The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 10: Inn

Zuo Yinyang led the two of them into the inn slowly, and then looked around carefully upstairs and downstairs.

The front of the inn is still in good condition. The counter items, tables, chairs and benches are a little messy, but most of them are intact.

It's just that the yard at the back must have been carefully searched. Daily necessities were scattered all over the floor, and there were signs of rummaging all over the yard. Fortunately, the house was not in serious trouble and could be occupied after tidying it up.

Xiao Suli also put away her tears at this time and led the silly dog ​​who opened his mouth to tidy up his things.

"Su Li, don't worry about the front of the inn for now. Take Silly Dog to the backyard to clear out the place where we are going to live. We will have a place to stay at night and see what else is available." Zuo Yinyang sat on a chair and turned his back. Said to the two of them

"Yes, Master." After Su Li heard this, he took the silly dog ​​to the backyard.

There was a huge inn, and Zuo Yinyang was sitting alone in it.

He began to think carefully about the morning's experiences.

"As I suspected, there will be a sequel to the evil witch incident.

It seems that I have been used as bait since I was rescued. Judging from the preferential treatment I received at the Salesian Bureau, someone must have been secretly watching me. I guess this evil witch has never taken the bait, so he has to change his plan.

Help me practice, haha.

Now it seems that this opportunity is not easy to come by. I'm afraid there are still some things I don't know! "

Zuo Yinyang stood up, moved his still fat body and walked slowly, seizing any moment to continue exercising his body functions.

"Soldiers will block it, water will cover it, and earth will cover it. Since we have great fortune, we have to take great risks.

When you relive your life, you should also see the different scenery. "

About half an hour later, Su Li brought Silly Dog to the front hall.

He limped up to the sweaty Zuo Yinyang and said

"Master, the room has been tidied up and everything is quite complete. There is still a lot of rice, noodles and bacon left in the kitchen. All the other fruits and vegetables are spoiled."

"Many, many, many. Brother Zuo is not hungry, Brother Su is not hungry, Silly Dog is not hungry." Silly Dog followed Su Li with a silly smile and opened his hands with all his strength, trying hard to show that there was a lot of food.

Zuo Yinyang laughed when he saw this: "Yes, the situation is better than I thought. Fortunately, people from the Qintian Prison came to seal it. If those ordinary detectives were there, there would probably be an empty house left."

"When I came back, I saw that many shops around our inn were unoperated. Only a rouge shop diagonally opposite was open. Su Li went to find out why and where all these old neighbors have gone!"

"Okay, Master," Su Li said and walked outside.

Zuo Yinyang thought for a moment and then said, "By the way, when you come back, go to the Rouge Shop diagonally across the street and tell the Zuo family of Shifang Inn that they want to borrow some money."

After hearing this, Su Li was a little confused and said: "Master, your memory hasn't recovered yet. There was no rouge seller near us before. That shop should be newly opened. I definitely don't know the shopkeeper. How can he lend us money directly?"

Zuo Yinyang smiled: "It doesn't matter, you can borrow it. You can definitely borrow it. Remember, you must say that you are a servant of the Zuo family of Shifang Inn."

"Okay" Su Li was a little reluctant, but still agreed, feeling a little worried about whether his young master's mind could completely recover.

Seeing Su Li going out with a sad face, Zuo Yinyang didn't pay attention, but shouted to Silly Dog who was standing at the door, "Silly Dog, come here and help me, go to the kitchen to cook."

When the silly dog ​​heard the word rice, his eyes lit up and he trotted over quickly, holding Zuo Yinyang as he walked to the back room.

When he came to the kitchen at the back, Zuo Yinyang directed the silly dog ​​to light up the fire, and then he slowly moved to the well. Although he moved slowly now, his strength was close to the limit of ordinary people. He only had to turn the pulley gently, and it would squeak and twist. With a twisting sound, a bucket full of cool well water was brought up.

The two of them worked hard and finally filled a large pot of rice. Finally, they cut some bacon into the rice and waited until the rice was cooked.

"Silly Gou, I think you can even raise a fire, so you can't be considered a fool." Zuo Yinyang sat at the door of the kitchen and said to Silly Gou guarding the stove:

"Hehe." Shagou just smiled when he heard it.

"How about I change your name? Silly dog ​​can't always be used as a correct name," Zuo Yinyang said again.

Shagou looked back, with a rare shyness on his face. He should have realized that these two words had a bad meaning: "It's good to change your name, it's good for you to change your name."

Zuo Yinyang looked him up and down. This stupid dog had big hands and rough skin. The old beggar who adopted him must have been kind to him before. Although he is thin now, he has a big frame. He will be a tall man in the future, so he is a little amused. said:

"You were adopted by an old beggar and have no name or surname. Why not just call you Qiao Qifeng?"

When Shagou heard the words Qiao Qifeng, he clapped his hands and smiled happily, "Hello Qiao Qifeng, hello Qiao Qifeng."

"Hahaha, from today on you are Qiao Qifeng.

Qifeng, please don’t insult this name in the future,”

While the two were talking, Su Li's light and heavy footsteps came over.

He said to Zuo Yinyang with some excitement: "Sir, Boss Rouge really lent us money. He gave us a hundred taels, look!"

Zuo Yinyang smiled slightly and looked at the silver ingot handed over by Su Li without paying attention.

"Just keep it and go back to the bank to exchange it for scattered silver and copper plates.

Also, have you found out why the surrounding shops are unmanned? "

Seeing that his young master seemed to have known the result for a long time, Su Li couldn't help but be a little impressed and a little confused. He hurriedly put the money into his sleeve and replied:

"I went to the north end of the street to inquire about it. Several shopkeepers in the back street said that because of our incident, they were questioned many times and they were afraid. They were worried that these evil witches would come to harm people, so they all sold their shops. Out.

By the way, the newly opened rouge shop is the mountain goods shop that was formerly owned by the He family. So shopkeeper He and our master are still not dealing with it. Young master, do you still remember? "

"It seems so." Zuo Yinyang pretended to be impressed and nodded and continued to ask: "Who is the shopkeeper of the rouge shop? How many people are there in the shop?"

"The shopkeeper is a kind-faced lady who is easy to talk to. Her store is not big. I only saw a boy at the front desk and a girl greeting customers." Su Li replied

"The rice is cooked, the rice is cooked, Master eats, Su Li eats." At this time, Qiao Qifeng held the pot lid in front of the stove and shouted to the two of them in the mist:

"Young Master and I are talking, you silly dog, why do you always think about eating?" Su Li said helplessly to Qiao Qifeng

"Qifeng is not a silly dog, the silly dog ​​is Qiao Qifeng." When Qifeng saw Su Li, he still called him a silly dog ​​and hurriedly defended:

After hearing this, Su Li was a little puzzled: "What are the Seven Winds and Eight Winds? Are you stupid again when you see food?"

Qifeng was a little anxious when he heard Su Li's words. Zuo Yinyang saw this and explained quickly: "He is no longer called Silly Dog. I changed his name to Qiao Qifeng. His surname is Qiao and his first name is Qifeng."

"Qiao Qifeng, why is his surname Qiao? He is now a slave of the Zuo family. Even if he changes his surname, his surname should still be Zuo!" Su Li became even more confused after hearing this.

Zuo Yinyang smiled: "The beggar's surname is not Qiao. Don't call him silly dog ​​anymore. It's too indecent. Now he is Qiao Qifeng."

"Qiao Qifeng is good, silly dog ​​is bad. Qiao Qifeng is good, silly dog ​​is bad." Qifeng echoed loudly on the side

"Okay, let's eat first. The sky is big and the earth is big, eating is the biggest thing." Zuo Yinyang stood up.

Su Li hurriedly stepped forward to support his master, without asking any more questions, "Qiao Qifeng, just Qiao Qifeng."

After my son was rescued, not only did he not remember the past, but his personality and behavior were also very different from before. He often said strange things and did strange things.

Xiao Suli was no longer surprised.

In the courtyard, Su Li and Qifeng moved a table and three chairs under the osmanthus tree.

It was just past midnight, and the sun was still high. Now that September was here, the weather was still a bit sultry in the afternoon.

Under the shade of a tree, each of the three people had a bowl of rice piled with bacon placed in front of them.

Under Zuo Yinyang's forced order, one master, one servant and one slave sat at the same table.

The slightest cool breeze blew, and no one said anything. They just chewed the bacon rice in front of them.

The three of them ate very enthusiastically, as if they were enjoying some delicacy. .

A little cripple, a fool, a big fat man, and an invisible human fireworks spread in the yard.

This was the most comfortable meal Zuo Yin Yang had eaten since his rebirth.

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