The Bloody Taoist

Chapter 75: Departure

As a cultivator in the Refining Gang Realm, Jiang Lingzi, with Pei Xingmo's guarantee, naturally received a red waist badge from the Imperial Observatory.

After being assigned a mandatory task, Jiang Lingzi quickly added Zuo Yinyang and He Qingni's names to his patrol team.

This of course also included Pei Xingmo's servant Mo Xin.

Early the next morning.

Zuo Yinyang and He Qingni followed Jiang Lingzi out of the city.

When the three of them arrived outside the city, they saw Wang, the captain dressed in military uniform, frowning and waiting by the side.

As the captain responsible for the city's public security, this matter had nothing to do with him.

The Imperial Observatory had already arranged an accompanying official to deal with the mortals under protection.

But Jiang Lingzi wanted to use someone familiar, so he proposed that Wang, the captain, be the accompanying official for this task.

So, Wang, the captain, "trouble from the sky", had to bite the bullet and set off with a few people.

"Wang, captain, good morning, why do you look so bad, haha!" He Qingni joked from a distance.

"Good morning, everyone!" Captain Wang bowed his hands helplessly in return.

Then, the group quickly left Xianshan County along the official road.

Soon, there were few people around, and Lingzi casually summoned a gust of strong wind, which rolled up a group of gray clouds. Several people stepped lightly on the clouds, as if stepping on soft cotton, and quickly flew towards the mission site.

Once again getting rid of the shackles of the earth and leaving the ground, Zuo Yinyang's heart was still full of novelty!

Most of the strong qi is the yang of qi. When a cultivator reaches the refining realm, the soul can be cleansed by the strong qi and can already leave the body and resist the burning of the external yang qi and the erosion of the yin qi.

At this time, the cultivator not only has the talent of leaving the body and communicating with the spirit, but also can control the spiritual qi and magic tools in the body to fly.

Zuo Yinyang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, wondering when he could master the free and easy skills of flying in the clouds.

He Qingni, who was in the refining realm, also felt magical about this flying experience.

But Captain Wang was not interested and looked indifferent!

Jiang Lingzi flew in the air, and his speed was like a meteor across the sky. In the blink of an eye, he had flown dozens of miles.

In this way, in just three or four hours, he judged that he was close to his destination.

So the clouds slowly descended, and the group landed steadily on a mountainside.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, there was a large town in the valley, located in a corner of the valley bottom.

Surrounded by mountains, the town seemed like a pearl hidden in the mountains. The buildings in the town were staggered and the streets were wide. It was obvious that life in the past was very prosperous.

This town was called Qingyin Town. It was built by the Southern Chu State when it was reclaiming the Black Cloud Mountain. The population in the town exceeded 10,000, and it was a relatively well-developed reclaimed stronghold nearby.

Now, the monsters of Cangmang Mountain have descended, and it is naturally difficult for the mortals in the town to resist.

Since the end of last year, people have been missing, and they were obviously caught and eaten by some small monsters.

In the past, there might be folk cultivators coming to exorcise monsters, but now that they know that a great monster with a high level of cultivation has appeared, these cultivators dare not take risks easily.

As the monster plague became more serious, the court of the Southern Chu Kingdom decided to abandon this place and relocate the mortals in the town to a safe area in the rear.

"Mayor Song, I wonder when the real person from the Imperial Observatory will come?

In the past few days, the monsters in the mountains have become more and more rampant. Even the land temple at the gate of the city has been demolished by them, and the gods who protect this town have fled.

This morning I went to visit Master Zhang, but there was no trace of him. I think he also fled overnight."

The speaker was a middle-aged man wearing a gray robe, looking at the old man in front of him anxiously.

The old man's name is Song Yushu, and he is the mayor of this Qingyin Town. His face is gloomy: "Master Liu, I don't know either. We can only wait.

Now we can only hope that the real person from the Imperial Observatory can come soon, otherwise our town may not escape the bad luck."

Hearing this, Master Liu couldn't help but sigh, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.


Outside Qingyin Town, a hidden jungle.

The sun shines through the gaps between the leaves, creating mottled shadows.

A sturdy pig demon hums a tune, holding a sharp machete in his hand, chopping the corpse on the stone slab into pieces of meat.

His movements are skillful and cruel, and his face is filled with a satisfied smile.

Next to him, there are two smaller pig demons, who are busy making a fire. A clay pot is hung above the bonfire, and the water inside has begun to steam.

One of the pig demons stared at the piece of meat on the stone slab, licked his lips, and said anxiously:

"Brother, don't cut the meat too big, it's not easy to stew if it's too big.

The meat of this old Taoist priest is too old, it needs to be cooked for a while before it can be stewed softer."

Another pig demon was drooling and adding wood to the fire. Hearing this, he muttered a little dissatisfied:

"If you ask me, big brother and second brother, don't cook it. I like to eat blood. Raw meat is so delicious!

I used to eat them alive. Listening to their screams, it tasted better!


At this point, the third brother couldn't help laughing out loud.

The big pig demon glanced at him and said slowly:

"You ignorant people, the meat of monks is different from that of mortals. It is very firm. In addition, the old Taoist priest is old, so his meat is even more tough and hard to chew. It needs to be stewed before it can be eaten.

Old Third, don't do the trick of skinning and eating raw in the future. If other demons see us, won't they laugh at us like wild demons in the mountains? How can the three of us survive?

I won't cook the head of this old Taoist priest in a while, and leave it for you to chew!"

As he spoke, the big pig demon raised his knife, chopped off the corpse's head, and threw it aside.

The corpse of the white-haired old Taoist priest had an angry look and his death was miserable.

When the third child saw it, he hummed excitedly and said with a smile:

"Hey, thank you, big brother! This one is exactly what I like!"


Jiang Lingzi was cautious, so he did not enter the town rashly, but walked slowly down the mountainside with a group of people.

He gently pinched the magic formula with his fingers, and a ray of blue light flew out of his sleeve, turning into a charming blue female ghost.

The female ghost let out a laugh, then flashed in the air and merged into the shadows.

After a moment, the green light lit up again, and the female ghost reappeared in front of Jiang Lingzi.

She took the spirit child back to the female ghost and said with a smile: "There is no big danger nearby, just a few little monsters who are not very popular.

Just in time to give you some practice. "

A few people walked towards the town for a while,

Zuo Yinyang was walking at the front and suddenly sniffed, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Jiang Lingzi noticed Zuo Yinyang's reaction and smiled: "There are three little pig demons ahead. If we deal with them, there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Zuo Yinyang remained silent, nodded slightly, and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, he began to circulate the magic power in his body, chanting the magic formula in a low voice, and then rushed forward without hesitation, without concealing his intentions.

As he charged, his body gradually grew larger, reaching more than one foot in the blink of an eye.

Coupled with his already fat figure, he now looked like a huge rock that had collapsed from the top of the mountain, rushing straight into the forest with an unstoppable momentum.

The trees along the way were broken by his impact, and the smoke and remaining snow rolled up behind him, crushing him all the way forward.

His movement immediately alerted the three pig demons not far away.

"What the hell!"

The three pig demons stood up and looked behind them, and then Zuo Yin Yang's huge body emerged from the forest.

Seeing the pig demon, the left yin and yang legs were filled with evil spirits, and the muscles in the legs expanded rapidly.


He kicked the ground violently, and the huge force left a deep pit on the ground, and his whole body rushed into the air like a cannonball.

The boss of the pig demons looked at Zuo Yin Yang hitting him in the air, with a hint of horror in his eyes.

He threw the machete in his hand away from Zuo Yin and Yang, and at the same time, he picked up the two pig demons beside him and quickly jumped to the side.


Zuo Yinyang's huge body suddenly fell from the sky and hit the ground like a meteorite, unstoppable.

Facing the oncoming machete, he had no intention of dodging.

He raised his left hand, and a dark red light erupted from his arm, instantly forming a thick blood barrier.

The machete hit the barrier, making a crisp "ding" sound, and then shattered into countless iron filings. .

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Yinyang's body slammed into the ground from the air, causing a strong wind and vibration. The surrounding trees shook violently under the impact, and dust flew into the sky.

Although the eldest of the three pig demons pulled away from the other two demons at the critical moment to avoid a head-on collision, he was still blown away by the aroused air wave and fell heavily to the ground a few feet away. One of the pig demons He even spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"The third child!"

The big pig demon looked at the injured Lao San, his eyes burning with anger, and he looked at Zuo Yinyang with a ferocious expression.

I saw that his whole body was filled with black energy, and a burst of demonic power suddenly broke out.

It actually revealed its true form and turned into a huge wild boar, charging straight towards Zuo Yin Yang.

The wild boar's body was covered with hard wire-like bristles, and its two huge tusks glowed with a metallic sheen. Its size was actually about the same as Zuo Yin Yang at this time.

Seeing the wild boar demon rushing in front of him, Zuo Yinyang's mouth twitched slightly, and his figure suddenly shrank, instantly turning into a small man only one foot tall. .

The pig demon was caught off guard, and the figure of Zuo Yinyang suddenly disappeared from his eyes. Before he could react, he felt a huge pain coming down his body.

It turned out that Xiao Zuo Yin Yang had already quickly crawled under the belly of the pig demon. He used the "Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants Sutra" technique, unleashed the power of the three elephants with all his strength, and punched upwards.

The huge impact knocked the pig demon directly into the air, and a stream of blood spurted out from its mouth.

Upon seeing this, Lao Er on the other side immediately shot out three black lights, which shot towards Zuo Yin and Yang like an arrow from a string.

This black light was a powerful magical weapon that he had worked hard to obtain from a demon king and made from the three bristles on the back of his head. It was extremely powerful.

He just used this magical weapon to attack and kill the old Taoist priest who escaped from Qingyin Town.

Zuo Yinyang caught a glimpse of the flying black light from the corner of his eye, and immediately raised his left hand.

I saw three bloody red lights shooting out from his middle finger, index finger, and ring finger.




The red light wrapped in the white arrow collided with the black-lighted bristle magic weapon in mid-air, making a metallic crisp sound.

The black light was deflected.

If you look closely, you will see that there are three white bone arrowheads wrapped in evil spirits.

It turned out that Zuo Yin Yang had just directly ejected the first bones of three fingers together with the nails as a weapon.

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