The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1034: Maybe it’s just for Lori to cultivate

Although Xiaozi and Youxiang are monsters with no fixed place, because of this, they know the environment very well... For example, if they observe a certain place for a while, they can quickly determine which direction they are. There will be a source of water, where the wind is stronger, and so on.

So, with this very useful survival skill, she quickly led Lin Luo to a pond with a beautiful environment.

Lin Luo looked around and found that the water in the pond was very clear, and you could even see the swimming fish in the water. There was no feeling of misty smoke. The flowers blooming near the pond exuded bursts of fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

"Okay, you did a good job, and I will reward you with a lollipop." Lin Luo was very satisfied with this place and couldn't help complimenting Xiaozi a lot, promising the best rewards like lollipop, and shaking his hands. With a wave, a very modern high-tech house just fell from the sky, sitting directly around the pond, completely destroying this elegant environment full of antiquity, and seeing it all violated.

"Ah!" After all, Xiao Zi can't be judged by ordinary loli's eyes, lollipops are not very attractive to her, but when she saw this house, she was stunned and opened her mouth. Completely speechless.

Lin Luo looked at her like this, with a sense of superiority, stretched out her hand and waved her back to her soul, and then said: "Don't be in a daze, go in quickly."

After speaking, he opened the door and walked into the house first.

Although the house is not very big, the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs. As soon as Xiao Zi entered the room and looked at the dazzling array of decorations inside, she was immediately dazzled, and she had never seen everything before. She was curious and couldn't help asking Lin Luo, "This...what is this? "

"Of course it is the house we live in." Lin Luo said of course, but Xiao Zi still looked at a loss. He also knew that such an explanation was useless. After all, no matter how powerful a monster, it is impossible. He conjured a house out of thin air, so he had no choice but to say, "Don't think about it anymore, you just have to think of it as a kind of illusion, no matter how you think about it, you can't find the answer anyway."

"Oh." Listening to Lin Luo's words, she had to give up, faintly disappointed.

"Youxiang's injury, I have simply dealt with it before. Although there will be no problems in general, it is better not to disturb her for the time being." Lin Luo opened the door of a bedroom and placed Youxiang on the bed. , And then led Xiao Zi to the living room again, pointing to the sides, "The bathroom over there is where you can take a shower and have both hot and cold water. You can wash it later. As for how to use the bathroom, there are instructions in it. , Go and see for yourself. Then there are clean clothes in the room over there. Although I don’t know if there is something suitable for you, but it’s better than the one on you. Then I saw that big cabinet? That’s the refrigerator, inside. If you have something to eat, if you’re hungry, go there to find something to eat... Okay, let’s talk about it for the time being. I’ll go to bed first."

After Lin Luo finished speaking, regardless of whether Xiao Zi understood it or not, he walked directly to the room on the second floor...If it was normal, he would teach it carefully, but now he is exhausted physically and mentally, and he really can’t mention it. Get your energy up.

As soon as he entered the room, he fell asleep.

And Xiao Zi, who was still staying in the living room, bit her fingers and looked at this and that. It seemed that she didn’t know what to do for a while. After hesitating for a long time, she finally decided to follow Lin Luo’s instructions step by step... Take a bath.

Walking into the bathroom, the bright and clean wall almost blinded Xiao Zi's eyes, especially when she looked at the rustic herself in the opposite mirror, and compared with this gorgeous room, she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

Probably in order not to affect the "city appearance", Xiao Zi quickly took off her clothes completely, of course, did not forget to close the bathroom door, and then found the instructions from Lin Luo in the bathroom.

She found the manual quickly, but the problem was that she didn't recognize the words on it, and those words obviously didn't recognize her, so she didn't give her a hint. Fortunately, this manual is a fool's version, with graphics and text guides, plus Xiao Zi's delicate mind, after nearly half an hour of hard work, through reading pictures and practice, she finally learned an unprecedented skill... Use the bathroom!

Then she took a shower and changed her clothes. Once and again, another hour passed. She looked like an ugly duckling turned into a white swan in brand new clothes, and she looked much more refreshed.

Originally, if there was such an opportunity, Xiao Zi would definitely enjoy it more, but at the moment she remembered Youxiang’s injury. Although Lin Luo had said that it was all right, she was still a little worried, so she hurriedly took a little from the refrigerator. After eating, she took care of Youxiang.

In the bedroom, watching Youxiang lying quietly on the bed, and this exquisite room, as well as the unseen delicacies around him, Xiao Zi was as in a dream... Once upon a time, she had hoped for such a peaceful and happy life. , But she knew that it was a fantasy, because as weak as them, it is impossible to have the right to peace, let alone the freedom to enjoy happiness.

But what she could never imagine was that they had come from **** to heaven in less than a day. Even now, Xiao Zi couldn't believe it was true.

"If it's a dream, I really hope this dream can go on forever, are you right? Youxiang." Xiao Zi smiled slightly and muttered to herself.

After a while, too tired, she also fell asleep on the side of the bed.


Youxiang had a dream. She dreamed that her soul was drifting away from her. The pain that hurt her heart and lungs made her worse than death, but whenever she felt that she was about to die, there was always a warm force. Protecting her, and then the pain slowly disappeared, and the soul seemed to return to her body, no longer so ethereal, but really visible and tangible.

This feeling made her feel at ease, and then, after not knowing how long, she finally opened her eyes and woke up from her dream.

Opening her eyes, she saw the white ceiling at first glance. She was taken aback and turned her eyes subconsciously. She found that she was in a very strange room, where she was lying on a warm and beautiful bed. There was a lot of food on the bedside table, and even Xiao Zi was asleep beside the bed.

How is this going?

You Xiang didn’t understand, she searched the memory in her head carefully, she suddenly remembered her previous encounter with the werewolf, and smiled bitterly, “It turns out that we are all dead, but we were able to come to such a place after death. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing either."

Youxiang talked a little bit happily, but soon after she finished speaking, she found out that she was not dead... Although she didn't know what it would be like after death, she knew what it was like to be alive.

However, she was completely at a loss as to why she and Xiao Zi could survive. Because of the consequences of burning the soul and the side effects of the treatment, she forgot part of her memory. The last memory before losing consciousness only stayed at the moment when she was dying after burning the soul... It seems that at that time, she fell from the sky. What is it?

But why is he still alive?

Logically speaking, after burning his soul, he is bound to die.

Youxiang pondered hard about what happened after she lost consciousness, but she couldn't remember anyhow, and finally she had to look at Xiao Zi asking for help.

At this time, because of Youxiang's actions, Xiao Zi also woke up. Seeing her looking at herself with her eyes open, she was overjoyed, "Youxiang, great, you are really fine!"

Youxiang smiled bitterly or sweetly, but didn't get excited with her, and asked: "What happened, why am I still not dead?"

"Brother Lin Luo saved you." Xiao Zi replied immediately. On the way here, Lin Luo casually made up a reason and briefly introduced himself, so Xiao Zi was not completely unfamiliar to him.

But Youxiang was confused, "Big Brother Lin Luo?"

She didn't know when Xiao Zi met such a person.

Afterwards, Xiao Zi detailed everything she had known before. Only then did You Xiang understand the reason why she was able to survive, but the shock in her heart was greater than the joy of her being saved... She was able to burn her soul. All the mortal ones can be saved. How powerful is this? !

"Youxiang, would you like something to eat? I heard that this thing is called a cake, it's delicious." A good friend was finally saved, and Xiao Zi put down a big stone in his heart, and immediately picked up the cake on the bedside, like Youxiang Recommend the best food I found in the refrigerator.

However, Youxiang didn't seem to care about the food. He scanned the room for a while, then frowned and asked, "Where is the person who saved me now?"

Xiao Zi stretched out her hand and pointed up while eating the cake.

Seeing her peaceful and comfortable look, Youxiang was somewhat depressed, and suddenly grabbed the cake from her hand, "Don't eat it now, let me ask you a question, why did that person save me?"

"Uh!" Xiao Zi was taken aback for a moment, and then said of course, "Do I need a reason to save people?"

"..." Youxiang was speechless at once.

In Xiao Zi's view, Lin Luo saved Youxiang because she begged him, and then he agreed. It was as simple as that. But Youxiang knew that there is no free lunch in this world, and there may be no reason to kill, just like the werewolf, just for venting, but there is absolutely a reason to save people.

Especially in this chaotic era, no one will show grace for no reason.

And from Xiao Zi's words, she could also hear that Lin Luo seemed to have suffered a lot of trauma after saving her, so why would the other party not hesitate to hurt herself and save her as a stranger?

You Xiang was very skeptical of Lin Luo's motives for saving people, but she couldn't figure out what she and Xiao Zi had for her.

Or is it really like Xiao Zi said, there is no reason? !

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