The Blue Eyes


They were not the real brothers, but they had spent their young time together as Selena's guards. They had been spending so many years together, and they treated each other as brothers.

Yes, the seven guards treated each other as brothers, and Kris also treated him as his brother even if the latter was not a guard for Selena back then.

Kevin wasn't confused when he heard his fiance's question. He knew so well what his fiance meant because that was indeed the thing in his mind.

He indeed had that deduction in mind, and he didn't have any intention to hide it from other people.

"Yes, I think Steve was the one who killed your other guards," the black-haired scientist confirmed his fiance's question.

The pairing was staring at each other after one of them confirmed the other's guess. Kevin's gaze looked stern and firm, while Kris's gaze was full of disbelief.

Kevin knew how Steve's relationship with the other guards, so how come he had the heart to say that it was Steve who had killed the other guards? Kris really couldn't understand his fiance right now.

"Wait," Jack suddenly broke the silence. "What are you guys talking about? You guys only told us that there were robbers who stole your robot, but you didn't tell us that someone got killed in the accident."

Jack wasn't the only one who looked confused. The other people in the room were puzzled too as they waited for a further explanation from either Kevin or Kris.

Kevin was the one who revealed the secret to his ally last night, so he felt the responsibility to give them a further explanation.

"The robbers killed Kris's seven guards. Kris had eight guards in total, but seven of them are no longer here because of the tragedy," the young scientist explained as he brought his gaze to the floor.

The listeners gasped upon hearing Kevin's explanation.

"The seven guards were killed, Brother?" Blue suddenly chimed in. "That's why I only saw Brother Steve and some new guards lately? The seven guards were killed by the criminal?"

Recounting the story again brought a sad feeling to Kevin's heart, and when he peeped at Kris, who was sitting next to him, he could see his fiance's gloomy expression.

He knew that his fiance was more hurt than him.

"Yes, the criminal had killed Kris's brothers, so we have to catch the real criminal," Kevin spoke again. "There's no proof at all, but I suspect Steve, Kris."

Kris turned to him again and threw him a piercing gaze. "You know that they are my brothers, but you still dare to suspect Steve? Don't you know that Steve is my brother too?"

The caramel-haired suddenly raised his tone, and Kevin jolted a little upon hearing how his fiance talk to him.

Kris didn't snap at him harshly, but from his tone only, he could tell that the tanned man was upset.

It was the first time he saw Kris's grim expression that was like a stab in his heart.

"Steve indeed arrived at the apartment more than an hour before he called me to let me know about the incident, but do you think it can prove anything? Do you think it can prove that he's indeed the killer? Are you out of mind?"

Kris was hard and harsh, and Kevin couldn't even find his voice to respond to his fiance's question.

"Now I can understand Julia's feeling, Kev. You better continue to investigate yourself if you still insist on suspecting my brother."

Kris hastily got up from his seat after he finished speaking. Kevin quickly got up as well and was about to hold his lover's arm, but the taller man was faster as he swiftly turned his body and stormed toward the front door of the orphanage.

Kevin froze in his spot and could only stare at how his fiance left the orphanage with his red car.

It was the first time for them to fight until Kris became that upset. He still remembered how Kris looked at him earlier, and the gaze looked so cold and piercing. There was no longer the warm gaze that usually had the power to melt his heart right away.

Kris was upset because of his suspicion. Perhaps it was his fault.

"It's not your fault, Kevin," Luke suddenly broke the silence as if he was able to read Kevin's mind. "You indeed have no proof that it's Steve's doing all along, but what you said makes sense. There's plenty of time for Steve to do anything in your apartment building, including killing his brothers."

Luke was trying to comfort him, but Kevin didn't feel better at all. He just threw his body onto the couch and rested his head on the back of the couch. Not wanting anyone to see his miserable face, he brought his hand to cover his face.

"Your boyfriend is overreacting again, Kevin," Jack suddenly chimed in. "What makes him so blind like that? What's so special about the Steve guy. Do you think Kris is in love or something with that guy?"

Jack was careless with his speech again, and both Blue and Casper immediately glared at him. He just shrugged nonchalantly at the two humans.

Kevin finally brought his hand down from his face and stared at the ceiling blankly. He admitted that he wasn't careful enough when he voiced out his suspicion about Steve earlier.

He should have been more thoughtful as he knew that his fiance trusted his subordinate a lot, but he chose to say it recklessly and caused his fiance to get mad at him.

Kevin was blaming himself, and the people in the room knew how the scientist was feeling. They could only remain quiet as they were busy with their own thoughts.

Luke was frowning as he kept staring at Kevin, and suddenly he sighed heavily.

"Do you know Steve's email account? I can hack his account to find more information about him if you want to."

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