The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 20: New Abilities

In the following time, Zuo Yinyang completed a big circle of Qi gathering and practicing evil spirits every night, and then got up early to practice the "Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants Sutra". This went on peacefully for about a month.

At dawn on this day, Zuo Yinyang was meditating in the room to practice Qi. After many days of practice, the last trace of evil spirit in his body was also extracted, and the opportunity brought to him by swallowing the Earth Blood Tai Sui was finally exhausted.

The evil spirits accidentally obtained in ordinary people's bodies are not endless. The so-called Qi gathering and practicing evil spirits, the word "gathering" comes first, and the word "practicing" comes later.

At this point, the cultivator has two ways to continue practicing, or this is the normal way of practicing.

The first is to continue to look for similar sources of evil spirits. For example, the Yunwu Sect will provide cloud-like evil spirits for its disciples, and the Shangqing Sword Sect will provide various sword evil spirits, gold evil spirits, etc., and like Zuo Yinyang, it is necessary to continue to swallow spiritual objects containing the same source of evil spirits.

The remaining method is to transform the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into evil spirits through the evil spirit seeds.

Because the body of the cultivator has been able to adapt to the existence of this unique evil spirit in advance, in turn, it can slowly transform it into the required evil spirit by swallowing and exhaling the chaotic spiritual energy in the world, and then smelting it.

According to Zuo Yinyang's understanding, it is like becoming a new source of pollution after being polluted.

However, the speed of such transformation is very slow, and it can only be slowly polished out like water dripping through a stone. For ordinary people, this process is also extremely dangerous, because after the spiritual energy is alienated, it is no longer safe to swallow and exhale spiritual energy, and accidents may occur at any time.

This is also the biggest difference between sects and folk casual cultivators.

The high sects have mastered a certain kind of evil spirit. They can train and select disciples from an early age, let the disciples contact these evil spirits in advance, and after they adapt to smelting evil spirits, they continuously provide the same kind of evil spirits for their cultivation.

Even if the folk casual cultivators get the opportunity and accidentally adapt to a certain kind of evil spirit, once the opportunity is exhausted, the speed of cultivation will be greatly reduced. In order to obtain enough evil spirit and practice the evil spirit to perfection, they can only look for opportunities again, otherwise they can only rely on their own physique to slowly transform.

In order to speed up their cultivation, many ordinary practitioners either died in various accidents while looking for opportunities or died in the process of transforming evil spirits. If they act too hastily, strange changes will occur.

Zuo Yinyang already knew about this, so he did not feel too much loss in his heart.

He is now mobilizing the blood and flesh evil spirit that he has completely controlled in his body, and carefully feeling its magical power.

There are thousands of kinds of evil spirits in the world, and different evil spirits can bring different abilities to practitioners. The blood and flesh evil spirit in Zuo Yinyang's body gives him extremely special abilities. In words, it can be called "activity".

It can make Zuo Yinyang's flesh and blood more energetic. This vitality is a primitive life force. It makes the flesh and blood that are integrated into this evil spirit more agile, as if each cell has independent consciousness and can grow and reproduce infinitely.

If all the organs, flesh and blood, and meridians of the body used to operate passively according to their innate functions, now these organs, flesh and blood, and meridians are actively and positively performing these functions.

The strange activity brought by this evil spirit, coupled with Zuo Yinyang's natural ability to completely control his body, the two are inexplicably compatible, and there will definitely be more magical effects in the future.

At this time, Zuo Yinyang concentrated his mind and mobilized the refined evil spirit to cover the nails of his right hand. He saw that the five nails began to grow rapidly and then hardened, and turned into an eagle claw at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He looked at the claws on his fingertips, paused, and then continued to adjust.

According to the knowledge of his previous life, he compressed the density of the five eagle claw-like nails to a greater extent, making them tougher, and adjusted the blade angle on the claws to about 15 degrees.

Then he raised his hand and swung it hard, and the claws cut through the air, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air. He extended his index finger and gently scratched behind him, and a deep mark appeared on the hard stone wall.

Zuo Yinyang looked at the changes in his hand and was very satisfied. Then he raised his hand and slowly cut a wound on his left arm. The muscles near the wound were tightened by him, and no blood flowed out. As Zuo Yinyang mobilized the evil spirit to the wound, the skin and flesh on both sides of the wound began to wriggle. If you zoom in, you can see that dense granulations have grown on both sides of the wound. They are vying to stick together, and the wound heals rapidly.

Looking at the magical scene happening on his body, Zuo Yinyang couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This evil spirit is really weird."

Zuo Yinyang continued to use the evil spirit to adapt to various changes in his body, controlling the skin to become tough, controlling the hair to grow quickly, and even controlling the body fat to wither quickly. However, the evil spirit he refined was too little now, and he could only cover a small amount of area at a time, about only one palm. If the amount of evil spirit was enough to cover the whole body, then you can imagine how many magical functions he could use.

Lunch at noon.

Zuo Yinyang stood in the courtyard, holding a branch. The loose soil on the ground was covered with Thousand Characters. He was teaching Qifeng to read.

"The phoenix sings in the bamboo, the white colt eats in the field; it turns into grass and trees, and benefits all directions; this body is the four elements and the five constants; I respectfully raise you, how dare I damage you; read"

Qiao Qifeng knelt on the side, with a difficult look on his face, and followed the recitation: "The phoenix sings in the bamboo, the white colt eats in the field; it turns into grass and trees, and benefits all directions: this body is four, four elements and five constants, four elements and five constants, four elements..."

He looked up at Zuo Yinyang, quickly spread his palms and said, "Master, I forgot the last part"

Looking at him skillfully stretching out his hand to be beaten, Zuo Yinyang said angrily: "You have eaten, so you are not afraid of being beaten!" As he said that, he swung two sticks on his hands.

Qi Feng grinned and took two hits, and then continued to wait for Zuo Laoye's teachings.

Zuo Yinyang shook his head and continued: "Qi Feng, you can't think about eating all day now. You have to think about learning knowledge and skills. With skills, you can eat whatever you want in the future. Sea cucumber, abalone, hairy crab, lobster, wagyu, caviar, aren't they better than bread?"

"Qi Feng wants to eat bread, and also wants to eat leek cakes, mushroom cakes, meat pie, and more." Qi Feng's mood was high when talking about food.

"Okay, okay, don't think about it, you can't think of anything good." Zuo Yinyang was a little speechless

Qi Feng hurriedly lowered his head and muttered in a low voice when he saw this.

"Young Master, the human traffickers are here" Su Li's voice came from outside, interrupting Zuo Yinyang's scolding.

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