The victim's home.

"The thread is broken."

Looking at the 'painting of flesh and blood' on the wall, Xiao Yu looked very calm, "He is very smart, he must have planned for a long time. He even did a perfect job of how to enter the victim's home and the finishing work after leaving. These He can take everything into consideration, and it should be difficult to find other clues at the scene."

The task force members were all quietly looking at Xiao Yu with serious expressions.

Although I just met Xiao Yu today.

But this trainee police officer gave them only two words: Abnormal!

Formidable and terrifying investigation ability, unconstrained thinking.

Make them difficult to accept.

Therefore, Niu Peng, the leader of the task force, took some time to retrieve Xiao Yu's file through his mobile phone.

I don't know if I don't read it, I am speechless after watching it.

It turns out that they are all thriving in the police academy, the kind of people with numb scalps.

The top student in the police academy is still a fighter among the top students.

When Niu Peng told the news to other team members, everyone suddenly realized.

A top student at the police academy?

That's all right!

Niu Peng made a decision, the task force was temporarily commanded by Xiao Yu, and everyone cooperated.

Is this a problem?

Of course not.

You searched for two days, but no clues about Mao were found.

After Xiao Yu came for a long time, he found an important clue.

Although the clue is broken, the ability is better than all of you plus one.

This is the case within the police force.

When solving a case, regardless of age, position, or police rank, it's all fucked up.

In terms of ability, those who are not capable enough obey the command, it is so realistic.

If the case can be solved, everyone will follow suit.

Xiao Yu took the lead, and everyone was able to eat meat and drink soup.

Everyone is unlucky if the case cannot be solved, and no one can escape...

"Investigate the case, check the clues, check the details, and make bold guesses."

Xiao Yu looked away from the painting of flesh and blood on the wall, and looked at the team members, "But this may not be the truth, it needs to be verified."

Everyone nodded, they all understand the truth that they are all old criminal investigators.

"Since the clue is broken, look elsewhere."

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, "Interrogate the suspect first!"

Why are the suspects being interrogated?

The murderer did so much but let the suspect "top the tank" for him and act as a scapegoat.

How many normal people have nothing to do to frame others?

Is it hatred? Is it revenge? or something else?

Xiao Yu felt that it might not be the case.

There should be no clues found on this wronged suspect.

Suppose he has a grudge with the murderer, and the murderer wants to take revenge on him.

With the murderer's means of committing such a tragedy, why not directly attack him?

Why bother?

The interrogation is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and there is a possibility that he will not let it go.

The team members returned to the detachment to stand by, Xiao Yu and Niu Peng went straight to the detention center...


Go through a review process.

In the interrogation room of the detention center, Xiao Yu saw the suspect in this case.

He is of medium build and ordinary appearance, barely considered a young man.

Wearing the vest of the detention center, he looked decadent, desperate, and angry.

He Xiao, 29 years old, native of this city, employee of a private enterprise...

Since you know that he may be wronged, why not let him go?

This is programmed.

First of all, the other party was indeed very suspicious. He was comatose at the scene of the case, and all clues and evidence pointed to him.

These points alone cannot let people go.

It doesn't matter if he was wronged, he can apply for state compensation, and the police system will restore his reputation.


It is indeed unlucky, but there is no way, who made you involved in the case.

That is, today, if it is the past.

If you encounter someone who is sloppy in handling the case, you can wait for the execution ground to be shot...

"I was wronged."

Facing the two policemen, He Xiao stared at his bloodshot eyes and roared angrily.

"Ok, I know."

Xiao Yu nodded calmly.


Just one word from Xiao Yu will make He Xiao feel at a loss.

After a while, he became excited and thought: Could it be that the police have found the real murderer?

However, the policemen in front of them fell silent again.

He Xiao was in a hurry.

Are you still human when you speak half?

Xiao Yu didn't speak, but was observing He Xiao.

Look at the details of He Xiao's expression and demeanor.

In fact, some truths are hidden in the expressions.

People's facial expressions basically come from psychology.

For example, the real surprise will not exceed one second. Looking down means you are remembering, looking up means you are making up a story, and your eyes shake unconsciously, either lying or flustered.

People generally blink at a rate of five to eight times per minute. If the frequency is too high, it indicates inner instability.

When lying, the heart rate is generally fast, the face will be congested, and sometimes the nose will itch, and I can't help touching it.

When a person is really angry, both expressions and language are synchronized.

If expressions and words are out of sync, it's acting...

These knowledge police schools have special teachers to teach, which is also the so-called 'micro-expression' psychology.

The reason why the police have a pair of powerful eyes is because they know how to observe 'micro-expressions'.

After observing for two minutes, Xiao Yu was very sure.

The He Xiao in front of him is indeed an unlucky guy.

Very wronged.

However, Xiao Yu noticed something was wrong.

The opponent has a pair of very steady hands.

So steady that no matter whether it is agitation, anger, or despair, his hands will never move.

This is very unscientific.

You must know that when people are in an uncontrolled state of mind, their bodies will respond naturally, and they will unconsciously make actions to feedback their emotions.

For example, when someone is angry, he will subconsciously make a fist, when he is excited, he will rub his hands, and when he is happy, he will dance...

He Xiao in front of him didn't make any body movements.

Something is wrong! *

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