The Blue Eyes

Chapter 153 - THE RIGHT ONE

After a long hiatus, Kevin finally started working at the laboratory again. He begged Kris nonstop for permission, and he won when the latter finally nodded his head. Kris had never won against his puppy eyes, after all.

The head of Orka also welcomed him warmly. Kevin was one of the best scientists under Orka, so his return was something he had been waiting for a long time.

His colleague asked about his long-absent, but Kevin just smiled and answered that he had some personal matters to deal with in the past few weeks. The answer didn't satisfy them, but they didn't have the right to force him to answer, so they just left with question marks on their heads.

His activity in the laboratory was not different from his activity before the war. He would do some research and study some documents as well. The werewolf case had been solved, but now he had something new to study.

He was currently busy in front of the monitor. He wanted to focus on his work, but his boss' words yesterday kept bothering him. It turned out that the government wanted to make sure that Kris, Jack, and Blue had returned to normal humans again by doing a check-up on their bodies.

They wanted to make sure there was no 'threat' remaining in their bodies. The government was still on guard toward the three youngsters in the end.

Kevin couldn't help but feel nervous because of the pressure. The antidote had been proven successful in returning the other werewolves to normal humans, but he was still not sure that it would work the same in Kris and Jack's bodies. Their bodies and powers were different, after all.


He flinched when he heard a loud call coming from behind. He turned his head and found his junior ran toward him. "Anna Torsney! You don't need to shout when you are just five meters away from me!" He scolded the junior.

The said junior, Anna, just grinned as she sat on a chair beside Kevin. "Long time no see, Senior!" She said excitedly. "How have you been? You have been absent for a long time, and you didn't even tell me beforehand!"

Kevin just rolled his eyes as he went back to the monitor. His secret was only known by some people in Orka. A regular worker like Anna surely knew nothing about his 'journey' in the past few weeks.

"I was preparing for my wedding, that's why I took a break for some time."

Kevin didn't look at Anna, but he could sense that his junior was surprised by his random answer.

"You are getting married, Senior?" She asked in surprise. "But, how come? I have never seen you with any girl before. Is it an arranged marriage? I can help you to run away from that kind of marriage if you want to, Senior!"

Kevin was dumbfounded. He turned to Anna and stared at her in disbelief. "How will you help me to run away?" He decided to play along with the dumb scenario.

Anna frowned and looked confused for a moment, but then she grinned again and answered, "I can pretend to be your girlfriend!"

Kevin choked on his saliva. The answer he got was the unpredictable one. He shook his head and turned to the monitor again. "You watch too many dramas," he commented. "There is no arranged marriage. My lover and I love each other, so you don't need to waste your energy on us."

Anna's expression turned bright after she heard Kevin's answer. It seemed like she just found a new material for gossiping around. Girls like gossip, and Anna was not an exception.

"So, you do have a lover, Senior? Do I know her? Is she beautiful? Is she also smart like you, Senior?"

Anna's various questions only made him sigh. He felt bothered, but he didn't have the heart to scold the girl. He then turned to the curly-haired girl again as he replied, "Can you broaden your vision a little and try to change the 'her' and 'she' in your questions?"

Anna blinked at him innocently while tilting her head. It seemed that she couldn't get Kevin's meaning. She kept thinking and thinking again, and finally, her eyes lit up.

"Are you gay, Senior?" She exclaimed quite loudly.

Kevin's eyes bulged as he glanced at his surroundings. Thankfully, the people in the laboratory seemed to be busy with their activities and didn't pay attention to them.

He couldn't imagine if the whole laboratory knew about his sexual orientation. He was a proud gay, but he just didn't want to be bothered by their questions later. 

"You don't need to shout!" He scolded the girl angrily. His face was red with anger and embarrassment.

Instead of feeling scared by the scolding, Anna just giggled innocently. "So, my hunch is right from the beginning," she said casually.

Kevin frowned at her. "What do you mean?" He asked the girl.

The girl smiled widely and patted her chest proudly. "My gay-dar never betrayed me!" She stated confidently. "Since the first day I met you, I know that you are into boys, Senior. You always looked bothered with me, but you were so comfortable with Senior Andre."

Kevin always knew that Anna was a good observer, but hearing Andre's name being mentioned brought sudden stuffiness in his chest. He couldn't help but recall his memory with his close friend again.

"You must be very heartbroken back then because Senior Andre had a wife already, right, Senior? I'm glad that you have moved on from him."

Kevin was just recalling his sweet moments with Andre, but then he noticed that Anna's words didn't seem right. There was something strange in her sentence, and he tried to find out the strange thing.

And after a few seconds he worked his brain, he finally found the oddity. His eyes instantly widened.

"You misunderstood me, you stupid girl!" He immediately clarified. "I didn't like Andre back then. I didn't have that kind of feeling for him!"

Once again, Anna just blinked at him innocently. "Are you sure, Senior? But, the way you look at him was very romantic. Are you sure you didn't harbor any feeling toward him?"

"Romantic, my ass!" Kevin quickly rebuked. "You need to go to the doctor for an eye check-up! You surely have a big problem with them!"

Kevin was surprised by his colleague's point of view. He and Andre were just close friends back then. They interacted normally, and he even scolded Andre many times when they worked together. Which side was the romantic? Kevin couldn't guess girls' way of thinking. They were unpredictable.

On the other hand, Anna didn't budge and still blinked at him innocently. The sight made Kevin groan. He pulled his hair in frustration before grabbing his phone that had been idling on the table. "Come here, I'll show you my boyfriend," he said as his thumb danced on the phone screen.

Anna's eyes twinkled, and she quickly scooted closer to the man. Kevin then put down his phone on the table, and the girl took a good look at the screen.

"He is my boyfriend," Kevin announced proudly. "My type is like this, not like Andre."

Kris's handsome face filled up the phone screen, and it seemed like Anna's eyes were covered by heart emojis as she kept staring at the photo. "He is so damn hot!" She commented.

Kevin noticed Anna's reaction, and he hastily clutched his phone. "He is mine!" He stated as he glared at the girl. He suddenly became a possessive man when it came to Kris.

Anna just grinned and wasn't offended by the glare. "So, he is the reason behind your smile, Senior? And you rarely worked overtime after you dated him, right? Having someone waiting for you at home, it's no wonder if you want to go home soon instead of working overtime."

Kevin was stunned by Anna's sentences. The sentences reminded him of Andre. He remembered that Andre once said about the same thing. He said that Kevin would also want to go back home soon after he found the right one.

Kevin felt his heart sting. He had found the right one, but Andre was no longer here to tease him. 'You were right, Andre. Having someone waiting for us at home is very nice.'

"Are you okay, Senior?" Anna asked in a worried tone as she waved her hand in front of Kevin's face.

The man blinked in surprise. He didn't realize that he was daydreaming just now.

"You are right, it's so nice to have someone waiting for me at home. That's why I don't want to work overtime again," he finally replied while smiling softly at the girl.

But, the reply only made Anna pout. "It's nice for you, but not for me. I don't have anyone waiting for me at home. I envy you, Senior!"

Kevin was still smiling at Anna when he said, "You will find someone, Anna.. You will find the right one."

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