The Blue Eyes


The next morning, Kris opened his eyes to find lots of people being busy in the laboratory. He finally learned that the spacious room was not the only room in the laboratory.

It turned out that the place was much bigger than he expected, and there were lots of room in that place.

He also found out that many scientists worked in the laboratory other than Felix Smith, but they were working in other rooms. That was why he didn't see many people in the room.

He learned the truth one by one, and he finally knew that the bad people had a big plan in their hands. It could be said that those people had a mega-project that even bigger than Joseph Beischel's mega-project.

His hazel eyes were still fixated on the people who were busy in the spacious room. Two days ago, he heard Felix Smith and Jaden Dunn talk that they were going to execute their plan in two days, and it seemed that today was the day.

Kris still wasn't sure about the plan, but one thing he could be sure of was that the plan would be related to the werewolves. Those people had been experimenting to create a new version of werewolves, and it seemed they would use the werewolves to achieve their goal. Whatever their goal was.

Yes, Kris was still clueless about the real goal the criminal wanted to achieve, so he could only observe the activity in the laboratory silently.

Several people suddenly walked closer toward one of the giant glass tubes in the laboratory, and one of them standing right behind a computer and typing something on the keyboard. All of a sudden, the werewolf inside the glass tube opened his eyes, and it shocked instantly.

It was a black werewolf that was standing on his two feet inside the giant glass tube. His eyes were red and piercing, his fangs were long and pointy, and his fingernails were long and sharp as well. His height was probably around 2 meters, and he looked similar to the werewolves monsters of the previous generation.

There were only 9 giant glass tubes in that spacious room, and inside the tubes were 9 werewolves. If they were just like the werewolves of the previous generation, then they surely wouldn't cause harm to mankind.

However, Kris was not sure if there were only 9 werewolves there. He had known that the room he was currently in was not the only room there, and perhaps there were more werewolves in other rooms.

Kris was still observing the activity in silence, and not long after, he could hear footsteps coming from the door. And when he shifted his gaze toward the people who just arrived at the room, he could see Jaden Dunn and Felix Smith walking toward the other workers who were surrounding one of the glass tubes.

"Our experiment is successful, Sir. We can let them out of the glass tube anytime," one of the men reported to both Jaden Dunn and Felix Smith.

They were talking about 'experiment,' so Kris assumed that the werewolves in the room were used for experiment purposes. Perhaps the bad people deliberately kidnapped the soldiers in the city and the thugs in Rodein because those soldiers and thugs surely were healthy and had strong bodies that would endure the experimental werewolf formula.

"Go inject the formula into the people in the prison and get ready to execute our plan today," Jaden Dunn instructed his underlings, and some of them immediately left him to do as instructed.

Kris heard the instruction, and his body flinched a little. His prediction was accurate. Those people indeed prepared many people to get injected by the werewolf formula.

Jaden then turned to Felix again before asking, "We will be able to control them, right? They won't attack us if we let them out of the glass tube, right?"

Jaden was doubting Felix, and the latter stared at him flatly. "If you doubt my ability, then you shouldn't have asked your men to immediately inject the formula into those people's bodies."

Jaden facepalmed, but he chose to ignore his partner in crime and turned to his subordinate instead. "Let that monster out so we can see the result," he instructed the young man.

The young man nodded before using his fingers to type in the keyboard again. Not long after, the glass tube gradually opened from the direction of the head, continued lowering until it passed the neck, the chest, the hip, and went down until it vanished on the floor.

The werewolf finally blinked his red eyes, but it didn't move his body at all. Kris at the side could only observe the activity without uttering any words. His heart pounded loudly as he waited for the outcome of the experiment.

"You said that his name is Deff, and he's a soldier from the army, right? Try to give him an order to get an answer to your question earlier," Felix spoke as he side-glanced Jaden, who was standing next to him.

Jaden surely knew the man named Deff because the man was one of his men when he was still in the army. He deliberately kidnapped the young soldier for the experiment.

"I'm your boss, Deff. If you can hear my voice and will comply with my order, nod your head immediately," Jaden instructed the back werewolf with a stern voice.

The werewolf shifted his red eyes to the older man before nodding his head. The response made Jaden laugh out loud.

"You did a great job, Felix!" Jaden exclaimed excitedly. "Now those monsters won't remember their identity, and they will only listen to our order!"

Kris froze in his spot. Those evil people managed to create a new version of werewolves and managed to control them under their palms. It was beyond dangerous because Josep Beischel's project was not this perfect before.

Kris was still having trouble in his heart, but then Felix suddenly glanced at him before smirking.

"After this, we also have to inject the formula into Kris's body. He will be our main character today, right?"

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