it, it’s the one marked with a rose.”

“I see. Here, take this.”

“Why are you giving me this?”

“Just take it.”

“I won’t. Looks like you read my journal. Are you sympathizing with me now? I thought I’d never wake up. Some of us might be truly twisted but it doesn’t mean you have the right to kill us. I bet you are going to retort with a ‘think of the children!’ kind of bullshit. I know what we are doing. We are making a huge sin by doing this but let me tell you this, monster. We are not seeking forgiveness. We are doing what is necessary to survive this world.”

“I see.”

“Do you really see?”

Nolan stared at the man’s eyes before standing up.

“It’s not like it matters to me whether I am right or wrong. Have a good life, and try to retire as soon as possible. I rather not accidentally kill you or your friends.”

Nolan left the alley without making a sound. He turned his eyes to the sky and let the rain fall down upon his obsidian skull mask. He placed both hands inside his pockets and looked at the tower he has been living. The eternal hawk’s eyes conjured the illusion that pained his heart.

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