The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 4: End

The woman surnamed Zhang led the three people behind her and the coffin containing Zuo Yinyang and strode to the young man, raised her hands and said:

"Reporting to Hua Jianhou, all places have been checked. The girl of Shangqing Jianzong has been picked up by someone from her sect. We followed the orders of Qin Guoshi and did not stop her.

Of the remaining three boys found, one has a disease in his left leg and is unable to walk; one has a different spirit and is slightly stupid; the last one is extremely obese, but his body is intact; judging from their clothes, the three of them should be from Xianshan, Southern Chu Country County people. "

The young man put down the ancient book, listened to the woman's report, raised his head and said, "Junior sister Zhang, no need to be polite, how is the Pei girl doing now? Is there anything strange about her?"

The woman frowned slightly when she heard his address and replied: "My eyes are blind and I can't see."

The young warden Hou nodded.

I saw him move, and he came to the coffin carried by Chang Si and Chang Wu.

At the same time, Zuo Yinyang felt an invisible force gently wrap him up and slowly pull him out of the coffin, and then a spiritual thought swept through his body from the inside out.

In the firelight, Zuo Yinyang's unusually fat body was completely revealed from the coffin. He was wearing a wide hemp coat dressed locally. The fat on his body stretched the clothes to the point where they were about to burst. The shiny flesh was stacked layer by layer. Together, they rushed out of their clothes.

Although his hands and feet are thick, because they are too fat, his fingers are like huge radishes and it is difficult to hold them together.

The entire foot has also been submerged in the flesh.

The face is even more exaggerated. The eyes, nose and mouth are squeezed by fat, and only gaps can be seen.

"For the record, Mr. Huajian, I have checked with Old Wu. All three of them are fine. They should be used as sacrifices, but they have not been used yet."

Between words, Old Wu shrugged slightly, and the green-skinned gourd behind him slowly began to sway.

I saw a stream of green air coming out of the gourd, and two sleeping boys rolled out.

Both of them were wearing plain linen clothes. One of the boys was about seven or eight years old, with a handsome appearance. He slept peacefully, but his left leg was one section shorter.

The other boy, about twelve or thirteen years old, with messy hair, was drooling and purring, as if he was completely unaware of his situation.

As the cyan gas floated out from the mouth of the gourd, the monks and government servants behind Hua Jianhou quickly held their breaths and stepped back slightly, but tried their best to stay away.

Lao Wu ignored everyone's performance, as if it was very common, and continued: "Do you need me to wake up these two dolls?"

Hua Jianhou took a look and replied, "No need, there is a main sacrifice among these three people."

The woman surnamed Zhang replied: "No, these three people were found far away from the altar, and they were not contaminated by the evil spirit of the main altar."

Hua Jianhou nodded: "Then as usual, we will temporarily take them to the Salesian Bureau, go back and check, and if there are any relatives, send them back as soon as possible."

Next, without any movement from him, Zuo Yin Yang was stuffed into the coffin again by an invisible force.

"As you command!"

As Old Wu spoke, he pinched the magic formula with his hands, and saw the green air wrapped around the two dolls slowly shrinking in size, and then floated back into the green-skinned gourd.

Hua Jianhou moved and returned to the middle position again: "Everyone, this time we are cooperating with Qin Guoshi's operation to capture the evil witch. It is over.

Just after receiving the letter from the Imperial Master, except for a few demons who escaped, all other evil spirits have been subjugated.

Senior Sun, you should start sending out the arrest documents, and deal with the follow-up matters as soon as possible. Everyone's merits will be clearly counted.

In addition, if I continue to stay here, you may feel a little nervous, so I will go back to the county first."

"Yes," an old man in white clothes from the crowd stepped forward and said with cupped hands.

"Junior sister, I'm going back to the county government first." The man turned back to the woman named Zhang and said with a smile:

"Farewell to the Marquis of Hua Jian," the woman surnamed Zhang said with an expressionless face and lowered her head.

"Farewell to the Marquis of Huajian"

Everyone present saw this and bowed together!

Then I saw the Hua Jianhou waving his sleeves lightly, a green light flashed past, and he disappeared.

As the Huajian Hou left, everyone put down their serious posture, and the scene started to become noisy!

"Wu Gong, why did you put the two babies in this poisonous gourd? Don't accidentally turn them into pus. It's a sin." A fat monk covered in Buddhist beads among the monks shouted to Old Wu.

Before Old Wu could answer, a female monk dressed as a peasant woman next to him said, "Master Bu Wen, you have just come back and don't know anything. Some time ago, Old Wu got a piece of Wenzi belly skin from nowhere, and from a grandson." Wen Wen Na borrowed some materials and refined them into the gourd.

Now this gourd is a high-quality magic weapon. It is divided into two parts and can hold not only dead objects, but also living objects. "

"The abdominal skin of a spider! How can you, an old centipede, have such good luck? Could it be that you used some dirty trick and deceived it from a casual cultivator somewhere?" the monk replied with a surprised look on his face.

"What does it mean? Old Wu, when have I ever used dirty tricks? You, a drunken monk who doesn't respect the rules, can also bark like a dog. That's called picking up leaks. It relies on eyesight and wisdom. Do you understand?" Old Wu was not angry? shouted loudly

When other monks nearby heard this, they laughed and cursed


"You old poisonous insect is so shameless"

"When we first came here, who among us was not wised by an old centipede like you?"

"Old Wu is lying again"

"You need some face"


"Why, you don't accept it, then if you are poisoned later, if you are injured, don't look for me, go to the doctor in the courtyard." Seeing that everyone was complaining, Old Wu turned around and shouted loudly

"Hahaha, brother Wu, calm down, everyone is joking. Who in these three southwest counties doesn't know that you Wu Gong and Wu Zhenxiu are both experts in medicine and poisoning.

Not everyone dares to practice the Five Plague Techniques. Your Five Plague Diseases are top-notch evil spirits. Who among us would not envy you?

If you are not "wisdom", where can you get such spiritual resources, and where can you find such miracle doctors?" At this time, a young man dressed as a scholar, holding a folding fan in his hand, joked with a smile

"Xiao Meng is still sensible. This Confucian scholar knows etiquette and is worthy of being a scholar like me." After hearing this, Lao Wu nodded repeatedly towards Scholar Meng with satisfaction.

Seeing Old Wu nodding, Shusheng Meng quickly opened the folding fan in his hand, stepped forward to fan Old Wu, and continued: "What the hell, a noble and upright person like you has now mastered the first-class magic weapon, and there is hope for the future. How can I expect such meager rewards from Xiaoxiu and me in the future?

So I have announced on your behalf that from now on you will receive half-price medical treatment and detoxification. What do you think?"

"Okay okay"

"Xiao Meng still knows what Lao Wu is thinking."

"I'm waiting for the villain's heart"

"I know Lao Wu is a good person, hahahaha"

"I have always thought that Lao Wu was a very smart person since I was a child."

When everyone heard this, they all agreed.

"I didn't say anything about half price. Scholars really don't have anything good." Old Wu quickly denied it when he saw this.

Everyone was talking again and started laughing and cursing.

At this time, Zuo Yinyang lay quietly in the coffin, continuing to look confused. At the same time, he silently remembered everyone's conversations and collected various information about this world.

On the other side, the leading woman surnamed Zhang turned back to Zuo Yinyang's coffin, looked down at Zuo Yinyang, and said softly: "Don't panic, the matter has passed. I will send someone to find your parents and relatives. If it's just a moment, If you can’t find it for a while, there will be other arrangements, so don’t worry.”

Zuo Yinyang pretended to be struggling and nodded repeatedly.

After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and walked quickly to the old man in white.

She raised her hands to several people around him one by one and said: "Sun Wenshu and fellow Taoists have been waiting for a long time. The Imperial Master summoned me, which delayed some time."

Sun Wenwen and a group of monks who looked like leaders returned the favor one after another: "It doesn't matter, the matter of the Imperial Master is important."

"Inspector Zhang is back now, and everyone is here. Let me say something." Sun Wenwen raised his voice and said to the leaders:

"In this operation to annihilate evil cultivators, after many years, the three counties of Xianshan, Taichang, and Wushan came to Heiyun Mountain again to launch a joint attack. Although there are Shangqing Sword Sect of Kun Country, Yunwu Sect of our country, and The imperial master of this dynasty is the main force, and the monks from our three counties are only responsible for assisting and coordinating.

But thanks to all the inspectors and walkers who worked hard, no mistakes were made.

In this operation, more than 80 demons and ghosts, large and small, were wiped out. No less than a thousand evil cultivators and monsters were strangled and captured. More than a hundred captured mortals and monks were rescued. Everyone's contribution has been recorded in detail.

Qintian Supervisor Zhao Shougang also issued a special decree. This time, the contribution value of all fellow Taoists can be increased by 20%. "

After hearing this, everyone clapped their hands and cheered loudly, and the scene was very lively for a while.

After Sun Wenwen waited for everyone to make a noise, he raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Taichang, fellow Taoists from both counties of Wushan have already left early.

There are still some follow-up pursuits and searches left, so fellow Taoists are asked to hurry up and complete them. The rewards from the Qintian Prison will be delivered in ten days, and you are asked to come and collect them by yourself.

Then fellow Taoists, please disperse! "

Although Zuo Yinyang was lying in the coffin, he kept leaning on the edge of the coffin with his head raised, silently looking around.

After Sun Wenwen finished speaking, all the inspection leaders gathered their troops and said goodbye and left.

I saw the monk shaking his shoulders slightly, and the cassock he carried with him turned into five or six feet in size. Several monks dressed as monks jumped on the cassocks and turned into a golden light and flew away.

The female monk dressed as a peasant woman also moved her hand casually, and a black cloud appeared, wrapping a few people in it and flying away.

For a time, everyone and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea, each showing his magical powers.

Scholar Meng was even more amazing. With a slight shake of the fan in his hand, a big white fox more than ten feet tall jumped out. The white fox circled around him and a few people around him. A white light flashed past, and people were gone. disappear.

After a while, only Sun Wenwen was left on the scene, a few people accompanying the woman and a group of ordinary government soldiers behind them.

At this time, Sun Wenwen said to the woman

"Xiao Zhang, leave these three children to me, and you should hurry up and go back to the county to rest!" Then he frowned and looked at Zuo Yinyang.

"This doesn't even look like a child."

The woman surnamed Zhang smiled slightly and said: "After measuring the bone age, he was a child. It seems that he was raised by those evil witches using various medicines and foods for a period of time. Although he is fat, his health is not serious! But he I can't remember things now, I guess I have amnesia.

And I see that he is full of energy and blood, and there is actually evil energy in his body. He will definitely have another destiny in the future.

I think he might be used as a backup main sacrifice."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to signal, and Chang Si and Chang Wu behind her hurriedly carried Zuo Yinyang to Sun Wenwen.

Sun Wenshu looked at Zuo Yinyang in the coffin with a soft expression: "Little boy, do you still remember your life experience?"

Zuo Yinyang continued to show a confused look, pretending to work hard to raise his hands, put them together with difficulty and saluted: "Sir, I only know that my name is Zuo Yinyang, and I don't remember anything else."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You have been captured by these evil witches for a long time. Although you have lost your memory, it is good to be alive. When you go back to rest for a while, you may be able to think about it. For now, just rest assured and go to sleep."

Sun Wenshu said comfortingly, then reached out and gently touched Zuo Yinyang's brow. An irresistible tiredness came over him. Zuo Yinyang was afraid that he would discover his abnormality, so he quickly restrained his mind and dared not resist.

He adjusted his body changes, lowered his heartbeat, slowed his pulse, and let his body fall asleep.

At this time, a red light that was difficult to detect with the naked eye was passing through the bottom of the ironwood coffin and slowly seeping into the ground!

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