In an instant, Xiao Yu entered the state of simulating the psychology of criminals!

"If I were the murderer, what steps would I need to take to plan this premeditated perverted murder?"

"To formulate a perfect crime plan, prepare the tools for the crime, be familiar with the area of ​​the victim, calculate the time for the crime, and design the process of framing He will take at least three days to a week. Spotting is an indispensable link, and it is also the most time-consuming. !"

"Wait, then why did I know the mobile phone of the suspect He Xiao, and I was able to imitate the tone of the female victim and send that text message?"

"It's because I'm too familiar with the victim's family and He Xiao...what's my relationship with them?"

"Classmates, friends... No, this kind of clue is too obvious, and it is impossible for me to leave such an obvious clue."

"So, why did I send such a text message? Is it simply to lure the suspect, or for another purpose?"

"It turns out that the text messages can not only make He Xiao go to the victim's house because of anger, but also lead the police into a misunderstanding. Even if they suspect that the murderer is someone else, they will cite someone who is familiar with the victim's family and the suspect He Xiao. Killing two birds with one stone is a good plan!"

"Then, I brutally and even pervertedly killed the victim's family and put the blame on He Xiao. Why?"

"According to the police investigation, neither the victim's family of three nor the suspect He Xiao have offended anyone in the past, not to mention that this kind of hatred can rise to the point where people are wiped out, and the bones are ashes and blood for painting!"

"A purely perverted mind? Absolutely not!"

"I am so calm, I can arrange such a situation carefully, and I can calmly clean up all the traces of crimes. This kind of mind, this kind of calmness, and such perverted actions will definitely not be seen in my eyes. Playing with children Same, too low-end...but I just did it anyway, why?"

"I can't figure it out, I'm definitely not that kind of person... This road won't work!"

"Since it doesn't work, let's start with the crime tool..."

"Killing tools, skinning tools, bone crushing tools, drying tools, grinding tools... Although the tools at the victim's house can indeed do it, they can't be done within 33 hours. So, there are other tools!"

"So many tools, it's going to be heavy."

"When I kill people, mutilate corpses, and paint... I'm bound to be exhausted. How can I take away so many tools? If I keep them, the police will find clues..."

"No, I don't need to take them away, I just need to hide them in a place where the police won't pay attention, won't find them, and won't think of them easily."


"Septic tanks in the community? No, take them out, they can easily be seen by the community surveillance!"

"Rent a room in a residential building? No, if this is the case, you will definitely leave your identity information!"

"Or... it's not right, these places are still easy to guess, it won't be!"

"So, where is it..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yu's eyes lit up.

It seems to have captured something, but it has not yet been fully realized.

Suddenly, a weird smile appeared on his face.

The most dangerous place is the safest place?


Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at the ceiling in the hall.

The members of the special case team began to act, and the victim's hanging shed was searched again, even the bathroom hanging shed and the attic hanging shed were searched...


are not there?

Xiao Yu looked at the ground, stomped his feet, and raised the corners of his mouth.

The floor of the victim's house was lifted piece by piece.

Until... when the floor of the attic was also lifted.

All the dismantled tools and knives appeared in the eyes of everyone!

People who don't know how to decorate will definitely ask, isn't the floor directly attached to the floor?


Some floors, such as pure wood solid wood floors, need to be marked with wooden frames before installation.

One is to prevent geothermal high temperature and moisture insulation.

The second is to fix to prevent expansion and cracking.

Although there is not much space and the height is not enough, some disassembled tool parts can be put down...

The crime tool was found!

When all the murder weapons and tools were laid out, the forensic doctor also came to check on the spot whether there were fingerprints on these things.

The result of the inspection made Xiao Yu's face change slightly.

The task force members were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

These things don't just have fingerprints on them.

They turned out to be the fingerprints of the suspect He Xiao.

Can you believe it? !

Why is it He Xiao's fingerprint?

Through general signs, investigations and inferences.

It is impossible for He Xiao to have the possibility of committing the crime.

Just one time is not right, and it is absolutely impossible to do this kind of case in 33 hours.

not enough time!

Could it be a kind of framing by the murderer?

Or, is it a game?

The murderer guessed that the police could find these things.

Deliberately put He Xiao's fingerprints on it to provoke disgusting investigators.

He's... punching us in the face?

For a moment, everyone in the task force looked angry.

They have the illusion that their IQ is being rubbed against the ground.

at this time.

"No, it shouldn't be like this!"

Xiao Yu had a cold expression and sharp eyes. He stared coldly at the murder weapons and tools, "It's not that the murderer is playing tricks on us, but that we have fallen into a misunderstanding and ignored a possibility."

"What's possible?" Everyone was shocked and looked at Xiao Yu.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Yu spoke in a cold voice.

"Who says the least likely suspect must not be the murderer?"*

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