The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 13: Taking the Hook

Deep in the dense forest.

At this time, outside, a huge spider about six or seven meters long suddenly emerged from under the sedan chair. The spider was dark in color and difficult to identify with the naked eye in the dark night. It knocked the sedan chair from the hands of the four paper figures into the air with a bang, and then it jumped up and bit the sedan chair with its huge mouth full of fangs, trying to swallow the sedan chair and the people into its stomach. At the same time, a dark spider web was ejected from its abdomen and shot at Lao Huang.

Lao Huang looked normal. He sat on the paper horse and moved sideways quickly, more flexibly than ordinary horses to easily avoid the flying spider web.

He pinched his fingers in his hands, and the four paper figures quickly pounced on the big spider and grabbed its four legs.

At the same time, the paper sedan chair at the spider's mouth, together with the left yin and yang in the sedan chair, turned into a yellow paper painting that looked like a flattened paper. With the exhalation of the big spider, it floated to the side gently.

Seeing this, the spider dragged the paper man and bit him several times, but the yellow paper painting was like a child grabbing fallen leaves, and it passed by the spider's mouth every time.

"Why don't we come together, everyone?" After avoiding the spider web, Lao Huang did not look at the big spider, but shouted loudly to the open space beside him:

As soon as the voice fell, several figures flashed in the forest.

Everyone attacked at the same time, and then various spells and hidden weapons flew towards Lao Huang.

Lao Huang was still smiling. He calmly dropped several paper puppets with his left hand. Each paper puppet turned into a lifelike giant wolf before it landed. The giant wolf seemed to have consciousness and quickly pounced on the people on the opposite side.

These paper beasts were extremely swift. In the blink of an eye, they pounced in front of the attackers and opened their mouths to bite them.

Several people hurriedly dealt with it. One of them was obviously not good at physical skills. In just one round, his throat was bitten off by the giant wolf. A stream of blood spurted out, accompanied by his screams, dyeing the body of the paper wolf red.

At the same time, a purple paper talisman appeared in Lao Huang's right hand, and the paper talisman automatically broke into several pieces in the air, and then quickly rotated around Lao Huang.

Then each piece of paper turned into purple light and hit the magic spells used by the few people just now like a moth to a flame.


A black iron nail magic weapon was blocked by the paper shield and fell to the ground.

Lao Huang sat steadily on the paper horse, looked down at the iron nail, and sighed speechlessly: "This broken coffin nail is used. I said, don't you have any powerful magic weapons? Make it a little more difficult."

On the other side, the huge spider continued to chase and bite the paper sedan. Suddenly, the spider shook all over. It turned out that a paper man on his leg had climbed onto its furry back. The paper man had a smiley face with an open mouth. He made a weird laugh while crawling. As he laughed, the place where he crawled over actually began to burn.

The other paper figure with eyes wide open began to emit a white metallic luster. He climbed upside down to the spider's abdomen, and his limbs turned into sharp blades, stabbing it wildly in the belly. Then all kinds of white, red, and green liquids were scattered everywhere along the wound on the spider's abdomen.

At this time, the big spider had no time to attack the paper sedan. It trembled and rolled on the ground, trying to suppress the flames on its body and get rid of the paper figure on its body.

The paper sedan floating in the air returned to its original appearance and fell from the air.

The other two paper figures jumped up and left the spider's body at this time. They rushed under the sedan in three or two steps and reached out to catch the sedan before it fell to the ground.

In the sedan, Zuo Yinyang only felt a violent turbulence, and then a sense of weightlessness came over him. He grabbed the window sills on both sides with both hands, trying to keep his body balanced and prevent himself from being thrown out.

This feeling of not being able to control his own life and death was really terrible.

In a moment, the paper wolf on Lao Huang's side had killed most of the attackers, and only two people were still struggling at the scene.

These paper wolves moved very quickly and cooperated with each other like a wolf pack. Even if part of their bodies were damaged, they continued to attack and would not stop until they died.

Of the remaining two people, one of the masked men was holding a huge sword in both hands and waving it non-stop.

Rather than saying it was a sword, it was better to say it was a sledgehammer. This man was extremely powerful. His upper body was bare, and his body was covered with pale white bone spurs. His whole body was glowing red. He must have been blessed with some kind of powerful spell.

At this time, he was leaning against a big tree. Whenever a paper wolf approached, he would swing his huge sword and smash the paper wolf far away. However, as the number of wolves increased, he became more and more exhausted, and the red light on his body was slowly fading. It was estimated that he could not hold on for much longer.

The other person looked like a woman. She had a horse armor spell on each of her feet. She was superb in body skills and was more flexible than the wolves.

At this time, she saw that most of her companions had been killed and had already thought of escaping. She dodged and slowly moved away from Lao Huang.

Through the window of the paper sedan, Zuo Yinyang looked at the giant spider. Under the double torture of the fire and the sharp blade, it no longer moved. It looked like it was dying.

Finally, the woman turned her back to Lao Huang, and the vest talisman on her feet began to burn. Her speed reached the extreme. In the blink of an eye, she got rid of the wolf pack and fled into the depths of the dense forest without looking back. Soon she disappeared.

Lao Huang saw the woman running away, but did not chase her. He just pinched his fingers to make all the wolves stop attacking, retreat slightly, and surround the remaining man.

The man leaned against the tree and panted. He looked around and knew that there was no possibility of escape at the moment, so he pulled off the scarf covering his face, quickly showed a flattering expression, and said eagerly:

"Master Huang, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm Mo Shitou from Qingshi Village. My brother and I bought yellow paper from your place last year. Do you still remember? Everything today is all a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding." !”

"Oh? It turns out it's the Mo family. You didn't collect medicine in the mountains and you came here to attack me. What kind of misunderstanding is this? Hehehehe."

Lao Huang rode on the paper horse and approached Mo Xiaoshi step by step. Behind him, the smiling paper man was burning with flames, swaying in the shadow of Lao Huang. In Mo Xiaoshi's eyes, it looked like a god of death.

Mo Xiaoshi swallowed his saliva and lowered his body.

"It's really a misunderstanding. It was the enchantress Wang from Xiu Chunyuan who told me that someone had kidnapped her apprentice. She promised a huge profit and asked me to come and intercept him and save him.

I didn't know you were here all the time. This must be the nonsense of that vicious temptress. I was also deceived. I hope you will be kind enough to let me go! "

After hearing this, Lao Huang shook his head and said, "Okay, stop making it up, do you know who is in my sedan?"

Mo Xiaoshi continued to bow and beg for mercy: "Zhenren Huang, I really don't know. I was really deceived. Please spare my life."

Lao Huang waved his hand from the air and called the paper sedan to him. He opened the paper curtain, pointed at Zuo Yinyang inside and said:

"In this sedan is a child rescued by Qin Tianjian. Yunwu Sect asked me to take him up the mountain."

After hearing this, Mo Xiaoshi was shocked, his feet softened and he knelt down: "This, this, this, Master Huang, I really don't know this. Even if you lend me ten courages, I don't dare to disturb Yunwumen's work. !”

As he said that, he lowered his head and knelt on the ground: "It was that witch king who lied to me and said that someone found many treasures in Heiyun Mountain and that she knew the whereabouts of the treasure hunters. I also became greedy for a while and clouded my mind. Ambush here, spare your life!”

The smell of blood spread to the left yin and yang nose,


A head hit Mo Xiaoshi at his feet, and he jumped aside in fear.

Looking again, it was the woman who escaped just now.

Before she died, her face was full of surprise, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

Zuo Yinyang turned to look at the forest, and a faint red mist floated out of the dense forest.

A tall figure walked out of the mist. He was covered in iron armor and had an iron chain around his waist.

It turned out to be the female monk who saved him when he first arrived in this world, Zhang Xunchang.

This girl's name is Zhang Youniang.

She is not only a red-clothed inspector of the Qintian Prison, but also an inner disciple of the Yunwu Sect's Shangqingyuan.

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