The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 36: Rouge Shop

The heavy snow stops, the winter sun rises, and a rare trace of warmth spreads across the world.

The inn is still lively today, with many guests whispering to each other and turning to look at the counter from time to time.

Behind the counter, the young master, who never appeared in the front hall, was sitting there generously, looking slightly bloated and eye-catching.

When guests come or leave, he will take the initiative to greet them, which is very naive.

Many people met this survivor of the Zuo family for the first time.

Since the beginning of autumn, this Shifang Inn has been an important talking point for the people in the nearby market.

First, a good family was harmed by some evil witch, so that only a minor child survived.

At first, everyone thought that this time-honored brand on Qingshui Street would soon come to an end. The young man would be eaten up by the gangsters on the street, and he might even die quietly in a corner.

But then it came out that the boy from the Zuo family survived the catastrophe. Not only did he have the support of the government behind him, but he also had the fate of immortality and even climbed to the top of the Yunwu Gate.

This was incredible, and there was a lot of discussion in the streets for a while.

Until the inn opened, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that this little fat man was very good at recruiting people. He also learned a special way to eat "braised vegetables" from somewhere. This new type of food quickly became popular, and the color of the braised vegetables Tempting and delicious.

After soaking and cooking in brine, the color of the braised vegetables becomes bright and attractive, which greatly increases appetite.

The stewed vegetables have a mellow taste and texture, which makes people have endless aftertaste, which is very suitable for these Jianghu people, warriors and businessmen.

At the same time, the wine in this Shifang Inn is also different from other places. The signature wine "Huo Shaobing" is not only high in alcohol content, but also extremely pure.

It is refreshing and mellow, with great staying power, and is a perfect match for the strong braised vegetables.

This Shifang Inn not only did not decline under the little shopkeeper's operation, but also became prosperous and prosperous.

In the coldest month of winter, his family's business is the best on Qingshui Street.

Drinkers with some spare money are willing to come here.

It has become a habit for many people to come to Zuojia Inn to serve two plates of braised vegetables and drink two ounces of wine.

It's just that the owner of the inn has never shown his face in many days. Today he came out to greet guests, and many people were curious.

"You don't know, someone was causing trouble some time ago, and before he could shake off his authority, an expert took action and subdued him!"

"I heard from a friend that it was the Zuo family that surrendered!"

"No, no, what my uncle saw with his own eyes was the hand of a swordsman, cutting a gangster who wanted to touch porcelain into two pieces!"

"What kind of gangster? Does the little gangster need the help of the Sword Immortal? He is obviously a frog demon. My uncle's concubine's brother was at the inn at the time!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not a frog demon at all, it's a toad demon. This demon almost ate Wang Bao's head at that time!"

"It's useless to say that this king's arrest is really useless. He usually eats and drinks, shouts and drinks, but who would have thought that when something happens, he turns out to be such a waste!"


Everyone was talking about it, and Zuo Yinyang found it quite funny as he listened to the increasingly ridiculous rumors.

It seems that no matter what the world is, gossip and street gossip are everyone’s common hobbies!

After seeing off a group of guests, Old Liu returned to the front desk of the inn: "Master, there are people coming and going at this door, and there is always a cold wind coming in. Why don't you go to the back room to rest, to avoid the cold?" "

When Old Liu saw Zuo Yinyang for the first time, he was still a little afraid of the ugly and fat young owner, and even regretted coming to the inn.

But as time went by, he discovered that although the young master in front of him looked scary, he was easy-going, polite, and approachable, unlike an underage child.

He seemed to be equal to everyone.

Slowly, he let down his guard, and his initial prejudice turned into a hint of admiration and sympathy.

He is still worried that the young master's body has been destroyed by bad guys and has not fully recovered!

Hearing Lao Liu's concern, Zuo Yinyang replied in an easy-going tone: "It's okay, Lao Liu. Now I'm fine. I've been hiding in the backyard all day. I'm very frustrated. Why don't you come and sit in the hall!"

Old Liu nodded: "It's a good idea to come out and get some fresh air. I'll ask Leopard to add some new carbon to the stove."

Now Zuo Yinyang naturally didn't care about the cold wind, he waved his hand.

"Don't worry, old shopkeeper, it's very warm in this room, and my physique is more resistant to freezing than you! Haha!

Nowadays, the business of the inn is so prosperous, the old shopkeeper and everyone are worried.

By the end of the year, I will definitely have a big red envelope here. "


After chatting with the old shopkeeper at the counter, Zuo Yinyang stood up and walked to the door!

The noise of diners came from the inn behind him, and it was very lively.

And outside the gate, on a sunny day after the snow, there were a few pedestrians on the street in twos and threes. There was no liveliness in the past, and it seemed particularly deserted. The quiet smell unique to winter filled the air!

As a human being, Zuo Yinyang enjoyed the peace in front of him, which gave him a strange illusion, as if he could live steadily like this forever.

More than half a month has passed since he obtained the status of Tsing Yi patrol officer, and not long after that, it will be the New Year's Eve. Nothing happened during this period. Welcome and drop-offs, and the noisy inn seemed to be a daily routine.

If possible, this kind of life is not bad.

At the end of Qingshui Street, only the Shifang Inn and the Rouge Shop diagonally opposite are open now.

"It seems I still owe money to others!"

Zuo Yinyang remembered this and paid one hundred and fifty taels of silver from the counter.

When he arrived at the door of the rouge shop, he opened the door curtain and went in. This was his first time visiting!

The antique rouge shop is filled with a faint fragrance. Various rouges are displayed in exquisite wooden cabinets. They are either placed in exquisite jade boxes or wrapped in delicate silk.

The layout of the store is elegant and unique, with several portraits of ancient beauties hanging on the walls, adding a bit of a classical atmosphere. The shelves are stocked with a variety of rouges in bright and eye-catching colors, from subtle pinks to gorgeous reds.

Sitting in the shop was a graceful woman in her early thirties, with a beautiful face and a smile in her eyes, wearing a simple and elegant dress.

Behind him, a fat girl wearing a red cotton coat was rubbing the woman's back.

There was a young man at the counter, holding his head in one hand and lowering his head, apparently dozing off.

There were no other customers in the store, so business seemed to be average!

Before Zuo Yinyang could say anything, the fat girl who was beating someone on the back shouted: "Second son, we have a guest!"

The little waiter's son, who was dozing off, was so frightened that his head fell out of his hands and almost hit him on the counter. He said instinctively:

"Dear guest, please come inside! You want to see something, the best rouge and gouache, all high-end products!"

The female shopkeeper said with a smile: "Isn't this the left shopkeeper of Shifang Inn? Is he here to pay back the money?"

The woman's voice is sticky, like honey that cannot be melted, making people feel soft all over.

Zuo Yinyang's face was slightly red. During this period, he had been hiding in the backyard of the inn to practice, and he had indeed forgotten about borrowing money in the first place!

"Senior, please forgive me. Thanks to you for your generosity, I can reopen the inn." He thanked the female shopkeeper:

"It's just that the inn spent a lot of money in the early stage, and now it has a slight balance. Moreover, my health has only recovered recently, and I am not too eye-catching. I dare to visit today. This is the arrears and some interest. Senior, please accept it!"

A flash of pink light flashed, and the silver in Zuo Yinyang's hand disappeared.

The female shopkeeper said with a bright smile with her peach blossom eyes: "Okay, I will accept the money. I think you are quite smart, and I quite like it! But why did you join the Qintian Prison? Isn't it good to just stay in the inn? Steady. Wouldn’t it be better to spend three years safely?”

Zuo Yinyang replied bitterly: "Senior, if I can't catch the evil witch, how can I survive three years as a bait? Even if I live for three years, there will be no use value by then. Who will look at me? ”

The female shopkeeper paused for a moment and continued: "But do you know that these evil witches are not so easy to deal with. In this city, under the many forces, they still have various scruples. Once they leave the city, they can be unscrupulous.

Although the Shangqing Sword Sect are all swordsman madmen, the evil witches are no less generous. They are a group of madmen who don't even care about their lives! "

Zuo Yinyang continued to reply: "Since I am a life-threatening madman and I am hiding in the city, they will still find me sooner or later. I don't know what conspiracy there will be by then. I might as well take action now and give it a try!"

The female shopkeeper nodded and said calmly: "Since the Shangqing Sword Sect agrees, I have nothing to say. If you don't want to buy Rouge, just go back!"

"I still don't know what to call my senior."

"Poor Ni Taozhuo."

"Senior Taozhuo, take your leave, kid!"

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