The Bleak Walker

Chapter 87: The Farce of the Unchosen Part 1

He had been doing nothing but chasing after hideouts that had control over the factories where the children are forced to work without any rest. He disabled the factories and spent his days wrecking the weapon factories that produced weapons for the army. Every time he destroys a weapons factory the guards around the city increased.

“There are about forty districts left now. Just a bit more.”

He didn’t like seeing children suffer. Back in time he had to make sacrifices and broke his own heart to create a greater outcome than desire. He was sick of such outcomes and for once he wanted to follow his heart. The kids that were forced into labor were happy when they were freed. That was enough for Nolan Salvatore.


The problem with freeing orphaned children was that they would become beggars. Every factory that was lost released hungry children that would come begging on the streets. They once lived on bunk beds and even though they worked hard enough to die. At least they weren’t hungry and they were contributing to the war effort.

The streets of Alician had been riddled with cold children begging for alms. Those who could not take it anymore went to the other factories in hopes that they could eat. The work time was harsh and tiring but at least they were able to eat three meals and have a warm bed that keeps them from the cold rain.

The children had to run around the Alician city in droves hoping that they’d found a factory that was willing to take them. However, every factory that accepted child labor was being destroyed. So the children were being driven by the despair that came from having no food or shelter. These orphans came from cities, villages, and towns that had been destroyed. This city was kind enough to take them in but in exchange, they had to work for the sake of the Empire.

‘Do it for the Empire.’

‘Do it to avenge your parents and friends’

Words like that were told to coerce the children into work. Some are fanatical while some wanted freedom. Half of the children have decided to work under terrible conditions. Those who were freed had delusions of returning to their old homes. It didn’t matter how and why. They all went to the checkpoint and swarmed the guards watching the place. Some were able to escape since the guards didn’t have the heart to shoot the children running away from the city.

But hope is a cruel mistress.

If they had known that their homes were ashes.

Would they have continued on?

But children that were told to push buttons and put together weapons as if they were building blocks are still one-minded. They were pitiful for they were not able to discern the lies of adults. All they have to do was do what they are told and not ask any questions.

Children are rather rebellious and selfish. However, there are some who would have the wits to think for themselves. These witty kids were glad they were free but realized that the other kids will have to suffer.

Consequences are made from the actions taken by those who caused it. Good intentions are good but it ceases to be good when those intentions become the reason for why they were suffering. One can argue that his actions were morally right, nonetheless, it was still a choice that left the children starving.


Gar had been the one dealing with the aftermath. He knew that the problems coming from the districts were bad because of the recent slaughters done to the Sons of Helios.

He had thought that the situation was simple. But hundreds of children that were working in those factories had nowhere to go. He was called to take care of the children on the streets. He aided the children and turned his attention to their matters. The districts destroyed by that monster have become unlivable just by the fact that they were all scenes of a massacre.

“What should I do?” he thought. Ever since he had met this monster things had been busy for him. He had a better role but still, he didn’t like playing cleanup to an irresponsible guy that did nothing but cause trouble. The intention of the monster was correct, however, it was a shallow intention that left Gar cursing in his thoughts.

“If you want to save them then don’t be half-assed about it! Look at them so poor, and yet you don’t realize that you had left them alone after being useful.”

He held the chart and almost crushed the pen. A man who had been helping him came to tell him about the carriages. The children were taken from the streets and were placed in the military camps where they’d be kept safe for a while. This amount of commotion has already gathered the attention of the Blessed Maiden. She has sent her shadows to care about the children. There was another bolt that tried to hit the enemy but this time it didn’t strike.

“He fucked up again,” Gar said. “I thought he’d learn from his mistakes. However, it seems like he wasn’t really planning on following his head. Either he’s confident about his survival or that he was simply too stubborn to give up. The hunt for the monster would begin anew and it was clear that the Blessed Maiden wants to solve the problem. The war out there is big enough and it would be best if the problems here get solve first!”

“He’d be hunted, there’s no need to fight him,” his brother, Cero, was confident while saying that. Gar didn’t know why but he felt like this time, things aren’t going to be easy. It was never easy, nevertheless, Gar held little care about the problems. At this point, he understood that the Protectorate would soon be hunting down the monster who made a mess of the children. Gar thought it was fair and reasonable for them to chase after the monster who had been giving the peaceful city trouble. Even if that peace was unreasonable.

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