Xiao Yu's heart beat violently.

An indescribable pain surged in his chest.

A policeman just died.

Perhaps, his death was related to his own negligence.

However, he is a policeman after all!

Xiao Yu paused the surveillance video and picked up a file.

Zhao Jun, 4 years old...

Graduated from the Police Academy.

I was assigned an internship at the age of 10.

4 years old is becoming a policeman.

Dozens of cases have been cracked in five years.

Although they are basically small cases, he is just a policeman.

At the age of 18, Zhao Jun was warned internally.

for what?

Zhao Jun's wife celebrated her birthday that day, and he took his wife and children to a restaurant to celebrate.

On the way, the wife took the daughter to the bathroom.

A drunk broke into and molested Zhao Jun's wife.

The wife ran away with her daughter in her arms, and the drunk man chased after him.

Zhao Jun came.

After hearing the reason, Zhao Jun, who had drunk some wine, came up.

Saw a drunk pulling his wife and daughter in front of him.

Zhao Jun made a move and beat the drunk man up.

Is he wrong?

Because of his status, it should be stopped, not fighting each other, it is indeed wrong.

But from the husband's point of view, as the father of the child, what's wrong with him?

As a result, Zhao Jun was first told by the wicked, and the drunk man made a surveillance video with the beginning and the end cut off and posted it on the Internet.

A lot of unscrupulous media made a lot of noise, and many keyboard warriors began to accuse Zhao Jun of rhythm.

When the original video was released, the people who eat melons understood what was going on.

It's too late.

Zhao Jun was warned internally, transferred from his post, and came to the detention center.

If there is no accident, it may continue to work until retirement.


A wife has lost her husband, a child has lost her father.

Xiao Yu's face was as cold as ice, and he put down Zhao Jun's file.

Hit the video play button...

No surprises.

Another prison guard in the monitoring room was killed by Lu Jia and Ma Hexuan in the same way.

They found two sets of police uniforms from the prison guard's locker room, put on police caps, and held the prison guard's key and access card.

Escaping from prison...

Surveillance video ends.

"What's wrong, it's here!"

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, and he muttered to himself, "This is the only way to make sense. After all, Ma Hexuan can't be that familiar with the detention center. Only the habitual offenders who have learned their strengths will know so much about the detention center."

"Know how to bribe the handyman, know how to contact the cell boss to get access and topographic maps, and know how to escape from the cell..."

"The disinfection should be a coincidence. It is to cover up the smell when the toilet is lifted. You usually hide the blueprints and murder weapons under it. Why don't you take the blueprints away? Because you have already memorized them. The extra two toothbrushes are the murder weapons." ?”

"The mastermind of the escape was never Ma Hexuan, but Lu Jia!"

"I was careless. I was biased by the disinfection at the beginning, and overestimated your IQ... The strength of the enemy really comes from brain supplementation!"

"Then a question arises, why did Lu Jia do this?"

"Obviously a person who is about to be released after serving his sentence, why did he escape from prison? He also brought Ma Hexuan to escape from prison together?"

"The cause...is still Ma Hexuan!"

"This can be confirmed from the fact that the two escaped from the detention center and their girlfriend and best friend died."

"Then, are the three people who are supporting me Lu Jia's people or Ma Hexuan's people?"

"By the way, those three responders have a very strange smell... what is that smell?"

"Through the depth of the footprints, they are all very strong people... three strong people appeared at once, and they even kidnapped a woman and sent them to Ma Hexuan... and so on."

"Ma Hexuan was obviously panicked when he escaped from prison. It seems that Lu Jia forced the killing process?"

"Lu Jia said something to Ma Hexuan with a ferocious face all the while...a threat?"

"From beginning to end, Lu Jia is the commander? Based on this reasoning, the three responders should be Lu Jia's people?"

"its not right……"

Xiao Yu raised his head, his head hurts.

I feel that my (abee) thinking is messed up.

How dare a petty thief plan a prison break, and three helpers who dare to kidnap?

And... that woman was also tortured by you, and she was killed in the end, right?


Xiao Yu's pupils shrank, and his heart sank to the bottom, thinking of a possibility.

Mobile hard disk!

"Take all surveillance from the detention center in the past three months!"

Xiao Yu gave the order.

Soon, surveillance was in front of him.

For five full hours, Xiao Yu watched the surveillance.

The point is to watch Lu Jia and Ma Hexuan's monitoring.

Are you looking at them?

No, Xiao Yu depends on who they have come into contact with.

Soon, a target was locked by Xiao Yu!

That person was the suspect who was locked in the detention center on the third day Ma Hexuan entered the detention center.

On the fourth day and the fifth day, he was always around Ma Hexuan.

On the sixth day, he took the initiative to contact Ma Hexuan.

The two of them hid in the public restroom of the detention center, and they didn't know what they said.

Then, Ma Hexuan left angrily, and that person walked out after him...

On the eighth day, the man found Ma Hexuan again.

Coming out of the bathroom this time, Ma Hexuan's face was a little pale and a little frightened.

But still gritted his teeth and left angrily.

That person was not looking for Ma Hexuan, but for... Lu Jia!

On the eleventh day, Lu Jia and Ma Hexuan got close and took good care of them.

On the twelfth day, the man found Lu Jia again, and the two talked about something in the bathroom.

Afterwards, Lu Jia walked out of the bathroom with a grim expression.

At the beginning, I was out of my mind, but in the end it seemed that I had made up my mind.

On the fifteenth day, the man left the detention center...

Also staying for one day, Lu Jia found a familiar prison guard and introduced Ma Hexuan as a handyman.

On the eighteenth day, Ma Hexuan went to the handyman's room and became a handyman...

"It turns out that the plan started from this time!"

Xiao Yu pressed the pause button, staring fixedly at a person on the surveillance screen.

The person who once met Ma Hexuan and Lu Jia.

The materials were quickly placed in front of Xiao Yu.

Yang Zhichao, male, aged, from this city...unemployed.

All personal data are clean, and there is no criminal record.

After investigation, Yang Zhichao, who is unemployed, seems to have never been short of money.

I often go to some high-end places, the staff is very nice, and I have many friends.

What business executives, company bosses, rich generation, rich second generation...

Xiao Yu issued an order.

Capture Yang Zhichao!


PS: Thank you readers for your rewards, monthly tickets, flowers, comments... I thank you here.

On February 2, the dragon looks up, wishing the readers good luck and wealth! .

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