The Blue Eyes

Chapter 120 - YOU HAVE CHANGED

The atmosphere became tense after Kevin finished speaking. Kris couldn't tear his gaze away from his lover, but the latter was not willing to return his pleading gaze.

"Alright, let's solve the mystery today!" Jack casually replied as if the tension meant nothing to him.

That casual replied made Kris glared at him sharply. Kevin was now upset because of the blonde man, and Kris tried so hard to not choke the man to death now.

"Just look at the map and find the place, Jack," Blue spoke up after a long time she became a listener to the nonsenses.

The tattooed man scoffed when he heard the arrogant order, but he complied with the order and started studying seriously at the map in front of him.

Serein City was the capital city in Calenta. The city had the biggest area in the country, and the population was also the biggest. There were districts and sub-districts in Serein, and Jack focused his search on those districts and sub-districts.

The other three patiently waited for the result. They actually were not sure that this method would be effective, but they let Jack did what he wanted.

Humans and werewolves' memories had limitations, and they were not sure that Jack would remember the place's name just by doing this primitive method.

"I found it!" Jack suddenly exclaimed, making the other three stared at him enthusiastically. "Eh? But this name also looks familiar to me. Which one is the district that was mentioned by the professor before?"

The other three facepalmed. They knew that they shouldn't believe in Jack's ability.

The said man looked up from the map and smiled bashfully. "I can't choose between these two districts," he said while pointing at the two districts in the city. One was in the west, while the other was in the south. "It feels like I've ever heard these two names being mentioned before, but I can't remember which one was being mentioned by Professor Joseph."

Kevin silently looked down at the two districts that were pointed by Jack before. The two districts were quite far from the district they were currently staying in.

"Chilad is a district in the south area, and it's famous for its agricultural area. The area is dominated by farmlands, and the population of the district is not too dense," Kevin started explaining.

The other three listened to the explanation carefully. Among the four people, Kevin was the one who was most familiar with the city. He was born and growing up in the city, and he often did some research in various areas in the city.

"Meanwhile, Rodein is the district in the west. The location is right at the country border, so there are many immigrants in this district. Due to its location that's in the border, this district is categorized as a dangerous district in the city. In the past, there were so many riots and chaos caused by immigrants. Now the district is relatively safer, but the nickname "The Black District" is still attached to it."

Kevin surely knew a lot about Serein City, and he could describe the two districts like a textbook.

"The two districts have the equal possibility to be the place that was mention by Professor Joseph," Kris stated. "Chilad is a quiet district, and it's likely overlooked by people. That kind of place is suitable for doing and hiding something dangerous. Meanwhile, Rodein is 'The Black District' that has been famous for its non-conducive area. A place like that is also possible to be the crime scene."

The three people fell silent after hearing Kris's opinion. Jack had chosen the two districts, but now they couldn't choose between the two since both of the districts could be the crime scene.

"Let's split to investigate the two districts," Jack suddenly came up with a suggestion.

The suggestion was not bad, and the other three were now considering the idea.

Kris was still angry at Jack, but that idea definitely was not bad. "I agree with Jack," he said with a slight unwillingness in his tone. He then turned to Kevin and continued, "I will go to Rodein with Jack, and you go to Chilad with Blue."

Kevin frowned at his lover's arrangement. "Why do you want to go with Jack instead of me?" He asked in a cold tone.

Kris noticed the bitter tone and could only sigh. "From your explanation earlier, we both know that Rodein is a dangerous place. I and Jack should go to that place. You and Blue go to Chilad that's relatively safer."

The answer made sense, but Kevin didn't budge. "I want to go with you," he insisted. "Don't you remember what you said to me some time ago? You said that you would protect me with your life, so it won't be a problem if we go together to Rodein. You will protect me, right?"

Kevin was stubborn, and Kris knew very well about that. Moreover, the latter was upset with him earlier, so he better not playing with fire.

"Alright, you'll go with me to Rodein, and Jack will go to Chilad with Blue," Kris decided, and then he turned to Blue. "Blue, call your school to inform them that you will be absent for three days," he added, but then he frowned as he realized something. "Wait, why don't you go to school today, Blue?"

The blue-eyed girl blinked innocently at her uncle, who just questioned her. "Jack told me to skip school today, Uncle," she replied as her skinny index finger pointed at the man beside her.

Jack's eyes widened, but then he shifted his gaze away and whistled casually.

Kris glared at the tattooed man. "Who gives you the right to control Blue, Jack?" He asked in a harsh tone.

But Jack didn't seem to be affected by the tone and peered at Kris playfully. "I didn't control Blue. I only told her to skip school for today. That's all," he rebuked the accusation.

"You give bad influence to Blue!" Kris exclaimed angrily. "I thought you had change, Jack. But it turns out you're still the same!"

Jack looked a bit offended by the words. Now he was eyeing Kris with his cold eyes. "You can't control me, Kris. If I want to change, then I will change. I will do what I want to do. I will do what's right for me."

Kris clenched his fists tightly. Once again, Jack got on his nerve, and he couldn't take it anymore. He hastily got up from his seat and shouted, "You better stop here, Jack!"

Kevin was a bit panicked when he saw his lover's sudden rage. He hurriedly got up and held his boyfriend's arm. "Calm down, Kris. There are many kids here. Please don't cause any trouble," he said softly while his hand rubbing Kris's tense arm.

Blue also got up from her seat and said, "Uncle, please forgive Jack. He didn't mean anything bad when he told me to skip school today. He just wants me to have some rest. He knows that I couldn't sleep last night and not feeling well today."

The explanation from Blue lessened Kris's anger even just a little. "What? You're not feeling well today? Why didn't you tell me about that?"

"You're busy fighting with Jack, Uncle. I was afraid you would snap on me if I intervened," the young girl answered.

Kris inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. He then looked down at Jack, who was still sitting on the couch. "I really can't read your mind, Jack," he said weakly.

Jack looked up at him but didn't say anything. His gaze was flat and unreadable, and Kris couldn't see what was on the tattooed man's mind.

"Let's go back to our apartment, Kris," Kevin suddenly chimed in. He then turned to Blue and Jack. "We will start our investigation tomorrow. You two have some rest and don't think too much about today's issue."

He then dragged his tall lover to leave the leaving room. He was still wearing a pair of pajamas, but he didn't care. He just didn't want to see Kris fought with Jack anymore. That was so tiring.

They stopped walking when they arrived near Kris's red car.

"Give me your keys. I'll drive," Kevin ordered as he stretched out his right hand to Kris.

Kris silently gazed at his lover's almond eyes. He could see the tiredness in the clear eyes. He didn't want to make Kevin feel burdened, but today he made a mess and Kevin was deeply affected by it.

The taller man pulled Kevin's hand and kissed his palm tenderly. "I'm sorry, Kev," he apologized softly.

Kevin looked at the man blankly. He knew that Kris didn't mean to upset him today, but he was still angry because of Kris's unusual attitude. Kris usually was calm and composed, but today he exploded so many times. It felt like he no longer recognized his lover.

"Jack has changed, and you have changed as well, Kris," he whispered as the atmosphere around them turned blue.

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