The Bleak Walker

Chapter 89: The Farce of the Unchosen Part 3

Before Gar had went to the tower. He was told by his brother Cero to meet an individual that was known as a longtime friend of House Cheery and House Alician. He got into a café and sat near the window where he then felt the space froze for a second. There, a woman on purple robes walked, hips swaying, and scent that overwhelmed Gar for a second.

“So you are from House Cheery?” the woman said. “I am Audrey Cress, the Witch of Nether.”

“The Witch of Nether!?” Gar said.

Gar held his head tightly. He never thought that he’d meet living legends in a new days. If he didn’t meet the monster while working as a courier, he cannot imagine a day where he would meet with legends that once helped save the world. He couldn’t understand, he thought.

“Now, now,” she said with her lips raised. “I know that you are all bothered and hot, but shall we move on to business?”

“Of course!” Gar said. His expression went from excited to calm. “What do you need from me?”

“Tell me about the man that earn the ire of my friend,” Audrey said. “This man seems like he’s still in a rampage. This is something that we cannot ignore. A person that could take on that elemental bolt is something we need to worry about.”

“Why?” he asked.

“Have you heard of the Porters?”

“Porters?” his brows knitted.

“They are a few who have the blood of the demons. You must have heard of the war between light and darkness so let us skip that. So let me tell you about the battle between the War Maiden and the Obsidian Heiress. To skit it short they had a disagreement and since my dear friend is a demon hater, she battled it out with the heiress and obliterated them. The porters are demon folks that run around doing business for the city that is located underground. I can’t tell you what the specifics are. But I suspect that this monster with the ability to manipulate obsidian flesh could be a Porter. If he is then he should be removed. Not to mention that his actions would make sense. Sigh, most of the folks that could help this city has been robbed clean by these Porters.”

“I see,” Gar said. “He said that he was doing it to free the children from labor. I understand what his morals are coming from. But I also understand the cruelty of what we are doing. Is what we are doing alright?”

Audrey Cress pointed her eyes to the windows, “If I it’s morally right? No, it is definitely not right for us to put children into work. Is it wrong? It is wrong to the point of stupidity. I can’t believe that she would do this in this age, but I am guessing that she is after the robbery and the Empire's resources running out...Do you know? Her reasoning is that everyone should work no matter what. But you have to understand that my friend, and I are from an era of suffering. We worked in order to survive and we hated folks who does not nothing but lazed around. IF you want to eat then you need to work. It’s easy to understand and you should know that this city was built equally. Everyone worked hard and that belief still transpires today. Honestly, the work that the children does are nothing compared to the past. They only push buttons and combine the arms. Back in our time we use to send kids to battle as little warriors to disable tunnels. It was a cruel world and I admit that our beliefs aren’t going to change easily.”

“I see,” he nodded, his fingers tapping on the table.

“Stupid isn’t it?” she said a smile. “But that’s how my dear friend thinks, she had a harder time before. Everyone used her as their sword, shield, and forced her into the spotlight. She had to take care of a world filled with monsters and win battles while thinking of the consequences. Now this city of hers, is forced to support an army that has been losing every front, and is the only prosperous city left.  If my dear friend was crueler then Alician would still be a festive place where children are able to live without working their young bodies to sleep. She’s an old guardian dog that cannot be easily changed. And that's why she had to all of this mundane stuff. Really, she should just join the battle and destroy the enemy...but I guess she's sick of battle and rarely does it anymore. So I am here to lessen her burden.”


“That look on your eyes says that you understand. But you struggle with good and the evil of it. For now, I don’t want you to think about whether is good or not. Just think that we need it the moment. Sigh, if only we have good young men that are able to work this time. Most of the ladies are creating the vests that could help the soldiers. And young soldiers are out there fighting for their country and importantly for their lives. We are seriously lacking in manpower that we have to result to this.”

“I understand.”

“That’s all you need to do,” Audrey said. “Now tell me about the enemy.”


“I see. You mention red eyes. Hmm, we could be facing hybrid. That’s it, I’m taking care of the enemy.”

“You will act on your own, milady?” Gar said.

“I will. I shan’t underestimate the enemy, but I will do my utmost best to destroy it. Still, it would take a lot of time for me comb the city. So I will give you this crystal and when you are in front of him. I shall take care of him. I’ll be waiting since that crystal would replace your position with mine. Be careful, if the man really is a Porter, then he would not easily let it go.”


“Your wounds are healing,” the voice said. “Thank the heavens!”

Gar opened his eyes. “Brother?”

“Hush, you should rest for now. I don’t know where you have been but you have done well, my brother. Our ancestors will surely forgive what you have done before. With Master Audrey Cress taking care of that bastard personally, the city of Alician should be able to rest easy.”

“Will that really be the case?” Gar thought. “All of this questions and thoughts about morals and whatnots. I’m sick of it. Damn it, I know wasn’t good about the matters of this city and it seems my choice was indeed right. I hope Master Audrey could destroy that poor, insane, and stupid man. He needs a good beating for what he’s doing...but who am I to judge when I stopped thinking about whether it was good or not? What a farce...”

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