The Blue Eyes


The journey from the apartment to Kevin's parents' house took Kris forever. His mind was chaotic, and he didn't dare press the gas pedal with full force. Even though he felt like he was going crazy right now, he kept telling himself that he had to stay sane for Kevin.

If he was too panicked and ended up in a car accident, then Kevin would feel worried, and that wouldn't be good for the scientist's mental health.

Kris had only Kevin as his priority. Yeah, he also had Blue, but he assumed that Blue didn't need his full attention, so he poured his attention to Kevin more.

The red car pulled up in front of Kevin's parents' house, and Kris breathed a sigh of relief because he managed to drive safely as promised. He parked the car in the same position as when he and Kevin were caught by the parents while they were making out, and Kris blushed.

Shaking his head to shake off any unnecessary thoughts, Kris immediately turned off the engine and stepped out of the car. It was the house of Kevin's foster parents. The house where Jack broke the door to attack Kevin a few months ago, and also the house where Mario Doxon broke the door too when he was in his giant werewolf form.

It was such a legendary house that kept changing the door because of the series of incidents, and Kris was the one who took the responsibility to repair the door for Kevin. That was why he had the keys to the house. He didn't expect that the keys would be very helpful for him.

He could leave the house freely earlier, and he could also enter the house freely now. He didn't need to disturb the people's rest because of his arrival, and he didn't need to let them know that he had left the house earlier. Kris would act as nothing happened, and no one would feel suspicious of him.

He opened the door and went straight into the house, and he had a hard time because the inside of the house was dark. After all, the lights had been turned off, and he was only a human now. He couldn't see anything in the dark.

And his body jolted when the light suddenly turned on by itself, dispelling the darkness so he could see what was in the room. And he froze when he discovered Benjamin Lowell was the one who had just turned on the light.

"Where were you going?"

He had expected the question, but he had not expected Benjamin to still be awake at this hour and would catch him in the act as well. Earlier when he was about to leave the house, he made sure that no family members were awake, so he was surprised to see Benjamin was awake not far from him now.

Kris gulped nervously. He just won Kevin's parents' trust, so would he lose the trust this soon just because of his action?

"Something happened in the apartment, Dad. I was just checking the condition there."

Kris didn't plan to lie because he knew that lying was never the best option, but he also did not plan to divulge the details right now.

"What happened in the apartment that you dared to leave my son while he was sleeping? Are you sure you're not cheating?"

Kevin suspected him of having an affair a few months ago when he also left the young scientist while the scientist was sleeping, and he experienced the same suspicions now.

"I wouldn't dare to cheat on Kevin, Dad. I love Kevin so much, and I won't ever make him sad."

Kris still didn't want to answer Benjamin's first question, so he chose to answer the latter question only. But, to his dismay, Benjamin was not stupid to accept his sneaky answer easily.

"If you didn't cheat on my son, then tell me what happened in the apartment."

Benjamin was a former scientist, and even though he was not as famous as Selena or maybe Joseph Beischel, Benjamin was still smarter than average people. That was why the older man didn't stop investigating Kris and didn't stop throwing daggers through his gaze either.

Kris knew that he couldn't run away from the father's interrogation, so he could only answer honestly again, "There was a robbery in the apartment, Dad. One of my men informed me about that, and I rushed to the apartment immediately. I indeed left Kevin alone, but it's because Kevin was sleeping soundly. Kevin had also called me earlier, so I immediately went back here because I didn't want him to be more worried about me."

Benjamin listened intently to the explanation, and the man slowly let go of his cold gaze at Kris. "There was a robbery at the apartment? Did the robber steal your valuables?"

It seemed that Benjamin was worried about him now, and Kris finally could flash a reassuring smile at the older man. "The robbers stole my expensive robot, but it's alright, Dad. I will just buy another robot later."

Kris technically wasn't lying this time. AZURE was indeed an expensive robot created by Professor Selena, so he wasn't lying with his explanation earlier.

"Kevin told me that you have several guards that guarded your place, but they couldn't prevent the robbery?"

Benjamin's question squeezed Kris's heart again. His mind automatically wandered to the pool of blood in front of the apartment's door. The blood belonged to his brothers, and he felt guilty once again.

Kris was worried if Benjamin could detect the change of his expression, so he decided to shift his gaze away from the older man. "The robbers... they were armed with sophisticated weapons, and my guards failed to guard the apartment."

Kris's heart was so heavy when he explained to the man. He didn't even know the details about the robbery because Steve himself didn't witness the scene, so he could only come up with an excuse randomly.

"You couldn't even hire strong guards to guard your place, so how do you think you will guard my son in the future?"

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