The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 1: Death

"There are three days left, and I will die, really die!!!!!!"

About half a year ago, this strange premonition suddenly invaded Zuo Yinyang's brain. It came from nowhere, and it was like a maggot attached to his body. It was so absurd, but so real. He felt it clearly without any reason, and it was so real that he could be sure that his birthday this year would be his death anniversary.

"Haha, it's so ridiculous"

To date, Zuo Yinyang has been to the best hospitals in the country, had the most comprehensive physical examinations, met countless experts, and consulted the best psychologists. Unfortunately, no problems were found. The records of various examinations showed that after years of exercise, his body and mind are even healthier than his peers.

As a thorough atheist, he even visited Taoist temples, temples, and churches in various places. But this feeling became stronger and stronger as time went by, so strong that he could be sure that he would die in three days.

Every time he told others about this feeling, in addition to being ridiculed by everyone, they suggested that he rest more and not be too stressed.

Because it is so absurd and ridiculous, no one will believe him.

Zuo Yinyang is 34 years old this year. He has been single for many years. As a professional lawyer in Shanghai and a young partner of a red circle law firm, he always looks smiling in the eyes of his colleagues. He is of medium height and looks mediocre and unremarkable, but he can always solve difficult cases and calm the emotions of the parties in various ways. He is a standard business elite.

However, when he is alone, his narrowed eyes inadvertently reveal a trace of calmness and indifference, as if he is very accustomed to all the human relationships, and as if he keeps a distance from everything.

"Is it an enemy?" Zuo Yinyang thought while packing up his things in the office. "Or is it the revenge of the parties? Natural disasters, earthquakes, wars"

Knock knock knock,

A knock on the door interrupted Zuo Yinyang's thoughts,

"Please come in"

"Old Zuo, everything is arranged, the work has been handed over, and your will has been notarized. This is the handover form." Colleague Lawyer Hu handed over the documents in his hand and said.

"Okay, thank you," Zuo Yinyang took the list and replied.

"I say, Lawyer Zuo! You are taking a year off, why do you make a will? Are you going to the Middle East for vacation?" Lawyer Zhao teased.

"No way, my life is over, and there are only three days left," Zuo Yinyang replied indifferently.

"Okay, then I will burn some villas, beauties and so on for you in advance. Please bless me later, don't worry, they are all F or above." Lawyer Chen said with a smile.

"D is fine," Zuo Yinyang put the documents into his briefcase and said casually

"You know, my parents divorced when I was a child, and they now have their own families and children. I have been single all the time. I just suddenly remembered it and made a will. It's just a matter of convenience."

"Okay, although I don't hear any logical connection, I think it should be a single problem. Do you want me to help? A newcomer in the intellectual property group, there is an 8 point." Lawyer Zhao said in a mean voice.

Zuo Yinyang looked down at his watch: "You are going to testify at 3 pm, but it's almost 2:30 now."

"I'm C" Lawyer Chen slapped his head and ran out quickly.

Midnight three days later

The full moon of Mid-Autumn Festival was particularly bright, shining through the window into the living room, revealing a hint of piercing coolness.

Zuo Yinyang sat alone on the sofa, holding a piece of cheesecake in his hand, slowly putting it into his mouth one spoonful at a time.

He seemed to be fine. Since he couldn't get rid of it, he would wait quietly.

The feeling of death was so strong that it seemed to drown him.

Finally, this feeling reached its extreme. The hands of the clock on the wall also stopped at 12 o'clock

"Is it coming?" Zuo Yinyang stood up.

Because he found that everything around him became illusory with him as the center. Slowly, a series of murmurs emerged in his mind, like the voice of prayer in the Taoist temple, and like the vicious curse of wizards.

This sound has been around for a long time, as if it has always been in his body, and he just heard it today.

Suddenly, a sense of detachment invaded his body. What was even more terrifying was that through the reflection of the window, he found that his body was still sitting on the sofa, as if he was asleep.

He, or his soul, was floating in the air.

"It turns out that people really have souls"

Zuo Yinyang calmly felt his surroundings, and through this strange perspective, he carefully felt all the details.

He did not feel any pain, nor did he feel any discomfort.

He wanted to raise his hand to confirm whether he could touch the surrounding objects, but he found that he did not make any movements, and even his sight could only be fixed in the same place. Then cracks began to appear all over his body, and the sounds in his ears became louder and louder. These sounds were coming out of the cracks bit by bit, and each sound would turn into a knife or a sword after leaving his soul.

These massive swords and knives grew bigger and bigger like a whirlwind, crushing his soul bit by bit.

All kinds of pain from the soul intertwined and attacked him, and Zuo Yinyang soon lost consciousness.

It seemed like a moment, and also like eternity. Zuo Yinyang could clearly feel his soul shattered into countless pieces. The countless shattered souls seemed to have experienced countless worlds, passed through countless dimensions, reassembled again and again, and were crushed and driven away again and again by the various bizarre world origins and consciousnesses.

Finally, the familiar voice appeared again. This voice shattered Zuo Yinyang's soul, and invisibly guided his soul to reassemble.

A familiar sense of flesh and blood returned.

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