Time flies, thirty years in the blink of an eye...

In June, the sun is like fire.

The capital, the suburbs, a certain courtyard.

Countless vehicles gathered tens of meters away from the courtyard. Old people got out of the cars and looked towards the courtyard, but no one was going to go in.

Because it is the most sacred place in the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also the scariest place, and it is the place where many great people want to set foot.

But since five years ago, the owner of the house no longer sees anyone and lives in isolation.

No one knows the reason, and no one dares to peek into the reason.

Perhaps, only the owner of the yard knows why.


Xiao Yu, who was lazy until noon, was standing in front of the sink~.

For example, thirty years ago, the mirror in front of the sink was wet with water.

"Mirror, mirror, who is the most handsome man in the world?"

Xiao Yu picked up a towel, wiped off the water stains on the mirror, and reflected a young and handsome face, with a big grin and big teeth, pointing at himself in the mirror, "It really is you!"

As a time traveler, the most embarrassing thing still happened.

His appearance is 'frozen age'!

In fact, Shouyu had already discovered it since he was twenty-two years old.

After that, he lived a life of "acting old" for more than 30 years.

But five years ago, Xiao Yu let himself go.

It's a showdown, I don't pretend anymore, I love whoever I love.

That's right, our generation of time travelers are so aboveboard...

"I've known you for so many years, and you are not here at all when it comes to shame!"

The pleasant voice, with the charming laughter of Miss Yu, sounded outside the bathroom.

Oh my god, the moment when you don't want to be shameless is surrounded by crowds again... Xiao Yu's balls hurt, and complacency appeared on his handsome and fair face, and he looked at the door of the bathroom with bright, star-like eyes.

The person at the door was dressed in a white dress with a graceful figure, leaning against the door like a fairy in a fairyland.

A pair of eyes are as clear as autumn waves and dark pools, and the smile is like a crescent moon. With a kind of charm, it hides a delicate face that is both pure and seductive.

Looking at the person in front of him, he lost his mind.

Frozen age is actually too much.

But if you want to talk about going too far, you must count reverse growth.

Thirty years have passed, and Mu Qingwu is not getting old, but getting younger.

Just looking at her appearance, no one would think she was twenty years old.

Why don't outsiders come into their house?

The husband and wife are not old for thirty years.

What do people think when they see it?

The couple walked slowly and came to the yard.

Looking at a peach tree they planted with their own hands thirty years ago.

Looking at the trunk full of peach blossoms.

Mu Qingwu took out a small carving knife and handed it to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu raised his hand and gently carved a name on the tree trunk.

Zhao Changshan!

Another old friend is gone.

Time is like a river of history.

You never know where it's going to flow, how fast it's going.

Put down the carving knife and look at the names on the tree.

Xiao Yu's expression was calm, without any sadness.

He knows that there are many miracles in the world.

Like himself, maybe those friends are already living a happy life in another world.

Death is not the end, the end is oblivion.

In order not to forget those friends, whenever a friend leaves the world.

Both husband and wife will engrave their names on the tree.

A tree never dies, never forgets!

"I miss the kids."

Mu Qingwu leaned into Xiao Yu's arms, annoyed like a girl, "They're all little heartless."

"I said it a long time ago, they have their own stories!"

Xiao Yu lowered her head and kissed her sister's hair.

"Just like you..."

Mu Qingwu raised her jade face and looked at her younger brother, "Will you always protect the Dragon Kingdom?"


Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, "This is our home."

"We're getting old."

Mu Qingwu's ageless face was stuck on her younger brother's chest, "No matter how young the body is, the heart is old after all.

"Who said this?"

Xiao Yu was not convinced, "As long as I think I am eighteen, then I will always be eighteen. When Jesus comes, I will treat him as farting."

"Ha ha!"

Mu Qingwu's smile was like a flower, and her eyes like autumn water gave her younger brother a charming white look.

With him around, it's hard to get a heart, right?

"Remember the first time we met?"

Xiao Yu hugged her sister's water snake waist and looked at the peach blossoms in front of her.

"you guess."

Mu Qingwu's eyes were bent again, like two small crescents.

"That's when I was thinking."

Xiao Yu grinned, "It's over, my mind is full of this smelly sister Yu, I always want to hug and sleep together..."

He was thinking about the past trivially, talking about every detail of when he and Mu Qingwu were together.

0......seeking flowers......

Thirty years as a day, they all clearly appear in my mind and in front of my eyes.

Mu Qingwu listened quietly, smiled, and watched the peach blossoms with her younger brother.


"Fame and fortune are fleeting. There are not many who can keep them. Xiao Yu sighed.

Only those who have mastered it are qualified to say this sentence.

He never wanted it, but always had it.

"Don't you see them?"

Mu Qingwu looked at the younger brother in front of him obsessively, "I'm getting old!"


Xiao Yu's tone was full of sourness, "I've seen a lot, and it will be even more sad when they leave. I'm afraid I can't bear it!"

Father, mother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, Wang Dong, Zhou Lie, Zhao Long, Shen Mei...Looking at the peach tree, looking at the names on the tree, each figure echoed in my mind.

There are also those familiar people who have not left.

Although they are scattered in different cities.

Hearing their news, mixed in my heart.

You can miss it, but it's better......

There was a breeze.

The husband and wife quietly looked at the peach tree and the peach blossoms.

The petals fluttered in the wind and fell slowly.

If things backfire.

Please believe that God has other arrangements.

The regrets of summer will be resolved by the warmth of the autumn wind.

Our story is over.

But there must be a new story to start.

The wind is free, and I hope you are too.

The book is over!

PS: When I typed out these three words in the whole book, my little brother couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There is sadness and relaxation.

Eight months, 2.8 million words, finally finished.

This kind of taste is indeed very complicated for the younger brother.

There is both suffering and happiness.

Sincerely say, thank you readers.

Because of you, this book has such a good score.

Because of you, my little brother's painstaking efforts were not in vain.

Because of you, little brother persisted until now, it's over.

Finally, the younger brother will make a technical summary.

One: my readers, my brother loves you.

Two: Little brother, it's the first time I finish the book, can you believe it?

Three: End the flowers.

last of the last...………

The rivers and lakes are far away, we will definitely meet again!.

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