The Blue Eyes

Chapter 109 - I MISS YOU

"AZURE is the one that will extract the antidote from my body?" Kevin asked curiously. He looked down at the innocent robot that still standing on the floor. "Why don't humans extract the antidote from my body?"

Kris picked up the robot and put it on the table. He then pulled a swivel chair and sat down on the chair. "The professor had programmed this robot to do many things that humans couldn't do, including how to extract the antidote from your body," he explained while patting the robot's head. "Only two humans can do the extraction procedure, but they're no longer in this world. So, we don't have any other choice."

Kevin was not stupid. Even though Kris didn't mention the names, he knew so well who were the two humans. The two humans were his late parents. Yeah, all these projects were initiated by them, so they were the only ones who could do anything related to the projects.

"You don't need to worry, Kev," Kris spoke again as he looked up at his lover, who was standing beside him. Apparently, he could sense Kevin's feeling right now. "Professor Selena had left her intelligence in AZURE. I don't know how she did that, but I can tell that AZURE has Professor Selena's brain now. Not the real brain, of course. But, most of the professor's memories were planted inside this robot. She also programmed it to only accept orders from me and you. Other people won't be able to give it orders."

Kevin was speechless. Just how smart was his mother? She even planned to do something like this for him and the world. It was true that Selena Beischel made a huge mistake in the past, but the elderly lady had tried so hard to correct her wrongdoings.

"So, this is what you meant by a secret assistant? AZURE will assist me secretly because it has my mother's memories, so it will be dangerous if other people snatch it away from us?" Kevin asked again.

Kris nodded and answered, "Even if AZURE was programmed to only accept orders from us, but it's still not good if bad people manage to get it for their advantage. They can modify AZURE if they have the ability more than your parents had."

Kevin was silent for a moment. He stared at AZURE that only blinked its blue eyes innocently at him. Yeah, his parents were geniuses, but he couldn't deny that many other geniuses in this world probably surpassed his parents.

"Did my mother tell anyone besides us about AZURE?" The scientist asked again after he was silent for a few seconds.

Kris furrowed his thick eyebrows at the question. "The professor didn't tell me anything about that," he answered a little doubtfully. "But I think she didn't tell anyone else besides us. We are the only people she trusted the most, after all."

"She also trusted Mr. Dawson. That's why she left her last message to him," Kevin quickly rebuked Kris's opinion.

"That's also right," Kris replied. "But the trust that she gave us was different than the trust she gave to the former General. If it came to something very important like AZURE-38, she would likely only trust us."

Kevin didn't respond anymore. He really couldn't guess what's on his mother's head. She planned so many things in the past. Even when she had gone, her plan was still left in the world.

"So, I'm very important here, right, Kris?" A cute voice suddenly broke the silence.

Both men turned their heads to the table and found AZURE blinked at them cutely. The cute voice earlier belonged to the robot.

Kevin finally smiled and patted the robot's head, making the robot closed its eyes in content. "Yes, you're very important, so you have to protect yourself and don't betray us!" He then warned the blue-eyed robot.

"How can I betray my master?" The robot asked innocently. "The old master had programmed me to be the most loyal robot in the world. Even if bad people kidnap me, I will still be a loyal robot that will only accept my masters' orders."

Kevin smiled, but Kris snorted when he heard the response. "So, you also recognize me as your master now? You better be true to your words, little devil. If you betray us, I'll put you into the refrigerator so you will freeze to death," he cruelly warned the robot, making the robot glare at him in annoyance.

"Is AZURE afraid of cold air? Is that AZURE's weakness?" Kevin asked when he noticed something odd in Kris's words.

Kris turned to his lover and lifted his eyebrow. "No, AZURE is not afraid of cold air," he answered without a doubt. "But, yeah, it's true that AZURE has a fatal weakness that can ruin the program inside it."

The black-haired man was surprised when he heard his lover's answer. "Are you serious, Kris?" He asked. "Then, what's the weakness? We should protect it and avoid the weakness so that the program will not be ruined," he asked curiously.

Kris grinned playfully at his lover. "You want to know the weakness?" He asked in a playful tone, but Kevin seemed to not notice it as he nodded innocently. "If you want to know, then sit on my lap, and I'll whisper it to your ear. It's dangerous if other people hear about that."

The young scientist furrowed his eyebrows when he heard his lover's statement. He sensed something was not right with the taller man, but he couldn't tell what was that something.

In the end, he decided to comply with the request and sat on the man's lap. His back instantly met Kris's hard chest, and the latter's strong hands immediately circled his stomach.

So, it was the 'something'! He should have noticed it from the beginning!

"Kris, I know you're only toying me," Kevin angrily spoke again while his hand trying to push Kris's hands away from his stomach. But, to his dismay, Kris was still stronger than him, so his effort was fruitless.

"I miss you, Kev," the taller man whispered in his ear before he started kissing the nape of his neck. Kevin got goosebumps by the sudden action.

"Kris, this is not the right time to do it," Kevin warned his naughty lover.

But, Kris was still busy kissing his lover's nape and only voiced a careless question, "Then, when is the right time, hm?"

Kevin cursed his lover in his heart. Kris could be so horny sometimes. Yeah, only sometimes.

Surprisingly, Kris could hold back his desire most of the time. He had never forced Kevin to do 'something' if the latter didn't want to do it. Kris was successful in restraint himself most of the time, but, would tonight be the end of his record?

Kevin was on a brink of giving up because he also enjoyed his lover's intimate touch, but then he was surprised when a strong surge of water suddenly passed his head and hit the person behind him.

He turned his head to the person behind him and found Kris's head drenched in water. His black suit and white shirt were also wet because of the water attack. The scientist then turned to the front again and found the innocent robot glared at Kris coldly.

"AZURE, was it you are doing?" Kevin asked the robot in disbelief.

The robot turned its head to him and its blue eyes immediately changed into a pair of angelic eyes. "The old master told me to protect my master. Kris was attacking my master just now, and I wanted to protect my master," the robot explained innocently.

The honest answer made Kevin laugh loudly. The little robot was so cute and so funny at the same time. It looked like a little kid that was still so pure and was clean from any sin. He didn't know how his mother programmed the robot to act that way.

"You, little devil! Who was attacking your master? I was giving your master a pleasure, and your master enjoyed it! You—"

Kris couldn't finish his rant because Kevin's soft palm quickly sealed his lips. "Don't talk nonsense to a kid!" The scientist warned him.

The caramel-haired man struggled, and in the end, he managed to free his lips from his lover's palm. "What kid? This robot is a devil, not a kid!" He angrily scolded the little robot again.

Kevin shook his head in disbelief. Kris was usually composed and mature, but he suddenly became so childish just because of a robot.

He then got up from Kris's lap and looked down at the latter. "Let's go home. I'm sleepy," he said while rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Oh! Kris almost forgot that he was currently dating a sleeping beauty! Of course, the sleeping beauty needed a good sleep after a long day. It was already 2 in the morning, anyway. He immediately got up and grabbed his lover's hand.

The two men were about to walk out of the secret laboratory, but a cute voice coming from behind stopped their movement.

"Master, can you take me to your home?"

Ah! They almost forgot about the little robot!

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