The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 29: Spiritual Objects

"Grandpa, it looks like our truck can be sold for a lot more money!"

After entering the city, the young man pushing the cart behind said excitedly

"Don't be too happy too early!" There was no joy on Old Man Huang's face, but he said with worry: "If our goods can be sold for more, then the things we want to buy will also become more expensive. Now that winter has arrived early, the grain and cotton cloth will definitely be more expensive. It’s hard to say whether the price will increase, whether it’s a loss or a gain when one comes in and one goes out!

Moreover, the evil witch incident some time ago has not been completely resolved. Although there are fewer calamity cultivators and demon cultivators in the mountains, there are more imps and little demons. Those things are even more difficult to deal with, I would say they are not as good as before! "

"That's better than before. What's there to be afraid of? There will always be masters of cultivation in this mountain to slay demons and ghosts. They are better than those greedy Jie cultivators!" the young man retorted:

The old man shook his head and said nothing.

His grandson is still young, does not know the truth of the world, and still has a beautiful vision for the world of cultivation!

This old man Huang is also a well-rounded man. When he was young, he learned some skills of Qimen Dunjia from mountain rangers and local masters. He can know the way in the mountains and avoid obstacles and disasters. So I can travel to and from various cottage tribes in the mountains.

He sells medicinal materials from the mountains, and then sells salt, grain, etc. from the city. It is considered a business transaction!

He reluctantly knew the truth about the world of cultivation. The law of the jungle has always been strong. The peace in the mountains is temporary. There will always be new monks who become calamity cultivators. For people at the bottom like them, every big change is a big risk. !

"Let's go and ask for the price first!"


Shifang Inn, backyard

He Qingni was practicing the "Ten Dragons and Ten Symbols Sutra" following Zuo Yinyang in a serious manner, but his movements were clumsy, without any charm of dragons and elephants. Although he tried hard to keep up with Zuo Yinyang's movements, it was very difficult, as if his legs were short. Like a toad.

Soon, Zuo Yinyang completed a set of flowing movements. Now he has completely mastered this technique and movements. He only needs to practice every day.

He calmed down his breath, turned around and said, "Fellow Daoist He, this is the first-level cultivation technique in the "Ten Dragons and Ten Symbols Sutra"!"

He Qingni also retracted his awkward movements, cupped his hands and replied: "Fellow Taoist Zuo, I'm afraid I need you to come here a few more times before I can memorize it. I have only heard of this sutra and have never had the opportunity to practice it. Today, Taoist Zuo can make me When I watched it, I really didn’t know what to say!”

Zuo Yinyang smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, you and I are in the same boat now! Besides, I also have a lot of questions, and I want to ask you for advice! Take your time, I have to practice every day anyway!"

In the world of cultivation, Zuo Yinyang knows how precious the skills are.

Letting He Qingni watch the practice was actually done intentionally by Zuo Yinyang. He would only teach him the first level of this technique.

First, although the "Ten Dragons and Ten Symbols Sutra" is indeed mysterious, it is very precious to casual practitioners. But as far as he knew, the first few levels of this sutra were widely circulated, and the most precious ones were actually the visualization diagrams and the body-building prescriptions that matched the practice!

Secondly, He Qingni was lucky enough to be here. According to Taoist Master Jing Ruo, he could barely be considered to have average to lower qualifications.

Zuo Yin Yang's physique is extremely special. He is now under the supervision of various forces and does not dare to behave too differently from ordinary people. Therefore, he relies on this person to judge his cultivation qualifications and adjust his cultivation progress. The best thing now is not to be in the limelight. Good choice.

Thirdly, he also wanted to use this opportunity to get closer to He Qingni and get some real information and intelligence about the world of cultivation.

He had just started to practice, and he was trapped here. There were still many unknown things about the real world of practice!

He Qingni on the side also felt a little emotional. He had come all the way from the bottom, so he naturally knew that people's hearts were sinister, but the little shopkeeper in front of him seemed defenseless. He was even willing to let him learn the exercises, which made him feel a little moved.

While he was laughing at Zuo Yinyang's innocence, he couldn't help but relax his guard against Zuo Yinyang!

He Qingni looks weird, but he is actually not that old.

In his previous life, Zuo Yinyang was a lawyer, and he was a master at moving people's hearts with his words. As a human being, it was natural for him to get close to him easily!

Soon, with Zuo Yinyang's compliments, the words on the other side unconsciously increased!

He began to talk about his life experiences, and more and more information was extracted by Zuo Yinyang, and the true face of the underlying cultivation world was slowly revealed in Zuo Yinyang's heart!


"I felt something was wrong at the time. This girl is so thin and frail, how could she have big breasts with such thin arms? It was suspicious at first glance.

Sure enough, with a little scare, I made her reveal her true form.

When I took a look, it turned out to be a yellow-furred fox, and damn it was a male.

Even though this little devil runs fast, I am not familiar with this place, otherwise, I would have caught him and roasted him! "He Qingni was beaming and talking about his experience of going north.

Zuo Yinyang listened silently and chimed in from time to time!

"Brother Zuo, you don't know that after your country's sweep of Black Cloud Mountain, there have been a lot fewer casual cultivators. But without the monks to suppress them, mountain monsters and ghosts will rise. Now the people in the mountain are living a better life than the sweep. I was still sad before.”

Zuo Yinyang thought for a moment and soon understood. Most casual cultivators and calamity cultivators only try to exploit ordinary mountain people. Except for the real demon cultivators, most of them are more interested in making money than harming their lives.

Monsters and ghosts are the real terror. They only want to eat and harm people, and they don't follow any rules!

So he sighed and said: "It is indeed a hardship for ordinary mortals!"

He Qingni changed the topic and continued: "However, the wild land has its own rules. Soon there will be new casual cultivators to kill demons and ghosts, looking for opportunities. Sooner or later, it will become the same as before."

"Master, Master, a guest is here." Suddenly, Su Li's voice came from the inn lobby.

Hearing the sound, Zuo Yinyang stood up and looked towards the hall

The inn is not open to the public yet, so what kind of guests will come to the door?

Su Li came to the backyard to report,

"Sir, this is Uncle Huang who delivers mountain goods. He has brought a cart of goods to our door. He wants to see if the inn can accept it."

After hearing this, Zuo Yinyang understood. Shifang Inn used to work part-time to collect mountain goods, so mountain people and merchants would always come to deliver goods. This old man Huang was the customer who often delivered goods.

He was going to refuse, but after thinking about it he said, "Then let me go and have a look!"

After that, he got up and went to the hall

He Qingni saw this and said, "I'll go take a look too."

The three of them soon arrived at the inn lobby.

In the hall, Old Man Huang was sitting drinking tea. When he saw the three people, he quickly got up.

Before the accident, he was also a frequent visitor to the inn. Now, after more than half a year, he saw Zuo Yinyang again. He was shocked. The young shopkeeper of the Zuo family in front of him was completely different from the one in his memory.

In his impression, Zuo Yinyang was still a short and well-behaved child, but now Zuo Yinyang has almost reached the height of an adult, about 1.75 meters. Although he has grown a lot, his unusually fat appearance still makes him look a little bit taller. horrible.

The Taoist in green behind him seemed to have a normal body shape, but the huge eyes on his face and the big mouth that almost split behind his ears made him look like he was not an ordinary person!

Only the lame little Su Li next to him made Old Man Huang feel a little familiar!

It seems that those rumors are true. The shopkeeper of the Zuo family has had the opportunity to become a monk!

Old Man Huang quickly adjusted his mentality, stood up, held his hands in his hands, and said respectfully: "Shopkeeper Zuo, long time no see! Old Huang is polite!"

Zuo Yinyang said softly: "Uncle Huang, there is no need to be polite, sit down and talk!"

"My family has suffered a big change. Now that the inn has reopened, I don't have enough money, so I haven't started receiving the goods yet! I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you!"

Old Man Huang replied: "Shopkeeper Zuo is so polite. I also stopped by to ask. The old shopkeeper and I are old acquaintances. In the past, we would send goods to the Zuo family for review. Whether they succeed or not is all due to friendship!"

After that, he stood up and left.

Zuo Yinyang went out to see him off, and several people came to the door of the inn.

Outside the inn, Old Man Huang's grandson was sitting next to the car watching the car. When he saw the strange looks of Zuo Yin and Yang, his face showed a hint of fear.

Old Man Huang hurriedly explained: "This is my eldest grandson. He has just grown up this year. He follows me to the mountains to buy goods. He has no knowledge and makes you laugh!"

Zuo Yinyang didn't take it seriously. He was about to say a few words to send Old Man Huang away when suddenly a secret voice came into his ears: "Wait a moment, Fellow Daoist Zuo, I can smell a hint of spiritual power in the air! This old man should be in the car." There is something spiritual!”

Hearing He Qingni's message, Zuo Yinyang's expression remained unchanged and he said, "It's okay, Uncle Huang, you have a lot of things in this car.

These medicinal materials can also be used in food and goods inns. Can I take them and take a look? I wonder how much they are worth? Maybe buy it individually? "

Old Man Huang's face lit up and he hurriedly replied: "Of course, I can pick out whatever you want to see!"

He has asked several merchants this morning. Although the prices have increased, the salt, iron, and grain he wants to buy have also increased a lot. In summary, the profit from this trip is not as high as before. Many, so even if he knew that Zuojia Inn was not open for business, he would still come to ask!

Zuo Yinyang and others calmly came to the car. He picked out the usable medicinal materials and game one by one. When he touched one of the bags with his hand, the evil spirit in his body immediately changed very slightly. Zuo Yinyang was extremely sensitive to changes in the body and immediately noticed this abnormality.

He said calmly: "What's in this bag? It looks like a lot?"

"It's bacon made by the mountain people, cut into pieces and dried. It has everything. Zhangzi, wild boar, and lynx are all mixed together." Old man Huang is a businessman, and he unloaded it from the car without waiting for Zuo Yinyang's consent. , and then open it for him to see!

I saw large and small pieces of dried meat piled together in the bag, and you couldn't tell what kind of animal it was!

"Why are they all cut into pieces? Where did you collect them?"

Old Man Huang hurriedly explained: "They are all collected in Jiuliwa. There is a big cliff there, and animals that stumble often fall off, leaving them completely damaged beyond recognition. After the mountain people pick them up, they cut off the edible parts and take them back.

Don’t worry, it’s all good meat! I've seen them all! Not expensive! "

This kind of meat is usually sold at a low price, and many stores are unwilling to accept it. He hopes to sell it as soon as possible!

"Okay, leave it alone, I'm picking at it!"

Then Zuo Yinyang picked and touched everything again, and waited until He Qingni's message was confirmed before he stopped and said: "Su Li, go get the abacus.

Uncle Huang, look how much money these cost? "

Old Man Huang looked at the pile of things Zuo Yinyang picked out, including mountain mushrooms, fungus, a handful of medicinal materials, three sheepskins, two live pheasants, and the bag of bacon!

He has already figured it out in his mind

"Shopkeeper Zuo, the total is fourteen taels and three cents. Winter has started early this year, and the prices of things have been rising these days, especially leather goods, which are more than 30% more expensive. Just give me fourteen taels!" Old Man Huang tried his best. He replied that he was afraid that the price quoted would be too high!

Zuo Yinyang said with a smile: "The prices have indeed increased a lot now. Let's do this, Uncle Huang! Fourteen taels doesn't sound good, I'll give you fifteen taels.

However, I have a request.

When I open this inn in the future, I will also need a lot of delicacies and game. You have to be the first to come to me with your goods. Let me pick first. What do you think? Don’t worry, the price will not be unfair to you! "

Old Man Huang was smiling at this time. Facing the shopkeeper Zuo who generously gave him money, he no longer had the fear he had when he first met him. He only felt that Zuo Yinyang was extremely kind now!

"Thank you, shopkeeper Zuo, thank you shopkeeper Zuo. Don't worry, I will bring the car to you directly from now on. After you finish picking it, I will sell it elsewhere!"

After the money and goods were cleared, Zuo Yinyang sent away the old man Huang who was grateful for his kindness.

Back at the inn, Zuo Yinyang and He Qingni picked out the bag of bacon and took it back to the backyard.

He Qingni turned over the pile of bacon in front of him and said with some disappointment: "Shopkeeper Zuo, it's not a good thing. Only these few pieces of meat in it have weak spiritual power. They must have eaten some kind of spiritual beast! Specific details. I don't know what it is.

Two silver dollars spent is not a loss! "

"These pieces are not meat, I think I know what kind of spiritual things they are!"

"Oh! What is it?"

Zuo Yinyang's eyes flickered and he whispered: "Earth Blood Tai Sui!"

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