The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1043: The magic goddess Qi, the endless battle begins

Painful time flies slowly, while happy time always flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another month passed.

During this month, Xiao Zi and You Xiang had been training very hard. This time it was not Lin Luo deliberately trying to persecute them, but they were working **** their own. In their view, the master taught them such a powerful magic, and the usual teaching is also more careful. In any case, they must produce the best results in order to repay the kindness that the master has given them.

Therefore, they practice every day until the body collapses, they always remember Lin Luo's words, let themselves reach the limit and then go beyond the limit. They put in ten times more effort than ordinary people, and only they can experience the hardship.

But although the cultivation was hard, they didn't feel a bit of pain. Watching their own strength progress little by little, and feeling Lin Luo's gentle care for them, they felt that no matter how hard they worked, they felt happy.

On the other hand, although there are still many unresolved problems, such as reverse causality, such as Shenqi, these problems can be large or small, and they are not something that can be taken lightly. But seeing the two girls showing happy smiles every day, Lin Luo also felt that these days were not wasted.

It’s just that when they think that they will leave soon, and when they leave, they will inevitably seal their memories. Then they will forget this happy day, and they will forget about themselves, even these two have always been dependent on each other. , The girls who are in the hardship will forget each other, and he has bursts of sad guilt.

Shouldn't their memories be sealed? Lin Luo began to struggle again.

Is there a better way besides sealing memory? He kept thinking.

Emotionally speaking, he does not want to seal their memories. Intellectually speaking, he must seal their memories. As a perceptual person, his feelings are greater than rationality, but... he can trigger rebellion because of a single sensibility. Causality, that is not called impulse, it is called empathy. But if he triggers inverse causality once again because of his sensibility, then it will not be called empathy, it will be stupid!

The last Reimu incident caused huge consequences beyond imagination. If there was no consciousness of the book of contract to come out to rescue at that time,! Yes, all of them will die.

After that incident, the book of contract has fallen into silence at this moment, and I don't know when I will wake up again. Even if I can ignore the danger, how can I ignore its contribution? !

With emotions on one side and reason on the other, Lin Luo struggled and hesitated.

Fortunately, the time is still ample, and it can leave him a buffer zone for thinking, so that he won't be killed in the corner of the wall, and then at this time...The Thirteenth Taibao is back!

"Boss, the person you want us to find has been found." As soon as the 13th Taibao came back, their boss said to Lin Luo.

Lin Luo's heart moved, and immediately put aside the memory problems of Xiao Zi and Youxiang and the others, "Tell me."

The Thirteenth Taibao probably ran back all the way, panting again and again, the boss took a few breaths, and then began to say: "This month we have been really hard, traveling thousands of miles to inquire about news, and often fights with other monsters. It hurts so much..."

The boss didn't immediately say the news of Shenqi, but complained of suffering. He immediately made Lin Luo roll his eyes, knowing that this guy was asking for credit, and interrupted him with a wave of his hand, "It's alright, I know your hard work. You don't have to say it, just tell me what you have heard in detail, and I will treat you to a world-class meal later."

"Good!" As soon as he got Lin Luo's assurance, the boss immediately became energetic, wiped the corners of his mouth, and gushed, "At first the boss talked about Shenqi this person, we have never heard of it. I don't even know if she is a human or a demon, so I can't find it, so I have to go to the lone rangers who have some exchanges to inquire about the news..."

Although the Lone Ranger has the word alone, in fact they are not really alone. In order to ensure a greater survival rate, they also have their own organization, that is, the Lone Traveler Alliance.

This organization has no discipline, no norms, and no leaders. It is a completely free organization. It exists for only one purpose, that is, to help each other.

After all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Sometimes a lone ranger encounters a monster besieged, and if he is weak, he will undoubtedly die. At this time, as long as he belongs to the lone walking alliance and there are other lone rangers nearby, then he only needs to call, Other lone rangers will come to help out, so the chances of survival will be greater.

Of course, there will inevitably be some black sheep, and once these black sheep are found, the Lone Walker Alliance will immediately issue a killing order to remove the black sheep and return the alliance clean.

Therefore, the Lone Ranger Alliance has always been well received by the Lone Rangers.

The Thirteen Taibao is also a member of the Lone Travellers League. In addition, they are generous and straightforward. To put it simply, they are a little simple. As long as you think you are a friend, you are always a friend. There are so many lone rangers who have had a fateful friendship with them.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Luo sent them out to inquire about the news. After all, the Lone Ranger Alliance is here, which means that the Lone Ranger’s eyes and ears are spread all over the world. Otherwise, he will rely on himself, even if the 13 Taibao is added When can I find Shenqi?

"Not to mention, after some inquiries, someone really knew about the existence of Shenqi, and she stayed in our original home-the West. As you know, the boss, we once offended the werewolves in the West, and never I dared to go back, but this time, for the boss, our brothers were completely freed up, went to the West, and then we inquired, we knew that Shenqi was neither a monster nor a human, but a witch." The boss said of the witch. When these two words, it seems a little heart palpitations.

Lin Luo felt strange and couldn't help asking: "What happened to the witch?"

If it is in human society, witch is a derogatory term, and it is most likely to be under siege by humans, such as CC, which he can understand, but in this monster society, is it possible that witches are also not tolerated by monsters?

It turns out that although Lin Luo's guess is a bit mixed, it is basically correct.

The boss said: "The witches are the same as the werewolves, and their reputation is not very good, because the witches are a mutant branch of the demons. They are not only powerful, but also strange and moody. Just a little bit of unhappiness will cause **** killing. For example, two A hundred years ago, a witch provoked a war between dozens of monster races, swept the Quartet, and caused several genocides. Although the witch died later, but since then, the witch has become a taboo, as long as They will be besieged and killed as soon as they appear... But then again, this time the boss you asked me to inquire about the goddess and witch, I really want to hear it.

"What do you mean?" Lin Luo felt puzzled again.

"It's like this... This witch named Shenqi is different from most witches that have appeared in history. She lives in a simple place and has always been hiding from the world, so few people know her. Just say a few of our brothers, ears and eyes. I have never heard of her, but I don’t know how, she was discovered not long ago, and it was not someone else who discovered her, but was the son of the leader of the Werewolf tribe, the biggest power in the West."

Although the werewolf race only ranks third among all the monsters, it is in terms of the overall strength of the race in the entire world, and in terms of local forces, the ghost race only lives in the east and has little influence on other places. A vampire, who rarely goes out, can barely be said to be a legendary brother.

Therefore, as far as the forces on the surface are concerned, the werewolves are still ranked first. They all have a large force in the four places in the southeast, northwest, that is, the east. They have been suppressed by the ghosts and cannot move. As long as the ghosts come out, All the werewolves in the east have to be cautious. If it hadn't been for the wolf king to stay in the east, it is estimated that the ghost clan would expel them immediately.

But in the other three places, the werewolf race had hands and eyes open to the sky, almost rampant.

Especially in the West, with the younger brother of the Wolf King who is currently in service, he is the hegemon among the hegemons.

"The son of the werewolf is probably the woman in the clan who plays too much. After meeting the goddess Qi, instead of killing her, he clamored for Shen Qi to be his concubine... Hehe, this stupid son He was born too late. He didn’t know that the witch was not easy to provoke, or was dazzled by desire, and completely forgot how terrifying the witch was.” As the saying goes, the boss couldn’t help but when he said this. irony.

"Don't look at Shenqi who hasn't come out to cause trouble, but her temper is not much better. As soon as the silly son said this, she immediately annoyed Shenqi, and he did it directly without saying a word. After the battle, the werewolf who followed All of them died in the battle. As for the stupid son, it was even worse. Although he was lucky enough to not die, his lifeblood was completely gone, and he became a real fool not long after he fled back."

When the boss said this, he let out a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Lin Luo was taken aback while listening, but she didn't expect that Shen Qi would be so cruel, she would cut the root of life directly, and she really lived up to the name of the witch. However, the werewolf tribe, as the greatest power in the West, suffered this humiliation. It is estimated that they will not give up. Moreover, if their own son is cut off, then the second wolf king may be immortal with Shen Qi.

"Then next, does the werewolf race plan to go out in a big way and kill the gods?" Lin Luo asked even though he had guessed the future.

The boss gave a thumbs up and couldn't help but slap up his **** again, "Boss, you're so smart, you can count on everything you can do. When we came back, the wolf king in the west had already begun to gather most of the monster forces in the west, planning to do it in one fell swoop. Annihilate Shenqi...So, if you want to save her, you have to hurry up."

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