The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1032: A helpless child is pitiful

"Stop! Who said you can go?" Although Lin Luo didn't watch the werewolf, he knew everything about him. When he found that he was about to run away, he immediately shouted coldly, his tone full of murderous air.

His killing intent was condensed in this voice. If ordinary people heard it, he would bleed to death instantly, but the werewolf was not weak, and he barely blocked his killing intent to survive, but he didn't feel much better... I heard the voice At that moment, his heart trembled suddenly, a big mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and then fell to the ground, the whole person was like a goat, foaming and convulsing all over the mouth.

Although Lin Luo didn't know what was going on here, from the state of everyone in front of him, the general situation was clear at a glance, and he would naturally not be merciful.

After temporarily solving the werewolf, Lin Luo turned his attention to You Xiang again.

When he first saw Youxiang, Lin Luo thought that Fengjian Yuxiang had turned into a loli, but he saw the loli version of Yakumozi again, and the relationship between the two seemed to be very good, Lin Luo suddenly I understand what is going on.

As the saying goes, the person who solves the bell must be tied to the bell. The reason why he will fight against the gods is because of the influence of inverse causality. Therefore, if the inverse causality is successfully solved, then he will inevitably return to the true opening of the inverse causality. Ground, such as when he returned to the Xingyue a thousand years ago...Although he returned to Xingyue first and then solved the inverse causality at that time, there was no difference between the two.

After all, inverse causality is in no order. Cause is effect, and effect is also cause. Cause and effect are entangled with each other. Similarly, it has never really opened up. The reason for saying this is that Lin Luo starts from his own point of view and his subjective thinking based on his own order.

Then this time, Gensokyo’s inverse causality directly brought him back to an era unknown how many years ago, and in this era, Kazami Yuuka is not the lord of the flower, and Yakumo Zi is not yet the great sage of the monster. It can be seen from their attire that they are still weak monsters at the bottom of society.

When he thought of this, Lin Luo immediately recalled the story that Fengjian Youxiang had told...If he had not guessed wrong, then the important part of the story that Fengjian Youxiang deliberately ignored at the time begins now.

Their opportunity is not others, it is themselves!

However, these are not important at present. The top priority is how to save the dying Young Xiang. After all, her soul has burned about 90%, and at most two minutes, her soul will be completely burned out and then wiped out.

To be honest, if his strength does not drop, saving Youxiang is just a matter of effort. As long as the quasi-celestial mood is touched, all injuries are gone, and even as long as he uses a treatment technique, he can still get rid of it once and for all, unfortunately... His current level of strength cannot use the quasi-celestial mood, and the book of contract is once again sealed like in the magic cannon world, and the two trump cards are completely useless.

In desperation, Lin Luo had to use her own means to solve Youxiang’s crisis. Although this would cause certain side effects to him, it would be worthwhile to save Youxiang... after all, she was not someone else, she was the wind. See Youxiang.

Afterwards, Lin Luo stretched out his hand and patted Youxiang's head, who immediately fainted.

"Ah!" Xiao Zi's face changed, almost thinking that Lin Luo slapped You Xiang to death.

Lin Luo smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's just to make her faint temporarily, because the next treatment may be a bit painful, so it's better not to feel it."

"Oh." Hearing what he said, Xiao Zi immediately felt relieved. In fact, even if she was uneasy, it was useless. She could not save Youxiang by herself and could only rely on Lin Luo, so let alone fainting, even if Lin Luo said she must. You must smash You Xiang to save her life, and she must accept it too.

Of course, with Youxiang's physique, if it is smashed, it is completely dead, let alone rescued. In fact, Lin Luo’s treatment is not troublesome. She just waited for Youxiang to pass out, put the true four souls and four jade from the air track world on her body, then opened the lid and used his abilities to soulless both parties. Transfer, let the monster soul in the jade of the true four souls replace the burning.

In other words, the remaining souls of Youxiang will temporarily enter the Jade of the True Four Souls, while the spirits of the Warcraft in the Jade of the True Four Souls will enter the body of Youxiang to burn the soul, so that the soul of Youxiang will be spared .

But this method has two huge shortcomings. The first is that there are countless monsters in the body of the caster, and these souls will be violent when burned, and the caster will feel great pain, even if she 'S soul temporarily entered the jade of the true four souls, this kind of pain is unavoidable, at best it can only be relieved.

Then the second shortcoming is Lin Luo himself. After all, he is the only caster. If you want to control these countless souls, you must not only balance them, but also pay attention not to let their rage destroy Youxiang's body. He himself must separate a part of his soul and transition in the middle.

In other words, the three souls of Warcraft, Youxiang and him, in which he acts as a line connecting the two parties, and when the soul of the Warcraft burns out, he will cut off the connection with the soul of Youxiang, and his own part of the soul will follow. Burning out with the spirit of Warcraft, and finally saving Youxiang's soul.

With Lin Luo's current weak state, if he abandons a part of his soul, it will take a longer time for him to recover, but otherwise, he has no other way.

Because Youxiang’s huge soul is far from comparable to Mutated Beasts, even if only one tenth is left, her capacity is still worth more than 10,000 Beasts souls, which makes this uncomplicated work become. It was a long time, and it finally ended after half an hour.

After this incident, Lin Luo's soul also lost 30%. Although the soul can gradually recover, at this stage, his mental trauma is not insignificant.

After the burning of the soul really ended, Lin Luo used his ability to save Youxiang's body, and then quickly poured the remaining soul of Youxiang back into her body... When the two reintegrated, Lin Luo finally relaxed. He breathed, and then sat down on the ground, as if he had just been fished out of the water, not only wet, but also terribly pale.

"Already... is it okay?" Seeing his appearance, Xiao Zi seemed to feel a little scared and asked timidly.

The black-bellied Yakumo Zi was actually such a soft girl when she was a child. She looked so soft and tasteful and delicious. Lin Luo really didn't expect it, and secretly sighed that time was really a pig-killing knife, and then smiled: "It's okay, as long as she doesn't burn her soul again, she won't die."

"Great!" Hearing Lin Luo's affirmative answer, Xiao Zi finally dropped the boulder in her heart and couldn't help but cheer with excitement, but immediately she noticed the fatigue on Lin Luo's face and she felt embarrassed. Said with concern, "Um, thank you, are you okay?"

"Of course I am fine, as long as I have a rest." Lin Luo said with a swollen face and fat man, just as the lady didn't want to lose her majesty in front of others, he also didn't want to lose her majesty in front of Zi Luoli.

After speaking, Lin Luo threw the empty True Four Soul Jade back to the storage space... I have to say that one drink and one peck are both cause and effect. If he hadn't gone to the empty track world at that time, or didn't get it. This piece of jade, that today he cannot save Youxiang.

The transitional damage to the soul made Lin Luo exhausted physically and mentally. Now he just wants to sleep full, so Xiang Xiaozi said: "This place is not suitable for rest. Let's go back to where you live."

"Ah!" Xiao Zi couldn't help being startled, showing a somewhat difficult expression.

"What's the matter?" Lin Luo asked suspiciously, is there a rule in monsters not to lead strangers into the door? Although to Xiao Zi, she is indeed a stranger, but if she saved her best friend by oneself, it is impossible not to let in even a door, right?

Lin Luo was thinking about it, but Xiao Zi over there hesitated for a while and said, "We don't have a place to live." Her tone was somewhat sad.

Lin Luo was taken aback for a moment.

No matter how he felt, Xiao Zi was crying like a child without a father or mother: I don't have a home.

After a while, after Xiao Zi's explanation, Lin Luo finally understood what was going on. In short, this era has a very straightforward survival system, that is, the weak and the strong.

Only the strong can own their own territory and resources, such as wolf tribes, ghost tribes, vampires, and some powerful lord-level monsters, while the weak are generally dependent on the strong, otherwise they can only live in no place. Wandering around. After all, even if they found a suitable place to live, but without the corresponding strength, it would not be able to hold it.

Like Xiaozi and Youxiang, they are weak monsters with no roots and no land. Most of the time, they stay in the wild or rest on trees. If they are lucky, they can find a ruined temple or something.

Hearing this, Lin Luo couldn't help feeling a little sour, it seemed that they were even worse than they thought.

At this time, Lin Luo also understood roughly why Yakumo Zi was so persistent to Gensokyo. Because in Gensokyo, no matter strong or weak, all the monsters have their own homes. They don't have to be forced to wander, they don't need to be homes from all over the world, and they won't be hunted down anytime and anywhere.

For the monsters, it is definitely a unique paradise.

It is precisely because Yakumo Shi lived such a life of extreme displacement when she was young, she has that extraordinary dedication to Gensokyo...Perhaps for her, it is more than just a residence, but Is the dream.

"Forget it, just find a place with a better environment. I will solve the problem of the house. After all, Youxiang has to sleep for a long time if she wants to recover. This place is not suitable." Finally, Lin Luo said. .

"Oh." Xiao Zi nodded, then looked at the werewolf who was still trembling not far away, "What should he do?"

Lin Luo directly swept over with killing intent, without looking at it, stretched his hand forward.

"Let's go."

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