The Blue Eyes


The second time they met was because of a wallet.

Jack was still not used to his 'human life'. No, he hadn't returned to being a normal human yet, but Kris was forcing him to live a normal human life.

But, how could he live as a normal human when his needs and desires were still the same as before?

It was true that werewolves could also eat and drink human food, but that food couldn't satisfy his desires. Joseph Beischel had given him and the other werewolves some new formulas in the past seventeen years, and it affected their 'appetite.'

Perhaps it was only a suggestion in his head, but he would only feel satisfied after eating animal and human flesh. Ah, human flesh. He couldn't eat human flesh again after he joined forces with Kris and the others. Even though the desire was still in his heart, he couldn't be reckless. Or else, his ally would kick him out right away.

It was a sunny day, and he wanted to drink ice coffee. He wasn't fond of human food, but coffee didn't taste that bad on his tongue. Coffee was indeed different from how blood tasted, but he could still tolerate the drink as his daily beverage.

His long legs led him to a famous coffee shop in the city. It was famous, and the price surely would thin his wallet. However, he could care less as he dared himself to push the glass door to the shop. A jingling sound could be heard the moment he pushed the door, and he noticed that there was a small bell above the glass door.

That was a normal thing, and Jack didn't think about it as he headed to the counter. There was only one customer in front of the cashier counter, and he stopped walking behind the customer as he patiently waited for his turn.

"Uh, I think I left my wallet at home."

He could hear the person in front of him speaking, and he raised an eyebrow. 'I think I've ever heard the voice before,' he wondered in his heart.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But your drink is ready, so you have to pay for it."

"But I have no money with me. How am I supposed to pay when I don't have money?"

He could hear the conversation between the person in front of him and the employee behind the cash machine.

Jack observed the man's appearance from behind, and he could feel a sense of familiarity. He furrowed his brows as he tried to remember where did he had ever seen the posture before.

Buzz head, not-so-tall-but-sturdy body, and not to mention the fair skin. And yeah, the voice too! Jack was sure that he had met the person somewhere before.

Couldn't hold back his curiosity, Jack carefully tapped the man's shoulder, causing the man to turn his head toward him.

And Jack immediately froze.

"Eh? You are the shiny soldier, right?"

The man frowned upon hearing Jack's weird question. "What shiny soldier?" He asked while tilting his head. He looked confused, but a few moments later, his eyes sparkled brightly. "You are Mr. Madris, right? What a coincidence to meet you here!"

Jack blinked his dark orbs at the man's overreaction. "Madris is my father's name. Unless you want to summon my father from his grave, you'd better call me Jack."

Jack was shocked to meet the cute soldier in the coffee shop, but he still maintained his cool and didn't let the soldier see his excited expression.

The buzz head man chuckled upon hearing Jack's words. "You are so funny, Mr. Jack," he replied. "I'm Casper, just in case you don't remember me."

'How come I don't remember a cute man like you?' Jack wanted to reply with those words, but he didn't want to scare the young soldier, so he just swallowed the words.

"I didn't expect a soldier would have hearing trouble. I asked you to call me Jack, so why did you call me with Mister instead?"

Perhaps Jack sounded quite harsh, but that was how he maintained his cool.

"Ah," the soldier spoke again as he rubbed the nape of his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Jack. I just want to respect you, so I decided to address you that way. I'm sorry if I offended you."

'How come I get offended by an adorable boy like you?' Jack wanted to scream, but instead of letting his voice out, he just rolled his eyes as a response to Casper's apology.

"Have you done with your order? I want to make an order if you're done," the taller man spoke again.

Casper suddenly remembered his problem, and he immediately grabbed Jack's arm. "Please let me borrow your money, Jack! I left my wallet at home, so I can't pay for my drink!"

Casper looked like an abandoned puppy, and Jack wanted to bring the puppy home and do something naughty with the puppy.

'Wait. What kind of thought is that?'

Jack realized his craziness and immediately shook his head to erase the crazy thought.

"Uh, you don't want to let me borrow your money, Jack? I promise that I will return your money, so please let me borrow it!"

It seemed Casper misunderstood his head gesture earlier, and the young soldier ended up swaying his arm just like a kid pleaded with his mother to buy him candy.

The sight was beyond adorable, but Jack didn't let cool melt upon seeing the cuteness.

"I can give you the money and you don't have to return it to me, but I have one condition."

Casper almost grinned when he heard Jack finally agree with him, but he immediately pouted upon hearing the next words uttered by the tattooed man.

"You are so stingy!" He whined as he glared at the taller man. "But I don't want to embarrass myself, so just say your condition."

Jack could ignore the mock because he finally accomplished his mission. With a handsome smile plastered on his face, he said, "Go on a date with me?"

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