The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1051: Accident is inevitable... the true garden of the sage

Accidental things are actually the same as inverse causality. Anyone can trigger them, and then one by one accidentally connects with each other, and their life trajectory will change drastically, which can make people change from beggar to emperor overnight. It can make people fall off the altar and become ants in an instant.

Just like the protagonists who were originally weak and useless among the countless fantasy novels, which one did not become the ultimate overlord because of an initial accident?

This kind of mysterious power, from the mortal who has no power to bind the chicken, to the powerful man who destroys the earth and destroys the world, although anyone can trigger it, but no one has mastered it... even if it is destiny and the way of heaven. In the face of chance, I can only be cautious.

And at this moment, Lin Luo, through equivalent exchange, he has this power called chance!

Of course, this is not to say that he is invincible from now on, because chance is uncontrollable. It can be good or bad. It can make a salty fish turn over and make you capsize in the gutter. What Lin Luo can do is only It's just to make that good chance a little bit bigger.

However, even if it is only a little bit, it cannot be ignored.

At this moment, Lin Luo abandoned creation, abandoned destruction, and even abandoned all the survivability exchanged, replacing all his own power with accident... Without creation and survivability, his defense power can be said to be reduced to At the lowest level, without destruction, his attack power is extremely weak. In theory, with his current attack power, it is impossible to hurt the Western Wolf King at all, but!

The chance he occupies has reached a heinous level. If chance is regarded as luck, then his **** luck at the moment is enough to go against the sky!

Therefore, Lin Luo didn't regret this desperate method. Since he wanted to fight, he would give it all to fight it!

When Lin Luo lost the ability to survive, he could no longer block the power of the West Wolf King’s stars. In an instant, his whole person was suppressed, and then with a bang, the earth was completely sunken and countless loess flew up. Like the raging waves in the sea, the waves are ups and downs.

"Haha! Die! Ants!" Seeing this scene, the Western Wolf King standing in the sky laughed fiercely. He is bound to die, so he doesn't care about other things. Now his only wish is to kill Lin. Luo three people.

But before he could finish laughing, his expression suddenly changed, because he felt that Lin Luo's vitality had not disappeared! He is still alive, right under the ground, and he is rushing up at a very fast speed!

"How is this possible?!" The Western Wolf King couldn't believe it. Under such an attack, Lin Luo could still survive, but he couldn't believe the facts.

Just as the West Wolf King’s voice fell, the earth trembled suddenly, and then with a bang, a huge water column shot into the sky, shooting straight at him, and it was Lin Luo at the front of the water column.

"Oh, my luck is really good. When I was hit by the power of the stars just now, it happened to be vacuumed underneath. Then when I fell to the bottom, the hot spring just underground was activated. Although it was a bit hot, I took it. This ride is coming up, just in time... I can give you a sword by the way!"

Lin Luo stood at the top of the hot spring, holding a sharp sword, and said with a smile, seemingly relaxed.

"Damn it!" Looking at him like this, the Western Wolf King was so angry that he vomited blood. Although he didn't believe that there were so many coincidences in this world, he had to admire Lin Luo's life.

"I see how hard your life can be?!" The Western Wolf King roared, completely ignoring Lin Luo's attack, and rushed forward and took a picture with his palm.

In his opinion, Lin Luo's attack was so weak that he didn't feel any threat at all, so he wanted to deal with him even with such an attack? It's like joking!

However, at this moment, something that West Wolf King could not expect happened... Originally, he was connected to billions of stars at the cost of his soul. As long as his soul burned out, he could use the stars freely. Power, but at this moment, there was a momentary pause in the power of his stars.

This is not a trivial matter. In his current state, he can no longer use other powers except the power of the stars. Once the power of the stars stops, it means that he has lost all the fighting ability...This is the price. !

Therefore, when he felt this, the West Wolf King's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't understand why the power of the stars stopped?

Of course he couldn't understand it because it was accidental. The mysteries between celestial bodies are endless. Anything can happen. Because the power of the stars is quoted, it is not surprising that some abnormal changes will occur. Although this situation basically does not happen originally, if accidents are added, there will be two things. said.

Who can think of such a thing by accident?

Then the next moment, the Western Wolf King faced another chance.

Because the Western Wolf King attacked Lin Luo while rushing, the two were in the same straight line. At this moment, his star power was temporarily unavailable, and it seemed as if he had taken the initiative to send it forward. Lin Luo thorn.

Even if Lin Luo didn't deliberately catch it, this accident would not be missed. The moment West Wolf King stopped his figure, his people had already rushed up, and the long sword in his hand was directly on West Wolf King's neck. A sting...poof!

Between the electric shots, this long sword had penetrated the West Wolf King's neck and stuck straight there.

The West Wolf King was pierced in his throat, naturally unable to speak, but at this time, his star power finally recovered, and his soul was still able to make a sound. He turned around, his eyes almost bursting out of fire, and roared: " You **** human! I want you... uh?!"

Just being pierced in the throat is not a big deal to the Western Wolf King, but the humiliation made him hateful, and he was trying to kill Lin Luo with the strongest strength, but the words were only halfway through. He suddenly changed his face, and an expression of extreme horror appeared on his face.

On the other side, the hot spring that sent Lin Luo to the sky seemed to have completed its mission, and finally reached its limit and began to descend. After Lin Luo lost all his power, he also fell down, but his face But there was no panic. Instead, he looked at the Western Wolf King indifferently and said: "I forgot to tell you just now. This sword is not mine. It happened to be picked up below when I fell. If I didn't If you guess wrong, it should be specifically aimed at your wolf clan soul... Look, its sword has these words written on it-Breaking the Stars, Extinguishing the Wolf Soul!"

The Western Wolf King heard it and looked down instinctively, but he couldn't see it anymore, because the long sword plunged directly into his throat to the hilt, and all the six words happened to be stuck in his throat.

Gurgle! Gurgle!

Bright red blood poured out of West Wolf King’s mouth and throat. He stared at Lin Luo with wide eyes, and pointed his fingers at him, with a hideous expression on his face, "Human! Human! Human! Human...!!! !"

At this moment, the Western Wolf King only talked about the two words human. He knew that his ministry would one day die, and he might be killed by the ghost king, perhaps by the vampire king, or by other strong men, even burning. He thought of the death of the soul, but he never thought that he would die in the hands of a human!

His tone was full of unwillingness. In fact, anyone would be unwilling to change it, because the Western Wolf King occupies an absolute overwhelming advantage in terms of strength or whatever, but why did he lose? Because of that series of coincidences.

If the ground is not a vacuum, Lin Luo has become a meatloaf. If there is no hot spring underground, Lin Luo would never have touched him. If it weren't for his star power, Lin Luo would have been shot to death by the palm of his hand. If Lin Luo didn't hold this sword in his hand, he wouldn't die even if he was stabbed.

So many if, as long as one of them happens, he will never lose.

But if none of these happened, even on the other hand, everything seemed to be arranged for Lin Luo, the vacuum underground, the underground hot springs and long swords, and the pause of the stars... These incredible coincidences are exactly It was created on the basis of Lin Luo's victory!

If, these two words are not on his side, but on Lin Luo's side!

However, no matter how unwilling it was, it was useless. When the Western Wolf King recites the thirteenth human being, the sword has already drained his soul, and then the whole human body turned into smoke and disappeared in an instant. Only the ordinary sword fell from a high altitude.

Lin Luo won, but was not immersed in the joy of victory. Although it seemed that it was only a short moment, the danger was that only he could know it. As long as one is not careful, he will die without a place to be buried.

If he did it again, he was absolutely not sure that he would survive.

But for him, there is no such thing as reading files in this world. Since he has survived, it is an unchangeable fact, and all this depends on accident.

However, all accidents are linked together, and the final result is inevitable.

Therefore, although the Western Wolf King seemed to be defeated wrongly, in fact he was not wronged at all, because he was not defeated by Lin Luo, but by accident.

"Accidental, it's really a terrible power." Lin Luo looked at his hands, somewhat stunned. A person whose combat power has fallen to a level that is not even spiritual can defeat the power of the stars by accident. Super strong, such a thing, he had never thought about it before.

Moreover, he has only mastered the accidental fur, and it can even be said that he has not even mastered the fur, because although he can control part of the accident, he can't understand the mystery at all. In many cases, he is led by accident. Go instead of controlling accidentally.

But even so, he still defeated the Western Wolf King in an instant.

If there is a person in this world who can truly control accident and arbitrarily turn accident into necessity, how strong should that person be?

Lin Luo didn't know, but he knew that if there was such a person, then the opponent's strength would definitely not be weaker than the destiny of Tiandao, and even if it was compared to the demon, it is estimated that it would not be inferior.

But will there be such a person?

Lin Luo shook his head, no matter what, it was a bit too exaggerated.

After a while, it was confirmed that the Western Wolf King was truly dead and that there would be no abnormalities in the surroundings. Lin Luo exchanged his creation and destruction again through equivalence exchange... This equivalence exchange does not mean that the exchange of equivalence will take shape forever. , But can switch back and forth arbitrarily, otherwise Lin Luo would not be changed if he was killed.

After all, accidentally this thing is too face-sensitive. If his character is not good, accidentally it will only make things worse. Anyway, the West Wolf King has already died, so he doesn’t need to carry this good-bad-half open again. Power, far from destruction and creation, made him feel real.

And Lin Luo also firmly believes that his destruction and creation will not be inferior to chance.

After all, there are things like being born out of nothing, and it is absolutely impossible to rely on accident.

"Unexpectedly, that fierce wolf was really defeated by you." At this moment, Xiuze's voice suddenly sounded, and Lin Luo looked for it, just in time to see Xiuze and Shenqi rushing over.

In a moment, Xiuze stopped in front of him, looked at the surrounding wolf, and sighed: "I really didn't expect the legend of the werewolf to be true, and it was even more terrifying than the rumors. If it wasn't for you once, I'm afraid that my life would have to be confessed here."

Lin Luo smiled slightly and said, "It's just by accident."

Lin Luo said that by chance it was telling the truth, but to Xiuze and Shenqi, it was a humble expression.

"" Shenqi looked at him and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say a word except you and me. Maybe she also knew the sentence Daen didn't say thank you. Well, if there was no Lin Luo this time, she would have died long ago. How could such kind of kindness be clear in a few words.

Lin Luo saw her embarrassment. Actually, he didn't know what to say at this time. After all, the Shenqi he knew was not the current Shenqi. There was no communication between the two people. No matter what they said would be wrong, so , He quickly kicked the ball out and said with a smile: "It seems that there is still something to be resolved between the two of you."

Although the relationship between Xiuze and Shenqi has been revealed, and the reason why he dealt with Shenqi has also been explained, there are still many things that are unclear.

Shen Qi also wanted to know the details, but she was concerned about Lin Luo's situation before, and she didn't have time to ask, but at this moment, hearing Lin Luo's words, she immediately turned her attention to Xiuze.

Xiuze looked at her eyes and did not shy away from Lin Luo, who was next to him, and asked: "Are you wondering, you have obviously left the Demon Race for more than ten years, and the Demon Race also ignores you, but Why would I find you at this time?"

Shenqi nodded. As a demon princess, she was originally under the demon clan alone, above 10,000, and she was the future prince prince that countless subjects looked forward to. However, the day did not fulfill everyone's wish. Not long after she became an adult, she became a witch because of something wrong in her practice, and was jealous by everyone. Then her mother, who was also the Demon King, personally abolished her princess status, and then drove her out of the Demon Race.

With nowhere to go, she finally came to this world, and then lived in the sea of ​​no regrets, which lasted more than ten years.

For the demons and her mother, she has loved and hated, but now, she is looking down on everything, she just wants to know, why on earth?

"If I say that all this is your mother's arrangement, do you believe it or not?" Xiuze asked.

"What are you talking about?!" Shenqi's face suddenly changed, her face full of incredulous expression.

Xiuze said, "I know that you still hate your mother, hate her for not caring about you, hate her for not standing by your side when you were in the most painful time, but instead abandon you and stand on your side. Understand, but the princess... I still want to say that your mother really loves you."

"Huh!" Shen Qi sneered, her face full of disdain, "If she loves me, she will not ignore my usual life, if she loves me, after I become a witch, everyone will During the period of hesitation, she will not be the first to propose to drive me out! If this is her love, then I am not uncommon!"

Xiuze suddenly smiled bitterly, "I said, I understand all of these, but princess, from your mother's standpoint, think about it. She doesn't care about you, not that she doesn't care about you, but she believes For you, it is precisely because she placed great expectations on you that she let you do it. After you are a witch, she will drive you out. That is her responsibility as a king. After all, you too You should know that whenever a witch is born, what kind of disasters will happen within the demons."

"..." Shenqi was stunned. Of course she knew, because the witch before her was not someone else, but her sister-in-law, and the first victim of the witch mutation at the time was not someone else, but her brother. !

After that, her sister-in-law who became a witch not only slaughtered the people of the Demon tribe, but also had a murderous intent on the king, and finally suppressed it with Xiuze's full strength.

In order to protect the king, Xiuze also lost his first wing in that battle.

"Okay, I can understand all of these, then, how should I explain my becoming a witch?" Shenqi nodded and asked Xiuze. The reason why she became a witch was that she was not careful, but the reason was in the secret book that her mother gave her.

Xiuze shook his head, "It was really just an accident. Your mother didn't know that the secret book would make you a witch, and even I deliberately read it later, but I couldn’t see it at all. It has the power to make you a witch. , Even if you don't believe these, then..."

Speaking of this, Xiuzawa pressed her right shoulder, "Princess, if your mother deliberately made you a witch, then why would she send me to find you in the first place?"

"..." Shen Qi was stunned again, yes, Xiuze's second wing was lost to protect her as a witch.

"And, do you know that although your mother drove you out of the Demon Race, she has been looking for a way to save you, for this reason, she even entered the real garden of the sage."

"What?!" Shen Qimeng's face changed, his face was full of shock.

The true garden of the sage?

Even Lin Luo, after hearing this sentence, was moved in his heart. I don't know why, he faintly felt that this thing had something to do with him.

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