The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 44: Zombies Again

"Something's going on!" He Qingni, who was on night watch, suddenly cried out in surprise. Apparently, he had also heard the strange bell.

At the same time, Zuo Yinyang and Zhang the Paper Man also opened their eyes at the same time and looked around vigilantly.

Zhang the Paper Man quickly stood up and waved his hands quickly. As he moved, a gray spiritual light emerged from him.

Then, he threw out a handful of white shredded paper, which flew in the air as if alive, drifting with the night wind and quickly rushing out of the door.

He Qingni took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then opened them and said, "Two miles away, one living person and four corpses!" His tone was very solemn, as if he felt that something bad was about to happen.

Zuo Yinyang's ears at this time became extremely sensitive under the stimulation of the strong earth blood evil spirit.

He concentrated his mind and used the "Giant Spirit Technique" to make the ear leaves as big as the palm of his hand, and listened carefully to the sound coming from afar.

Sure enough, he heard four heavy footsteps, each of which seemed very heavy, as if they were carrying something heavy.

Ring, ring, ring!

Ring, ring, ring!

"The heavens are spiritual, the earth is spiritual, the yin and yang meet and the heaven and earth are connected.

I use my mysterious power to invite ghosts and gods, and they turn into hundreds of ghosts to obey my orders.

The Big Dipper's soul-suppressing flag moves step by step in the southeast, northwest and northeast.

The soul bells cast in gold, silver, copper and iron, the ghost soldiers pass through the border without stopping.

The Three Pure Ones' magic formula suppresses the demon souls, and the Tianshi's talismans drive away hundreds of ghosts"

The voices are getting louder and louder, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to them.

In a moment, they have arrived at the temple gate.

A young voice sounded at the entrance of the mountain temple:

"Dear Taoist friends, I am the general Lingzi of the Heshan Sect! This blizzard is too big, please let me go in and take shelter!"

Four extremely tall figures were seen standing outside the door, carrying a huge white coffin. Each figure was wearing iron armor and had a yellow talisman on his head.

Four zombies again!

Sitting on the coffin was a handsome young Taoist priest.

His hair was covered with white snow, and his eyes were unusually bright in the dark night.

Heshan Sect!

Zuo Yinyang secretly recalled the information about this sect.

Heshan Sect is a small sect located in Fenglin Prefecture. Most of the sect practitioners practiced magic such as corpse ghosts. Although it sounds gloomy and scary, it is not an evil sect. It is a bit of a side sect and can barely be considered a righteous cultivator.

However, Fenglin Prefecture is located in the southern border, which is far away from Nanchu. Regardless of whether what this person said is true, several people have just been attacked by zombies, and now there is a Taoist priest from the Heshan Sect who controls zombies. Naturally, it makes people feel very suspicious!

Zuo Yinyang, Paper Man Zhang and He Qingni looked at each other, and there was a hint of vigilance in their eyes.

Then, Zhang the Paper Man walked to the door, opened it, and said with a smile: "So you are the Taoist friends from the Heshan Sect, you are welcome, please come in.

The three of us are just passing by here to avoid the wind and snow, and we are not the owners of this place."


The young Taoist jumped off the coffin and walked into the temple.

The four zombies continued to carry the coffin and stood motionless in the wind and snow.

Jiang Lingzi patted the snow on his body and said:

"I didn't expect to meet you Taoist friends in this wilderness, what a coincidence!"

He Qingni silently moved to the left at this time, and Zuo Yinyang silently moved to the right, and the three of them tacitly surrounded the newcomers.

Jiang Lingzi seemed not to notice the actions of the three people, but walked to the fire and sat down.

"The wind and snow are ruthless, and people's hearts are even more dangerous. Fellow Taoists, we are all fellow Taoists, there is no need to be so nervous, I came to find you on purpose!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang the Paper Man took the lead.

Suddenly, several blazing flames shot out from the blazing fire.

This was the hidden hand that Zhang the Paper Man had buried in advance, the Fire Talisman in the Stone.

The flames suddenly attacked the opponent, and the air was filled with a burning smell.

At the same time, outside the mountain temple, the shredded paper hidden in the blizzard also turned into white sharp blades, swirling up with the blizzard, forming a white tornado, which swept the four zombies and the coffin at the door.

The sound of ding-dong-dong rang out, and the shredded paper knives chopped on the zombies and coffins, making a metallic collision sound, but the four zombies did not move at all, as if they had not been awakened yet.

He Qingni did not hesitate at all, and immediately used the green evil spirit in his body. As he operated, his body began to change, showing the posture of a half-demon.

His eyes became sharp, and the deadly venom accumulated in his mouth was also ready to move at this moment, ready to spray at the young Taoist priest.

At the same time, Zuo Yinyang flashed and circled behind the young Taoist priest at an astonishing speed.

His hands instantly turned into extremely sharp claws. He swung out his claws fiercely and slashed at Jiang Lingzi's neck.

However, just when they were about to succeed, Jiang Lingzi, who had been sitting by the fire, did not get up, but blew a breath towards the fire.

This breath turned into a white smoke and flew towards the fire.

After the fire talisman shot by the paper man Zhang hit the white smoke, it instantly extinguished and turned into pieces of paper falling.

Then, Jiang Lingzi raised his left hand, and a purple-red evil spirit flew out like lightning, hitting He Qingni directly.

He Qingni had no time to dodge, and before he could spit out the venom, he was hit by this purple-red evil spirit.

He flew backwards and fell heavily on the wall.


Half of the gable collapsed along with part of the roof, and the howling wind and snow instantly poured into the ruined temple.

At the same time, Zuo Yinyang was only one step away from the young Taoist priest, but a purple-black arm suddenly grew out from behind his head!

This arm was covered with black hair and was very fast. It easily blocked Zuo Yinyang's slash, then grabbed Zuo Yinyang's wrist, and threw him far away with a strong swing.

Zuo Yinyang felt a sharp pain coming from his hand. He looked down and found that his grabbed hand had been broken.

This man beat back the three people with a wave of his hand.

He Qingni, who fell in the broken bricks and stones, was straightforward. Seeing that the situation was not right, he quickly turned around and fled to the depths of the dense forest without looking back.

Seeing this, the paper man frowned.

His pale face was even more exaggerated under the moonlight, like a floating corpse soaked in water.


At this time, Zuo Yinyang found that a bright moon appeared in the air at some point.

The moonlight of the full moon was accompanied by a violent blizzard, two strange scenes intertwined, and there was a different kind of beauty between the flickering light and shadow!

Paper Man Zhang coughed lightly, and the white paper armor on his body quickly grew gray twisted runes. A white light poured down from the moon in the sky and shot towards Jiang Lingzi who was sitting upright.

Jiang Lingzi's face finally changed slightly, and then bursts of white smoke came out of his seven orifices, and the white smoke quickly wrapped him up, blocking the moonlight spell that was like mercury pouring down.


The two spells clashed and made a harsh sound!

"Illusion Moon Spell!

Not bad! But your injury has not healed yet, it's still a little bit short!"

Jiang Lingzi's voice came from the white smoke.

At the same time, a purple-black arm stretched out to the air like lightning, and it actually grabbed the moon with a piece of spiritual moonlight.

The moonlight dissipated, and the broken moon instantly turned into a piece of torn paper and fell down.

Seeing that the strongest spell was broken, Zhang the Paper Man hurriedly said: "Sir, do you know that we are all inspectors of the Imperial Observatory--"

But before he finished speaking, an open coffin appeared behind him, a white coffin that was officially trapped in the storm of paper blades. The inside of the coffin was dark, and then a pair of black arms quickly stretched out, hugged him around the waist before he could react, and pulled him into the coffin. The coffin lid was then sealed, and the coffin shook violently for a few times, and then there was no movement.

"Be quiet first, I know you are an inspector, otherwise I would have trained you into a corpse puppet!"

"Why are you so anxious, little fat man, come on, let's talk!"

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