The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1022: From far away time and space, the voice of the strongest girl

Mingjie, the city of the sky.

In the most magnificent city in the entire world, Yao Yao collected the clouds in the sky and made a lounge chair in the garden, while she herself was lying on the cloud chair, closing her eyes and opening her mouth, but There was no sound, nor did he know what he was meditating on.

After a while, footsteps sounded behind her, and Misaka Mikoto walked slowly.

"This time you left the customs much earlier than before, and you still failed...what's the matter?" Yao Yao didn't open his eyes, but he already knew who the person was.

Mikoto nodded: "It's almost a bit, failure is inevitable, so I want to borrow someone from you."



Yao Yao opened her eyes, looked at her with a serious expression, suddenly the corner of her mouth curled up, and said jokingly: "Oh, finally can't bear the loneliness and want to go out of the wall?"

Mikoto's serious expression dissipated immediately, her face turned red, and the corners of her mouth twitched and said, "Stop talking nonsense! I am not a red apricot, and I am not out of the wall!"

Looking at her as if she was going to be stubborn, Yao Yao didn't tease her anymore, but also looked upright and said: "Since you want to use your fate, you have already found the reason for your failure."

Speaking of business affairs, Mikoto’s expression quickly recovered, and nodded: “Yes, now I have reached a level that can attack the heavens regardless of strength or realm, but I faintly feel that something is missing. After these days I finally understand... what I am missing is the great perfection of the heavenly mood!"

"The heavenly moods that I felt before were obtained from outside. Although I do have them, in fact they are not really my own. They are still the heavenly moods of the outside world. If you want to attack the heavens, first It is necessary to digest all these artistic conceptions and turn them into my things in the true sense, so..."

Before Mikoto finished speaking, the demon said, "So, in order to achieve this condition, it is the best thing to fight the real powerhouse of the heavenly rank. Although the destiny has been knocked down to the heavenly rank, he is the original heaven. A ninth-level heavenly expert, even if he loses the strength of the heavenly rank, his heavenly mood is still Dzogchen, so there is no more suitable person than him, right?"

"That's it." Mikoto nodded.

Yao Yao nodded, then shook his head again, "Although you have a good idea, I also admit that this is the fastest way to become a heavenly rank, but in fact this path is very dangerous. After all, your current strength has reached. Above the quasi-celestial rank, if you fight with fate, his strength will be stronger than yours. At this level, he can already use the power of the heavenly rank to a certain extent, and even reach the heavenly rank in an instant. It's not impossible, and under this kind of power, you will undoubtedly die!"

"So give up, you can't beat your fate now."

Mikoto didn't feel frightened by what Yaoyao said. She rolled her eyes and said, "Does that mean that as long as I win the destiny, I will be a heavenly rank?"

Yao Yao smiled helplessly, "Little girl, my mind turned very fast...It seems that you have made a decision before then. Since this is the case, I won't say anything more."

While talking, Yao Yao threw a sign over, "The pass has been given to you. Whether you live to become a heavenly rank or die as a quasi-celestial rank is up to your own good fortune."

"Thank you!" Mikoto took the token and was overjoyed. As long as she had this thing, she could complete the last step of cultivation. Although it was extremely dangerous, she was confident!

Right now, Mikoto was about to leave, but before she could step out, she suddenly saw Yao Yao's face change suddenly, as if she had seen something terrible.

Mikoto immediately dispelled the thought of leaving, feeling puzzled and uneasy, "What's the matter?"

Yaoyao did not answer her, but she stretched out her hand in the void and saw some fragments made of unknown materials suddenly scattered on the ground. Then Yaoyao walked off the cloud chair and squatted on the ground looking at the fragments, like Looking at the rare treasures, his eyes were solemn.

Mikoto had never seen Yao Yao show such an expression, even when Lin Luo died last time, she did not see it like this. Although she didn't know what happened, she instinctively became uneasy and didn't bother her, just Stand aside and wait quietly.

In this way, Yaoyao stared at the fragments for two full hours, and then she got up, as if after a big battle, sitting on the cloud chair with her ass, she looked very tired, "This is bad. ."

"What?" Mikoto felt uneasy in a daze.

Yao Yao looked up at her, frowning, "I tried a simulated battle before. I originally had a 60% chance of winning in my heart, but you also saw..." She pointed to the fragments all over the floor." The final result was a mess, and then through reverse calculations, in this simulated battle, the winning rate turned out to be only zero."

"What mock warfare?"

"The impending reverse causality!"

"Inverse causality?!" Mikoto's face suddenly changed. As a quasi-celestial powerhouse, it is of course impossible for her to be unaware of the horrible existence of inverse causality.

Yaoyao nodded, "You should also know who I did this simulated battle for. At this moment, the inverse causality lurking next to him will be an unimaginable danger. Once he unlocks the inverse causality, the horror will erupt. Destructive power will destroy everything!"

"This..." Mikoto understood who the demon said he was, was shocked when she heard that, immediately put aside her cultivation, and said quickly, "Let me pass!"

"It's useless." Yao Yao shook his head, "The danger this time is not the level you can touch now. Let alone you, just add a thousand you. There is still only one dead end. Don't go there and die. "

"But..." Mikoto didn't expect that it would be so dangerous, but even so, she couldn't just sit idly by. A thought suddenly flashed in her heart and said, "Since unraveling the inverse cause and effect will cause disaster, then as long as you don't unravel it. Isn't it enough?"

Yaoyao still shook his head, "You are too naive, do you think that inverse causality is such a tolerant existence? Even if it is silent because of an outbreak, it is only temporary, and it will be like a snowball when it is silent. The same gets bigger and bigger, and when it breaks out again, it will be ten times or even a hundred times more powerful. Therefore, in order to minimize the damage, the inverse causality must be solved immediately, but this time... even if it is solved immediately , The power erupted by reverse causality is not something you can bear now!"

"So..." Mikoto opened her mouth, but was already speechless.

Yao Yao sighed and stood up from the cloud chair, "It seems that I can only make a trip myself."

Mikoto suddenly showed a look of surprise. Although she had never seen Yao Yao when she shot with all her strength, she was able to know that even if it was reverse causality, she could not threaten Yao Yao.

Seeing her look of expectation, Yao Yao shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Although it is a good thing to have confidence in me, it is better not to be too happy too early. If I am at the peak of my life, I can naturally ignore the inverse cause and effect. But after going through In the second battle with the acting god, I singled out twenty Heavenly Rank 9th Heavenly Powers. Although I wiped out all the enemies, I also fell into the realm of Heavenly Heaven Realm. Even after recuperating for a period of time, I still only have Heaven Rank 7th Heavenly Heaven... Of course, this strength can almost cope with this reverse causality, but there is another problem."

It was the first time that Mikoto heard that Yao Yao was not confident in her own strength, and quickly asked, "What else is wrong?"

Yao Yao explained: "You have to know that inverse causality is a chain reaction. If a powerful inverse causality erupts around him, then the world will probably be attacked. The biggest possibility is that the proxy **** will take advantage of it. And with your current strength, even if you only come to a celestial acting god, you can't resist it, so there must be a celestial powerhouse sitting here, and this person can still only be me."

"...What about this?" Mikoto was also stunned in the face of such a situation.

"So, I can only be divided into two, and I am not in the nature of a clone. I actually divide myself into two people, but in this way, my strength will also be discounted again, and I will be reduced to the fourth heaven. The most important thing is that I am not good at dealing with inverse causality. Although there are thousands of abilities that lead to the same goal, at least one must reach the ninth level of the heavens to say that. Using my ability to fight against inverse causation is like melting ice with the wind. The same, although it is not without effect, it is definitely not used as fast as fire...So, do you understand?"

Mikoto understood that Yaoyao was not the most suitable person to solve the inverse causality, but now except for her, everyone else was not qualified, so she could only reluctantly get on it.

"So, can we look for foreign aid, such as a proxy **** who is on the same line as you, or someone who is good at dealing with reverse causality?"

Yao Yao still shook his head, "In that war, we still had three proxy gods who survived, but they suffered more injuries, and you know, there is only one king of the world. In order to prevent the invasion of hostile proxy gods, They must not leave casually."

Obviously, the other three acting gods are guarded in the world of the evil king, the dark king, and the demon king Lin Xiaoke. As the saying goes, if the demon monster summons them, the other three worlds will inevitably be empty, and the hostile acting **** will obviously not miss such an opportunity.

Originally, Yaoyao could still rank above all the proxy gods with the strength of the seventh heavenly rank at this moment. Therefore, even if there are many hostile proxy gods, they still dare not attack, but accumulate strength, but if Yaoyao Divided into two, she will no longer be the strongest, and the chain reaction that will happen will not be mentioned.

"As for people who are good at reverse causality, there are not no people, but that person is already dead and can't be counted on. In short, this time the situation is really serious and abnormal, but we can't let it go on either side, no matter how dangerous, I still have to go." Yaoyao sighed, and then said to Mikoto earnestly, "Don't worry about this anymore, and practice with peace of mind. If you can reach the heavenly rank earlier, you can still help me."

Mikoto was at a loss for her words. How could this state allow her to practice with peace of mind? But she also knew that with her current strength, facing the acting god, she couldn't get any help at all.

"...Little demon...Did you hear my voice?"

At this moment, Mikoto suddenly heard a very faint woman's voice in the air. She thought it was an illusion, but when she subconsciously looked at it, she saw that Yaoyao's face suddenly became very weird, shocked, There is joy and doubt, and it looks very complicated.

"Whose voice is it?" Mikoto asked quickly. She knew that this was definitely not an illusion, and Yao Yao had clearly heard that voice, otherwise it would never have become like this.

"It's nothing to do with you here, let's go." However, Yao Yao didn't answer her, but waved her to leave with a serious expression.

Seeing her look, Mikoto knew that this was not something she could touch, and she had no choice but to leave, but she felt puzzled in her heart... That voice was called Xiao Yao, it should be a nickname for Yao Yao, but who is it? ? In addition, the surprise that came out from Yao Yao for an instant, is there really reinforcements?

Not to mention the complexity and worries in Mikoto's heart, after she left, Yao Yao's expression suddenly relaxed, and then stared at the direction of the voice, seeming a little incredulous, "Really you?"

"Yes...Although it's still a bit weak...but it's already enough to talk to you...." Probably because the owner of the voice is too weak, the voice is intermittent like an old radio. If Lin Luo were here, he would be shocked to find that this voice was exactly the same as he heard in his dream.

The demon froze for a while, and finally said, "Although I knew that there should be a human soul in that thing, I thought it was Hong Ling, or Yiren, or even Xueyin. It's all possible, but I never thought that that person would be you... Qiqi!"

"Because, I've been... already dead, right?"

Hearing these words, Yaoyao's expression suddenly darkened, as if he was thinking of something, and said quietly: "You shouldn't die, you shouldn't die so early, when the jihad broke out, if you were still alive , Maybe our ending will be completely different, everyone may be able to survive, you... die too early."

"Nothing should or shouldn't... the day of death comes, and anyone will die."

"But everyone is dead..." Yao Yao, the woman who has always been strong, looked very weak in front of the unknown voice at this moment, and said with tears, "At the beginning of the battle, our people died twice. One, the heavenly powerhouse, there is not even ashes left, and then he led the eight of us to rush out without hesitation, but there were casualties along the way, Hong Ling died in order to get rid of the trap of thousands of heavens, and Yiren wanted to break it. The seal of Tianwaitian is dead, Xueyin... Xueyin died to save me, and he, even though he prevented the catastrophe, died in the end. Why?"

"I know, everyone is dead, but it is not meaningless for us to die... At least we have opened up the outer sky, at least we have completely ended the era of catastrophe, so that life in this infinite world can continue, isn't it? ?"

"So, why only I survived?" Yao Yao asked with tears, "Obviously I am the weakest, why did I survive? I don't understand!"

"Little demon." The voice rang softly, seemingly comforting and explaining, "I always think so, no one can be immortal forever, no one can always be the protagonist of the times, even if it is you and me, there is still passing away. A day before. In countless epochs, I was the protagonist of the era, and then after several epochs, he was the protagonist of the era, then the protagonist was Hong Ling, then Yiren became the protagonist, and then the protagonist was Xueyin... Then, when you join us, you become the protagonist of that era. You are destined to lead the trend of the era in the future, so you survived, and the outdated us are all dead."

"Just because I am the protagonist?" Yao Yao smiled bitterly.

"Of course not, because everyone treats you as a younger sister. As brothers and sisters, isn't it just natural to protect my sister?"

"But, for countless years, I don't know how to come alive. The whole world seems to be me alone." Yao Yao said sadly.

The voice was silent for a while, and then it sounded a moment later, "Little demon, there is another thing I firmly believe in, that is, no matter who you are, it will not disappear forever. For example, I have disappeared for countless times. Now, it is not Are you still back? So, you are not alone. One day, we will all get together."

"Why would you appear in this form?" Yao Yao suddenly asked.

"Because he has already calculated everything, not only the deaths of everyone, but also the actions of the traitors, so before the beginning of the holy war, he has already set out, and this is where I am now...and now I have Wake up, so, little demon, you should know what I am going to do."

"..." Yao Yao was silent immediately.

"The master sacrificed himself and everything for all the world, in exchange for the peace of countless ages, but those traitors intend to reappear in the era of catastrophe, no matter what I can not forgive, since I am back, then... no matter who it is There is only one dead end!"

The original soft voice was full of killing intent at this moment, even if the Yao Yao heard it, her heart trembled. In this world, she was only afraid of two people, one was him, and the other was the owner of this voice!

But even so, she still said: "No, in your current state, you just woke up to fight against that kind of thing, it is likely to die again. Now that you are back, my task is complete, I can Sacrifice, but you can’t pass away again, even if it’s my turn, so...I’ll go!"

"Little demon, your ability is to change your fate against the sky, and my ability is to reverse causality and equivalent exchange. No one is more suitable than me."


"Little demon, are you still a member of the time tour group?"

"Of course." Yao Yao replied without hesitation, "No matter what time it is!"

"Do you remember the rules of the time tour group?"


"Then, I order you in the name of the deputy commander, and I will be responsible for this incident, and...what about your answer?" The gentle voice was full of irresistible majesty.

"I understand."

Yao Yao hesitated for a moment, and finally lowered his head.

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