The Blue Eyes

Chapter 145 - KEVIN VS GRACE

Three days after the extraction, Kevin had a meeting with the government representative to formally hand the antidote to them.

Even though he was doubtful about the success of the extraction because his eyes suddenly turned blue, they had proven that Kevin was now a human again. AZURE told him to test it using his power again, and he did as instructed. 

When Kevin tried to transform into his other forms, he couldn't do it. And when he tried to create ice using his hand, he failed as well. Kevin could feel that he didn't have the powers anymore, and he was sure that he was a human again now.

AZURE was right. His blue eyes were just a remnant of his powers that were no longer exist in his body.

They had a meeting in the presidential office today, but the president couldn't attend the meeting. The meeting was led by the Presidential Secretary. He was a middle-aged man named Hans Kiers.

Other than him, the meeting was also attended by the head of The Police; Richard Bailey, the head of Intelligence Agency; Grace Hasler, the head of The Military; Benny Craig, the head of Orka Research Center; Callum Conor, and also the former General; Derek Dawson.

Kevin was accompanied by Kris and Jack today because Blue had to go to school. They once again wore their formal attire today. Their muscular bodies were wrapped perfectly by the tailored suits.

"Today is a happy day for us," the Presidential Secretary started the meeting. "Mankind had won the battle against the werewolves, and today we can officially start our project to return the werewolves into humans again. I, as the representative of the government, want to express my gratitude toward our son, Kevin Beischel, who had been so brave to do the extraction process."

The rest people in the room clapped their hands and smiled at Kevin, who could only return the smile bashfully.

"The werewolves issue was a long-term issue for us, and finally, the issue had been solved perfectly. Starting from today, the government and the citizen can breathe freely without the fear of the werewolves will attack us again."

The people from the government nodded their heads in agreement. It was undeniable that they felt relief after they succeeded in defeating the werewolves.

"Now that I have opened this meeting, I would like to ask my son, Kevin Beischel, to hand the antidote to me as the representative from the government."

The audience once again clapped their hands. Kevin rose from his seat and walked toward the Presidential Secretary, who had gotten up from his seat as well. After the documentation staffs were ready with their cameras, Kevin formally handed a bottle of blue-colored antidote to the Presidential Secretary. They shook hands while smiling at the cameras that captured the moment.

After the ceremony ended, Kevin went back to his seat beside Kris again. The burden in his chest lifted after he handed the antidote to the government.

"It's such a happy day," Hans Kiers once again stated while smiling widely. "The antidote injection project will be led by The Military, but other bureaus will look after the project as well. Kevin and the rest can also look after the project with us." The other people nodded in understanding, and the Presidential Secretary continued, "Now if anyone wants to express their feelings or want to say something, I give you the time."

"Mr. Kiers, I want to ask something to Kevin," Grace Hasler spoke after she raised her hand. The Presidential Secretary nodded at her, and she continued while looking at the young scientist, "Why did your eyes turn blue upon the extraction, Kevin? Does it has something to do with your power?"

Kevin had expected the question. His blue eyes were so striking, after all. He originally wanted to use contact lenses, but he didn't want to fool the government by doing so.

"It's only a residue from the extraction process, Mrs. Hasler. I have checked it, and I can guarantee that I don't have the power anymore."

"Are you sure about it?" The lady questioned him again, and he nodded his head firmly. "We can check it later, but now I want to ask Mr. Allaband and Mr. Madris about another thing."

Kevin knew that Grace was still in doubt, but he just let her be.

The lady stared at Kris and Jack as she spoke again, "Now that the antidote has been extracted, are you guys ready to receive the injection? Your decision is important to us because we have to make sure that there will be no werewolf in the future."

The two young men gulped nervously. Kris and Jack looked like plagues that needed to be disinfected soon.

"We have made up our minds, Mrs. Hasler. We are ready to receive the injection and return to normal humans," Kris was the one who answered the question.

"That's a good decision," the only woman in the room replied. "So, when will you two receive the injection? And don't forget about Blue as well. She also needs to be injected by the special antidote to make sure that she won't cause troubles in the future with her powers, right?"

The auburn-haired lady still looked arrogant as ever. It was their second meeting, but she still treated them as strangers. She was so fierce and was not showing any smile to them.

The cold attitude was more or less pressed both Kris and Jack, so the two men were silent for a moment.

Kevin was the one who broke the silence as he said, "I'm the one who will be responsible for the injection." He bravely challenged the lady. "I will personally do the injection tomorrow, so you don't need to worry, Mrs. Hasler."

The lady was a bit stunned by Kevin's boldness. When they first met at the Intelligence Agency's headquarter, Kevin was flustered and looked timid. But, the young scientist looked different today as he boldly challenged the older lady.

"Why don't you just let Orka Research Center do the injection? The scientists in Orka are also capable to do that. You don't need to personally inject the antidote to them," Grace replied in a firm tone. It seemed that she didn't plan to surrender to the young man.

Kevin glanced at Kris and Jack on his sides, then turned to Grace again. "Kris and Jack are not the same as the other werewolves in the prison. They are stronger and more difficult to handle. I'm afraid that the scientists in Orka can't handle the process."

"Oh? Do you think you are more capable than other scientists in Orka? I know you are the son of the most genius scientists in the world, but you shouldn't be arrogant like that. You don't need to look down on other scientists."

The conversations were heated all of a sudden. Kevin was stubborn, and the lady was more stubborn. Other people in the room could only listen to their arguments.

"I'm not being arrogant, Mrs. Hasler," Kevin replied. "I said like that because I know the real situation. My mother left me guidance for the injection, and she wanted me to be the one who injects the antidote. I'm the only one who knows the procedure."

The lady gritted her teeth at Kevin's argument. She looked like she was about to explode at any moment.

"Alright, enough with the debate," the Presidential Secretary finally decided to intervene. "It seems like our dear son, Kevin Beischel, has a point. He is the one who knows the procedure, so let him be responsible for the process." He then turned to Kevin and smiled warmly. "I can trust you, right, Kevin?"

The young scientist felt safe under the warm gaze, and he nodded firmly. "You can trust me, Mr. Kiers. I will not let you down," he replied.

The Presidential Secretary nodded as he spoke again, "Everything is settled now, so let's end our meeting here. Thank you so much for the assistance." He then smiled once again and got up from his seat.

The Presidential Secretary left first, and followed behind him were the head of The Police, the head of The Military, and the head of Orka Research Center. All of them left after nodding and smiling at the three young men.

"I hope you won't let us down, Mr. Beischel," Grace suddenly spoke again as she got up from her seat. She glared at Kevin and walked to the door. She then slammed the door after her body was already outside the room.

"Don't mind her. She is always cold and harsh, but she is a good person," the oldest man in the room broke the silence. He was Derek Dawson.

There were only four men in the meeting room. The meeting had ended, but they were still unwilling to move out of the room.

Kevin sighed before he asked the former General, "Do you know her, Uncle? She was like that too when we first met her a few days ago."

The old man smiled as he answered, "I met her in some meetings before, and she was like that too. She comes from a military family, and her father is also a former General. That's why her character is cold and stern, just like her father."

That was new information for them. They never knew the woman's background, so they were quite shocked upon hearing the fact.

"She became the head of the Intelligence Agency at a young age. Is it because of her family background?" Jack carelessly asked.

Kevin and Kris glared at the tattooed man, but the said man just shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't dare to say that," the old man answered. "But, it is indeed possible for someone to reach that position using their family background. She is just like her father, after all."

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