The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1017: The foodies of Yakumo House, and the melancholy of Zimei

"That monster is almost the same as her. There is no backing and no elders. It is also very weak. It is in the stage of growth and is being pursued and killed by other powerful monsters... They just ran into each other suddenly and escaped after being born. , They also came together of course."

"So they became friends, and the first friend is also the only friend. They swear that they will depend on each other in the future and grow together!"

"But that ordinary monster is a little wrong. Although her friend is similar to her in many ways, there are also many differences... For example, the outstanding talents, compared with her friend, who are called The genius monster is inferior to the weeds on the side of the road. The talent that is far beyond genius is enough to make anyone jealous, even her life experience is extremely mysterious, no one knows which line she comes from. The monster, she doesn't even know about it."

"Although this friend's excellence has dealt a great blow to the ordinary monster, she was not depressed, nor did she part ways with that friend because she is ordinary, but she still has her own self-esteem. She is from the beginning to the end. After all, I believe that hard work can be rewarded. She can’t be a real genius, so she will spare all her efforts to make a genius... in order to survive in this cruel world and to fight side by side with her only friend. !"

"Because from the moment she saw the other party's potential, she knew that this excellent friend of hers would definitely become a great monster in the world in the future, and if she wants to stand on an equal footing with the other party, she must also be a great monster in the world. !"

"Since then, they have been inseparable, whether it is eating, resting or practicing, they have never separated. Her friend has a very good understanding, and almost everything can be learned once, but she takes a lot of time. , But although the friend is talented, but the temperament is too weak, and does not know how to behave in the world, so the two people still lead her when they walk the rivers and lakes... The two help each other, grow together, and work hard to climb towards the peak, only Only by becoming the strongest monsters can they live freely."

"So, they grew up in adversity, and their progress was much better than other monsters of the same age. Gradually, the two of them finally paid off for their hard work. They stood out from the monsters of the same age, almost invincible, and even in mutual exchanges. , Ordinary monsters can occasionally defeat her enchanting friend, which once again proves that her way of survival is correct...As long as you work hard enough, ordinary monsters can still defeat geniuses!"

"But this does not mean that they can live a free life from now on, because the world is too big and the lifespan of the monsters is too long. Even if they become much stronger, they are still a baby among the many monsters. It’s just the king of babies, and above them there are teenagers, youths, grown-up monsters, old-age monsters, and the true king of monsters... To truly stand on the highest peak, they still need to walk too much. Many ways."

"Then, at a certain moment, they encountered an opportunity, an opportunity that allowed them to get up quickly. For this, they cherished it very much and worked hard to seize it... Finally, they finally grew into true kings. , Don’t fear anyone, don’t fear any monsters, and you can really live freely, but..."

After talking about this long, Yuxiang suddenly stood up from her position and walked to the window to look into the distance, her eyes revealing her infinite nostalgia, "But as time goes by, the more you get, More will be lost. After losing the most important thing to them, the two weak monsters who used to depend on each other for life have also taken different paths, and even their previous vows have been forgotten, you say, this Is it a sorrow?"

Youxiang turned her head and looked at Lin Luo solemnly.

Lin Luo just looked at her serious and serious expression like this, only to feel that something unknown in her heart was touched, but she couldn't say anything.

"You don't need to answer anything. This is just a story. The two protagonists in the story haven't complained about anyone. It's just their own stubbornness to get there. It's their own stubbornness." Seeing Lin Luo opened his mouth, It seems that there is something to say, Youxiang said with a serious face, "Don't ask, don't explore, and don't try to uncover the truth of this story, just when you have never heard of it...maybe when the time comes, you will Contact, the original dream that was once!"


Soon after, Lin Luo left the Flower House and Sun Flower Field. Youxiang did not send him. Although she was a little better than Yiwen and Lily in the 13th dimensional battle, she was too exhausted and needed to be nursed urgently. Lin Luo didn't bother them, and just went upstairs to look at them before leaving.

When he came, although Lin Luo was at a loss, he was generally more relaxed than worried, but when he went now, although he knew more, he felt heavy in his heart.

If he understood correctly, the ordinary youkai in that story should be Kazejian Yuka, and that genius monster...There are many geniuses in Gensokyo, but the geniuses who can match Yuka, and at the same time a character who runs counter to it, you can think about it. only one.

Yakumo Purple!

Among the top monsters in Gensokyo, Kazami Yuka and Yakumo Zi do not have any friendly intersections, and it can even be said that they are hostile existences, but now, Kazami Yuka tells him that she used to live with Yakumo Zi. This is simply It's just a joke!

If it's a joke, it's not funny at all.

But if it's true, it's also unsmiling.

Because Lin Luo could feel that Youxiang felt helpless and sad when she was telling the story just now.

What is the reason that two such good friends parted ways, and even forgot their vows? Lin Luo didn't know.

And more importantly, what exactly is that opportunity?

Lin Luo faintly felt that that point was the most important part of the story, but Youxiang deliberately avoided that key point, not even letting him inquire.

Don't want to say it, or...can't say it? !

Lin Luomang has no clue, but his mood is getting heavier.

"Anyway, go take a look first." Although Youxiang told him not to inquire about the story, Lin Luo still planned to go to the House of Yakumo, not deliberately looking for any clues, just came Gensokyo has some time after all, so it's time to visit Yakumo.

Of course, if Yakumo Zi also has a story to tell, he would also like to hear it.

Lin Luo will not be in a gap, but it does not prevent him from coming to the house of Yakumo, which is located on the realm line. This time he did not see Yakumo-lan dragging her **** body naked as soon as he came in like the previous time, but he was still very Fortunately, I saw Yakumolan curling up and sleeping on the ground, and an orange cat rolling around on the floor next to him, having fun.

Lin Luo's mood suddenly relaxed a lot when he saw these two live treasures.

As a cat demon, Orange's hearing is very good, and Lin Luo didn't deliberately hide himself, so when he saw Orange, Orange also saw him.

"The toy is coming again!" Orange saw Lin Luo, her eyes lit up, and suddenly she turned over and jumped up from the floor, and then rushed towards Lin Luo.

With the wisdom of only a human child, she apparently thought that Lin Luo was the kind of waste that she could play with, so she looked extremely elated when she saw the toy delivered to the door.

And Lin Luo obviously wouldn't be her toy anymore, the other way around was almost the same, so when she swooped over, the cat demon fell into her devil's claws and caught it in the air.

Orange was shocked, and instinctively she would exclaim, but before she screamed, a big fragrant grilled fish suddenly came to her mouth. Without any hesitation, Orange's exclamation was stuffed back. Turning to chew on the grilled fish excitedly.

Seeing her eating happily, Lin Luo smiled and said, "Ask you a question, where is your host?"

"Meow, I don't know." Orange shook his head, reached out to Yakumolan who was still sleeping, and then continued to eat the grilled fish.

Lin Luo knew she was going to ask Bayunlan by herself, chuckled, and threw out some grilled fish, and said: "You are delicious here, not noisy. If you are obedient, I will reward you for roasting more. Fish, do you know it?"

Orange’s favorite thing to eat is fish, not to mention that the grilled fish made by Lin Luo is delicious in the world. She has the slightest hesitation, and quickly nodded in agreement, selling to her teammates and selling them very simply.

Children are so foolish. If the agent **** and the abyss demon have this IQ, it would be great. If the world is peaceful, I can also live a life without shame or irritation... alas!

Lin Luo sighed secretly, and then came to Yakuunlan's side. Seeing her sound asleep, Lin Luo couldn't help but give birth to the idea of ​​teasing her. He knelt down, poking his fingers on her face.

In his sleep, Bayunlan felt a little itchy, and instinctively stretched out his paw...Oh no, stretched out his hand and scratched his face, then turned his head and continued to sleep.

Obviously, because there is a lazy idler at home, all the work is weighed on her. The excessive pressure makes her dedicate herself to sleep without any precautions, even if she is teased like this. The slightest sign of waking up.

Probably even if she felt a little vague, she just thought it was Orange playing.

Lin Luo was slightly amused, but the idea of ​​teasing her became more and more abundant. When he reached out his hand, there was a bunch of cooked oily tofu in his hand, and then he dangled it in front of Yakumolan.

Although Yakumolan was still asleep, the scent of oily tofu had already attracted her, and her consciousness had not yet risen, but her body took the lead in response to the temptation of food, twitching her nose with her eyes closed, looking for the source of the scent.

Afterwards, under Lin Luo's mercy, Yakumolan finally found the location of the oily tofu by instinct, and opened his mouth violently. It was called a thunderous bell, and directly bit a piece of oily tofu into his mouth. It's savory.

She had eaten a bunch of oiled tofu several times like this. After eating, she did not forget to stick out her tongue and lick her mouth, with an expression that was still inexplicable, muttering to herself such delicious dreams.

Sure enough, Gensokyo is raising a bunch of foodies.

Lin Luo was speechless, although in terms of appetite, Yakumolan obviously failed compared with Youyuzi's bottomless pit, but she could eat it when she fell asleep. She was obviously already eating out of the realm... after all, she actually looked so licking. With such a comfortable look, Lin Luo wanted to lick it too, because she was afraid that the voyeuristic Zi Ma would suddenly appear at some point, so that the alluring thoughts were avoided.

Then, Lin Luo molested the little fox with oiled tofu as always, and the greedy little fox naturally got the trick easily, but after eating a dozen bunches of oiled tofu, she still showed no sign of waking up.

Although it was fun at first, it would be boring to sing a one-man show alone. So, while Yakumolan was eating oily tofu, Lin Luo quietly leaned down and shouted, "City management is here. ! Run for the oily tofu seller~~"

"Death to the city management! You tofu stop!"

Yakumolan, who was still sleeping soundly, was immediately awakened. With his eyes opened, his body rose from the ground, his limbs stood on the ground, and his nine tails stiffened... the whole fox was sturdy.

At this moment, Yakumolan's sleepiness disappeared. He just took a closer look. There are no urban managements in front of him, but there are a few strings of oily tofu, which are being...Huh? !

When he recognized Lin Luo, Yakumolan's face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed, "Why are you here?"

"Before asking this question, I think it's better for you to adjust your sitting posture first." Lin Luo pointed to the posture of Yakumolan's limbs touching the ground and kindly reminded him.

After Lin Luo's reminder, Yakumo Lan also discovered the wildness of her posture at the moment, her face was slightly red, and she quickly returned to a normal sitting posture, and then her face was adjusted to a serious state, only when she saw Lin Luo's hand When only half a bunch of oily tofu remained, she couldn't wait to find a hole in it.

She slept very well before, and there was someone who was feeding herself tofu tofu in her sleep. She thought it was just a dream. After all, there is no such good thing in reality that there will be someone who feeds herself to eat, so although she has been awake somewhat However, she subconsciously didn't want to wake up and enjoy the food in her dreams.

Of course, now she knows, this is not the food in the dream at all, it is indeed someone feeding her in reality, but Yakumolan looked at the smile on Lin Luo's face, and felt that this was more of a molestation, and her heart suddenly became big. Unhappy.

"Orange, don't eat it, this is bad guys' stuff!" Yakumolan soon saw the orange that he enjoyed eating grilled fish and knew that Lin Luo had brought out the grilled fish, so he stood up and took all of it. The grilled fish snatched from the orange, a serious warning.

"Hey! My grilled fish..." Orange was happily eating, she didn't hear anything outside the window, but as soon as the delicacy was taken away, she immediately opened her mouth and burst into tears.

"Uh!" What Yakumolan can't stand most is Orange's cuteness and Yakumozi's unrestrained behavior. She cannot resist the former, and she is helpless in the latter. So as soon as Orange showed this expression, she immediately lost. After weighing it around, I finally had to return the grilled fish.

The orange broke into a smile, took it happily, and continued to eat.

Hey, forget it... Knowing that Orange has been completely invaded by foreign enemies, Yakumolan had to give up the plan to unite and turned to Lin Luo, and said angrily: "Nothing is not going to the Three Treasure Hall, what can you do?"

Lin Luo didn't seem to see her dissatisfaction, and smiled: "I just wandered around here and stopped by here to take a look. After seeing you, I remembered to give you some food...Look, this is my research. Very special product, mapo oil tofu, chicken flavor, crunchy and crunchy, would you like to have more servings?"

Lin Luo asked if he wanted, but he had already taken out dozens of strings, stacked high on the plate.

Yakumolan looked at it and couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. After hesitating for less than three seconds, he snatched the plate by lightning, and said, "Forget it, forget it, for the sake of your sincerity, just now I don’t care about things, and pay attention to it later."

Hey, your will is too weak, right? You fell down before I could do anything!

Lin Luo was speechless.

However, even after Yakumolan was settled, he no longer wasted time, and directly explained his intentions.

Yakumolan said as he ate, "Didn't I have already said that on the day of the banquet? I don't know where Master Zi went recently. You asked me for nothing."

"You really don't know?"

"What are you doing?" Yakumo Lanbai gave him a look and said, "Master Zi's whereabouts are originally extremely mysterious. She usually comes to me. It rarely happens that I can find her, but you don't need to care too much. , Anyway, she will naturally appear when she wants to appear."

Lin Luo looked at her carefully and found that she didn't look like she was lying, so she no longer entangled her. As she said, Yakumo Zi would naturally appear when she should appear, so she didn't need to worry.

So, after chatting for a while, Lin Luo left the house of Yakumo.

However, not long after he left, a gap was suddenly opened next to Yakumolan, and then a beautifully dressed girl stepped out of the gap. It was the Yakumozi who saw the dragon without the end.

"Master Zi, he has already left." Yakumolan said with a respectful voice.

"I know." Yakumo Zi nodded, looking at the direction Lin Luo had left, "I came back because he left."

Yakumolan looked blank, and asked puzzledly: "Master Zi, you obviously want to see him, why are you avoiding him now?"

"Because the timing is not right, I'm afraid I can't help telling him everything when I see him, but then it will harm everyone." Yakumo Zi sighed and said.

"Why?" Yakumolan was even more puzzled.

"You don't need to know this, but what makes me more concerned now is another thing..." Yakumo shook his head, then frowned, "I don't know if it's an illusion, I always feel that something terrible is about to come. If it happens, it will not only threaten Gensokyo, but...I hope it is my illusion, this time I really hope that I have calculated it wrong."

Yakumo Zi's gaze looked outside, with an indelible worry.

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