The Blue Eyes

Chapter 221 - THE OLD WOUND

When they arrived at the Lowell residence, there was only Charlotte Lowell in the house. She said that her husband had been out since a few hours ago, but she did not know where he had gone.

"Dad is already old, Mom. Why is he still wandering around alone at such an old age?" Kevin asked his adoptive mother out of concern.

He didn't mean to be rude, but his mother told him that his father even drove the car himself earlier. Benjamin Lowell was not young anymore, but he was still as stubborn as a teenager when he chose to drive his own car. Kevin felt useless when he hired a private chauffeur for his father a few weeks ago.

Yes, he did hire a private chauffeur for his parents who would be ready to drive for his parents whenever they wanted to go somewhere, but maybe that chauffeur would just receive a salary without working now.

"Your dad is old, but he's still in high spirits, Kevin. Maybe he just went out to see an old friend. You don't have to worry. He'll be back home in one piece."

Her mother was stubborn too, and how could a wife speak like that about her husband?

Kevin was sometimes jealous of his foster parent's relationship, but the foster parents were also weird at times.

"Anyway, it's almost dinner time. Do you want me to cook something for you, Kev?" The lady questioned her son out of the blue. "And you too, Kris. Do you want to eat something specifically for dinner?" She continued as she turned to Kris, who was sitting next to her son.

Kevin and Kris looked like they were glued by some strong glue as they always stuck with each other. The latter could only comply with his lover's order earlier, and they ended up going to the parents' house instead of their house.

Even though Kris was reluctant because he wanted Kevin to have enough rest at home, he could understand Kevin's intention by coming to the parents' house. Kevin just wanted to make everything clear before he could have some rest.

"We will eat whatever you cook, Mom," Kevin was the one who answered his mother's question. "Now I want to know more about Grace Hasler. Even if dad isn't home right now, I'm sure you can give me more information about her."

The blue-eyed man decided to come straight to the point, and his mother was quite stunned upon hearing his question.

Kevin could understand why his mother looked shocked and uncertain. His father was the one who talked more when they had a conversation this morning, and his mother could only hide behind his father's back all the time.

Now that there was only his mother at home, his mother could no longer hide behind his father's back.

"Your father had told you everything he knew, Kevin. Do you still need to hear something from me? I don't know much about that woman," Charlotte spoke timidly.

The lady just said that she didn't know much about Grace Hasler, but Kevin could see that his mother was lying by the way his mother kept avoiding his gaze.

"I just want to know why dad said that Mrs. Hasler is not a good person, Mom. Can you elaborate on what he meant?"

That was the thing that had been disturbing himself since the morning. He wanted to ask Grace Hasler about it earlier, but he knew that it wasn't a good option to question her. It was his foster parents who disliked the lady, so he should question his foster parents directly, right?

That was why Kevin didn't want to wait any longer and just came directly to Lowell's residence. Even though his father wasn't home, he was sure that his mother would be able to answer his inquiry.

"Is it really important for you, Kevin?" Charlotte questioned her son back, daring herself to look at her son in the eye. "I and your dad had agreed to forget about that woman and all the thing that's related to her, but why did you open the old wound in our hearts?"

Charlotte suddenly showed a hurtful expression on her slightly wrinkled face, and Kevin was stunned. Not only Kevin who looked shocked, but Kris beside him looked surprised as well.

"I didn't mean to open the old wound, Mom," Kevin tried to explain. "I just want to judge her objectively, so I want to know the truth about her."

Kevin was living in a contradiction. His foster parents, along with Derek Dawson, told him that Grace Hasler was not a good person. On the other hand, Julia had told him that the head of the Intelligence Agency was a good person.

He didn't understand why there were two groups of people around the short-haired lady. One group was defending her, while the other group was slandering her. He didn't know which group he should follow, so he decided to make a query again.

Meanwhile, Charlotte seemed to be contemplating what she should say to her adoptive son. She looked puzzled for a few minutes, but then she looked up and said, "Grace Hasler is not a good person because she had failed her benefactor, Kevin."

A one-sentence answer came out of his mother's thin lips, but the answer sounded vague for him. "What do you mean, Mom?" He asked his mother again.

The mother sighed before shifting her gaze from the son. "You still remember that your mother faced huge turbulence at the end of 2021, right? Your mother fought between life and death to save the werewolf formula and the antidote, and she was willing to do anything to save the world. But, do you know what Grace Hasler did back then?"

Her adoptive mother threw another unclear question, and Kevin remained silent until finally, his mother looked up at him again.

"Instead of helping your mother to find a way out, Grace Hasler dumped your mother by making her way to join a family of a famous General in the country."

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