"What is your relationship with He Yu?"

Xiao Yu raised his head and stared into the other person's eyes.

"He Yu?"

Xi Shi blinked his eyes, smiled and said, "She is my student, and we have a good relationship. Not long ago, I presented a thesis on psychology, and she helped me a lot."

The behavior is normal and there is nothing suspicious.

But...why blink?

Xiao Yu frowned.

Is it normal for people to blink?

What is the most common reaction of normal people when they are questioned by the police about familiar people?

Do you ever wonder, is there something wrong with that person?

When you have doubts in your mind, your eyes will shift unconsciously.

Most human eyes blink habitually when looking straight up and looking up and down, and squinting rarely blinks.

But...the other party didn't squint!

Looking straight ahead and blinking, isn't it normal?

It's normal, but the problem is your normal behavior.

Shouldn't it be the brain thinking whether something happened to He Yu?

Shouldn't your eyeballs be shifting?

Why stare and blink?

Or you have already guessed that the police will show up, they will come to you and ask He Yu.

Didn't even think about it, just gave an answer?

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes and asked again, "Is it just a simple teacher-student relationship?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's habitual squinting action, Zhuang Yi blinked again, shifted his eyeballs, and said, "Yes."

What was he thinking... Xiao Yu's brain was racing at a high speed, and he continued to ask, "Did you come here on the 4th?"


Zhuang Yi nodded again, "Yes, He Yu and I were researching the thesis at the time, and it seemed like we had been studying it for several hours."

Lying... Xiao Yu laughed.

Why so sure?

Because of the 'smell'!

In He Yu's room, Xiao Yu smelled two scents.

Whether it's light or strong, it's all mixed with the smell after something has been done between men and women!

Research paper research bed?

This is not any evidence, and it is impossible for Xiao Yu to question the other party.

It's enough to know you're lying!

"Let's go."

Xiao Yu looked directly at Zhuang Yi, "Please come with us and cooperate with the investigation of a case."


Finally, Shi Shi's expression was no longer calm, it was not panic, but... a frown.

"It's him?"

After his subordinates took away Shi Shi, Wang Dong looked at Xiao Yu.

"Suspicious, but not sure."

Xiao Yu shook his head, "Let's check it out."

Just lying to the (abee) side, you need to check it out!

Soon, all the information about the release was in front of Xiao Yu.

"Psychologist? Also a hypnotist?"

Looking at the profile on the laptop, Xiao Yu thought about it and shook his head.

No, to be able to hypnotize He Yu to that extent, one has to be a hypnotist at the beginning.

On this point, Xiao Yu agrees with the hypnotist invited by Guoan.

Isn't it him?

Then why did he know that the police would show up and that they would ask him for questioning?

Xiao Yu couldn't figure it out.

State security launched an investigation into the release.

The answer given is that there is little suspicion.

First of all, except for the New Year holidays, or returning to my hometown during the summer vacation, I basically stay in school.

Orphaned when I was young, or single, the so-called hometown is an orphanage, where I grew up.

There was a marriage, which resulted in divorce due to personality differences.

I haven't been looking for a partner since then.

Most of the income released in recent years has been donated to the orphanage.

Xiao Yu was surprised.

Still a nice guy?

Through investigation, some teachers and students gave very good comments on the interpretation.

Gentle, down-to-earth, thrifty, kind... The teaching level is extremely high!

The continuous five-hour interrogation by the State Security side also came to an end.

The release was released because there was no doubt...


Inside a laboratory.

The school independently developed a medicine for the treatment of mental illness.

Xiao Yu glanced at the items inside.

He Yu dictated that the laboratory was where she prepared the medicine.

Guoan also discovered some raw materials for preparing pharmaceuticals.

But this laboratory has nothing to do with Zhuang Yi.

"Is my feeling wrong?" Xiao Yu frowned.

This moment.

He has a sense of urgency of "the routines in other worlds are deep, I want to return to Earth".

They want to force me to become a monster again, no, it's a big move... Xiao Yu let out a long breath.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was only numbness and coldness in his eyes.

His expression also became indifferent without emotional fluctuations.

Simulate the mind of a criminal...

"Suppose, I am the man behind the scenes, a master hypnotist, and I develop a potion, what will I do next?"


"Why not take the formal experimental route? Because it doesn't work."

"Through He Yu's oral formula, the drug test came out. The main ingredient is aimed at the numbness of the human pain nerve... the central nervous system of the brain, and the pain response. But the drug itself is too irritating to the brain, hallucinogenic, and stimulates the central nervous system to be extremely excited. ……violent!"

"Is that why I want to experiment with drugs illegally? I don't know if this is a crime?"

"I know, that's why I need someone to help me with the experiment... He Yu?"

"However, just experimenting with potions is enough. Why should I kill people? Or is it in that extremely cruel way?"

"No, killing people is not the purpose, I am... to hide something? To cover up? Or to test something?"

"In this way, the person who made the potion must go through a special way to complete this experiment?"

"Could it be that Heyu wants to turn this world into a purgatory?"

"No, absolutely not. It's just an abandoned child that I deliberately let her say that. But one thing is certain, the potion is perfected time after time, becoming perfect time after time..."

"What's the effect? ​​No pain? Illusion? Bloodthirsty rampage? Or... eat yourself?"

"No, these are not. I deliberately let others see these. I deliberately let others think so. I did it through hypnosis and medicine. Even the traces of the medicine left in the body of the deceased were also made by me. Others discover... like this, but can hide the real function of the potion... what is it?"

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head and had a guess.

This guess is so absurd and bold.

So much so that he trembled like an electric current wandering all over his body.

"Brother Wang!" Xiao Yu called out.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Dong from outside the laboratory rushed in.

"Go and check the ingredients of the medicine left in the corpses of the past five deceased, as well as the ingredients of the medicine in Lu Jinyan's body."

Xiao Yu said to Wang Dong word by word: "I don't test anything else, just tell me whether it can be... so addictive!"

What did he think of?

New product! .

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