The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 23: Braised Food

Three days later, at noon

Zuo Yinyang is practicing the "Ten Dragons and Ten Symbols Sutra" alone in the yard. Now that his body has further improved, he can already perform more moves. He is half squatting and is punching out slowly. This punch is extremely slow. , as if there was a force pulling his arm to prevent him from punching. It was almost noon, the autumn sky was high, and the sun shone on his face. At this time, his whole body was covered with large beads of sweat, and his clothes were already soaked through. .

The flesh on Zuo Yin Yang's face swayed slightly, and he continued to slowly punch out one punch after another. According to the method of transporting power in the scriptures, he divided the energy in his body into two parts, six parts forward and four parts backward. After the fist was punched out, , adjust the strength, six points backward, four points forward, and then retract the fist.

Repeating this over and over again, the muscles in his body continued to tighten and relax under the constant pull of the two forces. At the same time, his strength and physical strength continued to grow during his practice.

According to the "Ten Dragons and Ten Symbols Sutra", only when you have achieved great success in cultivation and united your mind and body, can you divide the energy in your body at will to achieve such effects.

This cultivation method is extremely difficult for others to achieve. It is difficult for ordinary people to control the muscles of the body to make such strange changes. However, Zuo Yin Yang is born with the ability to fully control the body, so this method is extremely simple for him. .

It only took him three days to learn to control the direction of his energy, so that the training effect was optimal. Coupled with the activation effect brought by his flesh and blood evil energy, Zuo Yin and Yang's recovery ability also became different from ordinary people. Others practiced "Ten Dragons" once a day. "Ten Symbols Sutra" requires rest, otherwise the body will be damaged, but he can practice seven or eight times, and this ability to recover will become faster and faster as the evil energy in his body increases.

Zuo Yinyang felt that he was not far away from mastering the first level of "Dragon Elephant Sutra". Even Elder Qiu who gave him the technique did not expect that his cultivation speed would be so abnormal.

"Young Master bought it back."

Su Li and Qifeng each carried a bamboo basket on their backs and came to the backyard. The baskets were filled with various medicinal materials wrapped in straw paper.

"Master, I bought all the medicinal materials according to your prescription." Su Li said as he limped to Zuo Yinyang. Qifeng put down the bamboo basket behind him behind him, and then helped Su Li take it. Put down the bamboo basket.

Zuo Yinyang stopped his work and stepped forward to look through it. He picked up a paper bag, smelled it and said:

"Yes, there's no problem with the taste of the star anise. Qifeng, go and call Master Fang over. We'll start braised pork in a moment."

The cooking techniques of Southern Chu State today are roughly the same as those in the previous life. They can fry, stir-fry, and deep-fry everything, but there is a lack of braised vegetables.

Many edible spices, such as fennel, cumin, star anise, cinnamon, etc., are used as medicinal materials here.

Zuo Yinyang now plans to reopen the inn, so he naturally needs a sign, and he wants to be different from others, so he sets his mind on braised vegetables. Since they are all Chinese flavors, there must be no problem with street food such as braised vegetables. .

After a while, Qifeng led the newly recruited cook Fang Baiwen to the backyard.

"Master, call me!"

Yesterday morning, Renyazi Su Daman led many people to the door to wait for Zuo Yinyang to take the school exam. Now he is left with a cook, two waiters, and an old shopkeeper.

The old shopkeeper’s surname is Liu. He is a native of Xianshan County. He later followed his former boss to work in Taichang County next door. He worked as the shopkeeper of a local inn for many years. Now he is a bit older and his children and family are all in Xianshan. County, so he resigned from his former employer and returned to his hometown.

The two boys are two brothers. The eldest brother is called Zhang Qihu, who is 18 years old this year. The second brother is called Zhang Bahu, one year older than the eldest brother. He is a resident of the nearby area. They were hunters in the mountains, but they had too many children. So they were sent to the county to learn some crafts.

Zuo Yinyang saw that the two of them were quite clever, and the key was that they could read a few words, so they kept six coins per month for each of them. Su Daman warned him again: "Young Master Zuo is a compassionate person. You two can eat it." You will live in an inn, you can learn skills, and you will be paid for it. You can’t cheat in the future, otherwise I won’t be able to spare you if Mr. Zuo doesn’t trouble you.”

The two of them thanked them profusely, and Zuo Yinyang was very satisfied.

Originally, Zuo Yin Yang's inn needed two chefs, but Su Daman didn't have a suitable candidate for a while, so he only brought one over. This chef Fang was a middle-aged man in his thirties, slightly fat. He studied cooking at Tianxiang House in Dongcheng, and later wanted to open a small shop on his own. However, he was honest and dull, and was manipulated several times by his colleagues. His business was bleak and he lost a lot of money. Now he can only find a new place to continue. work to earn a living.

This man was quite trustworthy, and the few people he found were pretty good. Zuo Yinyang was not stingy and gave him a lot of money. However, Su Daman also had orders from his employer and did not dare to ask for more. After some refusal, After only receiving half of the money, he left a few people to make contracts, said goodbye and left.

Chef Fang wiped the water stains on his hands with his apron, then went to Zuo Yinyang and continued: "I have taken out the pork and offal, and blanched them. Boss, what else do you want to do?"

Zuo Yinyang: "No, you learn how to make the ingredients from me, and you will be the one to cook the braised pork from now on."

"Okay, Master." Although Chef Fang had doubts in his heart, he still nodded in agreement. He also has cooking skills and is proficient in all kinds of food, otherwise he would not be left in Tianxiang Tower, which is one of the time-honored restaurants in Dongcheng.

But now he has never heard of the "braised pork" that Zuo Yinyang is talking about. He knows about cured meat and bacon. What kind of meat is "braised pork"?

Next, Zuo Yinyang picked out the herbs one by one from the bamboo basket according to the proportion, broke them into pieces, washed them in water, removed the dust, and then put them into a prepared cotton bag and tied it up.

"1.6 qian of pepper, 0.5 qian of cardamom, 2 qian of star anise, 0.5 qian of nutmeg, 1 qian of fennel, 0.2 qian of cardamom, 0.5 qian of galangal, 0.5 qian of cinnamon, 0.5 qian of cloves, 0.1 qian of white cardamom... I will write the specific formula for you later, and follow this ratio in the future."

"Yes, boss." Seeing Zuo Yinyang's detailed explanation, Fang, the chef, was embarrassed and worried: "What is this method? It seems to be a medicine soup. What if someone gets sick?"

After preparing the marinade package, Zuo Yinyang led Fang to the kitchen again and instructed him to put the processed meat into boiling water, then add the prepared spice packages, lard, onions, sugar and ginger slices to the soup in the pot, and continue to cook for half an hour. When the onion is cooked, take it out and throw it away.

Then add a little salt after cooking. Since there is no MSG, Fang can only put some mushroom soup that has been boiled in advance, and finally keep it on low heat and continue to stew for an hour.

After everything was done, it was already past lunch time.

As the lid of the pot was opened, Chef Fang took the sauced meat out of the pot.

"It smells so good!" Chef Fang knew that the secret recipe of the boss was not simple just by smelling it.

He turned around, knelt in front of Zuo Yinyang, kowtowed and said, "Don't worry, boss, I, Fang Baiwen, will strictly keep this secret recipe and will never pass it on without your order."

Zuo Yinyang was slightly stunned, and then he understood.

In the previous life, the rapid and transparent dissemination of information made this kind of cooking secret recipe knowledge readily available. As long as you pay a little attention, it is easy to learn. Zuo Yinyang still retains the thinking mode of the previous life and does not think it is precious.

But in the eyes of ordinary people like Fang Wenbai, this secret method is a treasure that can make a living for a chef, so he thought that Zuo Yinyang valued and trusted him very much after only two days with him, and revealed the secret recipe of braised meat to him. He was so excited that he knelt down and kowtowed to show his loyalty.

Seeing this, Zuo Yinyang took advantage of the situation and said meaningfully: "Get up, Brother Fang, since I told you this secret recipe, it means I believe in you. I hope you can help my Zuo family wholeheartedly and reopen this inn. My Zuo family will definitely not treat you unfairly."

"Don't worry, young master, I will definitely help you make this Shifang Inn prosperous." Chef Fang stood up and said excitedly.

"Haha, let's work together," Zuo Yinyang smiled and replied: "Let me try this braised meat first."

As he said, Zuo Yinyang was not afraid of the heat. In the hot steam, he directly reached out and tore off a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. A familiar salty taste mixed with the aroma of various marinades filled his mouth.

"Not bad, the taste is close, you cut all the meat and let everyone prepare to eat!"

In the backyard, Zuo Yinyang enjoyed lunch alone in the house, and Qi Xiaoye stood aside with a half mask on his face to serve.

When the girl first came to the inn, she was always timid. Zuo Yinyang knew that she was very self-conscious because of her appearance, so he asked Qihu to make a wooden mask for her. The mask was unique in shape, with only half of it tilted, just covering her mouth. It was a kind of mask used in local harvest sacrifices and was called a "ban" ghost.

Xiao Ye, wearing the mask, was obviously much more confident. She quickly put the cut braised meat and other stir-fried dishes on the table, and put the hot rice wine in front of Zuo Yinyang, and then said

"Master, please eat"

Zuo Yinyang nodded: "Okay, you go down, I've eaten, you come to clean up."

"Yes, Master, when you are done, call me" After that, Xiao Ye left the room.

Zuo Yinyang did not do anything weird like the master and servant were united and ate at the same table. After all, this was not his previous life. The so-called concept of equality for all did not apply here. The inherent class ideology was still deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. If he insisted on using the theory of his previous life to cause trouble in this world, he would definitely be out of tune and would not last long. After all, productivity determines production relations, which is a universal law.

He is now trying to integrate into this world while also following his own good and evil.

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