The Bleak Walker

Chapter 91: Letting Go Part 2

It was time to think about what the enemy was, he thought. The enemy can fly, fire a series of beams, have a fast attack, can deflect bullets, and is keeping her distance. She has shown three spells, the beam that could shot straight, change the size, and then that high-speed one.

Meanwhile, he can dodge, evade, and has one phantasmal oil. His pistol, a six-shooter, has five bullets let, he’s also out of breath, has various cuts, and has a hole on his chest that was being sewed by his obsidian flesh. The environment was slippery, there were various houses, and the buildings were the only things that he could use to dodge the attacks. He chooses the tower area because of the dense, packed together buildings, and that there were passages that could evade surveillance. Not enough.

“You really think that you can hide from me?” she said with an echo on her voice. “How many times I have been fighting? What’s your age, Porter? Did you fight for five hundred years? Have you encountered every enemy that this world has to offer?”

He felt vibrations around him.

“Found you, again.”

Nolan gritted his teeth, his legs almost tripping as he runs away from his position. His cheeks were cut, his obsidian flesh armor was being peeled, he had to take cover, but each beam was changing.

“I have to change my tactics, shit, how can I neutralize her spells when I only have a phantasmal oil? Should I use the half?” he thought.

Three to four beams penetrated the alley and homed towards him. As he runs past a vertical beam, the floor flashes a bright light, and he was flung up, then two balls of compressed energy hammered him on the ground. He widened his eyes, smashed his fist, and rolled sideways to avoid.

“You should be smarter than this.”

Another bright flash happened, his back was arched by the explosion, he could hear something cracking, the smell of flesh burning, and the drumming of his eardrums. The obsidian flesh was able to protect him, but it was peeled, his skull mask was still intact, his body was burnt.

“Grit your teeth!” he shouted inside his head. “Never surrender. Never give in. Do not seek forgiveness. Do not seek mercy from your enemy. Don’t surrender to the dying light, scream, shout, flail, cry, but never back down, seize the day, Do what thou wilt shall be your whole law!”

He bit his left forearm and tore the skin out of his arm, chewed it, and chanted, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole law: o my flesh, I beg of you, scribe these runes on me,” he wrote on his skinned arm words of power. “Flesh came from the earth, let my flesh turn to earth, and I demand the green, let thy bring the solution, I offer thee they flesh!”

He spat the torn flesh from his skin. He poured his blood on the flesh, the flesh, turned into that of a strange plant. He immediately grabbed hold of the plant, ate, and swallowed it whole. The acid-like taste buzzed his mind, his vision turned black and white, his hearing sharpened, and the pain from his wounds disappeared.

The sigils in his eyes glowed redder. The eternal hawk sigil screeched as the walls become more transparent, and he could see through the walls. He stood up from his feet, jump on the walls and climbed, avoiding the beams that had no sound, the rain fell, and the blood from his skin was painted on the walls.

He gathered the obsidian flesh from his body aside from his face and conjured a spear. He targeted the enemy, aimed, and chucked the spear at the enemy, his bones cracked, his shoulder had an awful look.

The spear he chucked was able to hit the barrier of the witch.

“Is this all you can do? For a Porter, you really are only good at running away.”

A magical circle with the size of a round table appeared behind her back. As if she was mocking him, the spears made of light looked it what he threw. Nolan breathed all the hair he could and slid off the roof where he then pivoted himself inside to one of the houses.

The rain of spears made of magic then happened. These spears didn’t tear through the walls or hit the civilians cowering inside the houses. They homed at Nolan likes buzzing flies. He sprinted through the block of buildings, vaulting, crashing on walls, jumping over tables, and breaking down doors, using them as cover.

“She has the abilities of a fucking witch,” he thought. “Not a single month passed, and I’ve pissed off a witch! Shit, this little being that could only cry once now fights a fucking witch!”

He planted his foot on a wall and took a leap of faith to the other side of the block. The purple-robed witch has blocked the sun, and when she spotted Nolan, there was sneer on her face.

“Did you really think that this is all I have, Porter?”

Nolan found himself grasped by an invisible force, he was stuck in the middle of the road, floating, and was reached out to the other side of the buildings.

“I guess that heiress really just sends a few tough mobs to distract us.”

She does a gun-like gesture with her hand and released a shockwave that blew Nolan away from, crashing him down on the trash cans, his face dipped into the puddle, he was unable to breathe, and despite his body numbed, his limbs were not responding from the shock, he was swallowing puddle water, and his eyes dilated. His heart was pounding, and he felt like there were snakes biting on his heart, forcibly pumping it, forcing it to function. His dreams drummed, his eyes shook, and he thought to himself, that this was usually what happens to him. It has been a long time and he hated that he started to remember.

The eternal hawk sigils on his eyes glowed redder than ever.

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