The Blue Eyes


One more person questioned their readiness to let go of their powers. Two powerful people in this country asked them, and they couldn't help but feel pressured by the question.

"It's not like I want to give you more pressure," the lady spoke up again as if she could read their minds. "I just want to make sure that you guys will not step back in the last minute."

"You don't believe in us, do you?" Now it was Jack who bravely challenged the lady. He couldn't hold back his annoyance anymore.

The lady turned to the tattooed man and smirked. "We do believe in you, but we should take precautions, shouldn't we?" She asked leisurely. "The three of you—ah, no. I mean, the four of you have superpowers that can easily defeat humans' weapons. No one can guarantee who will betray who in the end."

Jack was about to retort, but Blue grabbed his hand and then said, "Mrs. Hasler, it's okay if you can't trust us, but you shouldn't trust anyone else as well. I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen in the future," she said coldly while giving the lady a dangerous gaze. "It's okay if you can't trust us. I also can't trust you, anyway."

Grace was stunned after she heard Blue's unfriendly speech. The girl was still so young, but she dared to speak like that to her.

Actually, Grace was not the only one who was surprised by Blue's words. The three men in the room were also amazed by the young girl. They knew Blue had a sensitivity that could sense people's bad intentions for her. Did Blue sense the lady's bad intentions?

Blue and Grace were involved in a staring contest for a few seconds until Grace decided to look away and sighed. "You guys young fellas surely have no fear, right?" She shook her head helplessly. "But I admire your bravely, and I don't feel offended by your rude attitude. You guys can take it easy."

The four youngsters were trying so hard to not roll their eyes after hearing the statement. They were rude because the lady kept provoking them! The lady was the first person who behaved rudely today, but now it seemed like they were the ones in the wrong.

"We and The Government are ready to give you supports, so please contact us anytime if you need our help," Grace once again broke the silence.

The lady was about to get up from her seat, but Kevin's voice stopped her movements.

"Mrs. Hasler, do you know my mother?"

Grace looked at the young scientist in a confused expression. "Of course, I know your mother," she answered calmly. "All people in this country know your mother, after all," she continued.

"That's not what I meant," Kevin quickly corrected. "I mean, do you know my mother personally? She asked for your help in the last war, and you were not hesitating to help her and didn't blame her for everything she did in the past. What's your relationship with my mother?"

Kevin still remembered how his mother decided to reveal their secret to the Intelligence Agency in the last war. They originally only joined forces with the army, but suddenly his mother trusted the agency and asked for help from them.

The Intelligence Agency also immediately trusted her and didn't blame her for the calamity even after knowing the truth. They also kept Kevin and the other's powers secret. The young scientist couldn't help but feel curious.

"You asked about my relationship with Professor Selena Beischel?" The tall lady asked again to make sure she didn't hear it wrong, and Kevin nodded his head. "Well, I and your mother were old acquaintances. We knew each other since I was young, but our relationship was just like that. She was a great woman, and I admired her. That's all."

Kevin didn't respond and still stared at the lady without blinking.

But, not long after, he blinked his eyes again and said, "Thank you for helping us, and I'm sorry if we offended you earlier. We didn't mean to offend you, but you offended us first, so we just defended ourselves."

The lady was a bit taken aback by the sudden apology, but then she chuckled softly. "Don't worry about that. I'm a professional, and I never care about what other people say about me. I don't want to get closer to you guys, anyway. So, let's keep our relationship as professional as possible."

What an arrogant woman! Kevin was too nice to apologize even though they were not completely in the wrong, but the lady kept offending them until the end. It was not wrong to act professionally, but the lady was too much!

The four youngsters couldn't help but glare at the rude lady.

"Do you guys still have things to be discussed with me? If not, then it's better if you guys leave this building as soon as possible. This building is not a place for kids to play."

The four youngsters gritted their teeth to suppress their anger. It was clear that they were once again offended by the arrogant lady. Jack was the one who was so bad at hiding his feelings, and his anger was showed clearly on his face.

"We better excuse ourselves now, Mrs. Hasler. Thank you for your gracious hospitality. That suits your name so well," Kris was the one who ended their meeting and quickly got up from his seat.

The other three followed suit and were about to leave the small meeting room, leaving the lady, who was now smirking in their direction.

They walked to the elevator slowly. It seemed that they had lost their energy just by talking to the strange lady. All they did was talking, but they looked like they just ran a marathon.

"That woman was crazy!" Jack finally exploded while his hands hastily loosening his tie.

It felt like a déjà vu. The other three frowned at him.

"Is it your hobby to call someone crazy behind their backs?" Blue asked in an annoyed tone. She remembered how Jack also called the former General crazy last night.

Now they stopped walking when they reached the elevator. Kris pressed the button beside the double door, and they waited for the door to open.

"That woman was even crazier than the former General!" It seemed that Jack still didn't want to stop cursing at the lady.

The elevator door opened, and the four walked past the double door. They were standing straight in the elevator as the elevator started moving downward.

"Watch your mouth, Jack," Kris warned the tattoed man "We're still in the enemy's lair. The Intelligence Agency's people are not ordinary people. We better be careful." 

"Kris is right. It's no use to talk behind that woman. Let's just forget our meeting today. My head feels so dizzy listening to her rude words," Kevin chimed in as his left hand started massaging his left temple.

Kris looked at him sympathetically, and he rubbed his lover's back lovingly while whispering sweet nothings in his lover's ear.

Blue rolled her eyes at the sight. "Can you guys stop your PDA? We're still in the enemy's lair," she purposely repeated Kris's words earlier to criticize the two men.

Kevin and Kris snorted at the scolding, but they didn't say anything.

The elevator door opened when they reached the basement where Kris parked his red car. They were about to walk over to the car, but Jack suddenly stopped them.

"Wait, guys! I left my phone in the meeting room!" The tattooed man screamed in panic.

The other three just rolled their eyes lazily. All they wanted to do was going home to rest, but the black werewolf's reckless attitude ruined their plan.

"Just go back to take it. We'll wait in the car," Kevin patiently ordered the werewolf. He was the only one who could tolerate the man's clumsiness.

Jack nodded and quickly rushed to the elevator again. He traveled with the object again to go to the 9th floor.

Not long after, the elevator stopped moving, and its doors opened on the destination floor. Jack hurriedly walked out of the elevator, but he accidentally bumped into a lady when he was already outside the elevator.

"I'm sorry!" The werewolf quickly apologized as he started crouching down to help the lady to collect her documents, which were scattered on the floor.

After they finished collecting the documents, Jack helped the lady to get up. At that moment, he finally noticed that the lady was pregnant.

"Are you hurt somewhere? Your baby is fine, right?" He asked in fear.

The lady looked up at him and answered, "I'm fine."

The tone was cold and indifferent, and Jack was a bit taken aback by that tone. But, since he was in a hurry, he immediately excused himself to go to the meeting room. He bowed his head slightly to the lady, then rushed to the meeting room.

Unknown to him, the pregnant lady was still looking in his direction. Her stare looked cold and full of hate.

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