The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 1058: The great demon awakens, girls, let's fight!

Coming out of the gap and entering the eyes, Xiao Zi and You Xiang could only see thick fog. The surrounding environment was all covered by the fog. They couldn't see the direction and terrain. If it weren't for their good eyesight, I am afraid that there is nothing to be seen from twenty meters away.

But even so, looking at a place fifty meters away, it is already extremely vague.

"This place is really strange, can't it be wrong?" You Xiang frowned and couldn't help asking.

Xiao Zi shook his head, "That's right, it's this place, but the next thing is not something that can be done in the gap. To find that monster, we can only rely on our eyes and induction... You are really sure to challenge Is that monster?"

"You have asked this question several times. Now that you have come here, you still ask what this is doing." Youxiang said calmly and calmly.

Xiao Zi said: "I just think this place is very weird. Although I don't know what it is, it gives me a completely different feeling from the outside world. Maybe the monster is not as simple as I imagined."

"Of course it's not easy. If it's simple, how could thousands of monsters outside be unable to enter this enchantment." Youxiang's face was taken for granted, and then the corner of her mouth curled up, revealing a smile of excitement. It feels like it should be dangerous. To experience the danger, aren’t we here for this purpose? Don’t worry, even if you can’t fight, you’re already very skilled in the gap, and we can run away at any time.”

"Okay, I hope so." Xiao Zi nodded, knowing that Youxiang, who has a militant factor in his body, would never go back like this, and did not intend to say anything to dissuade him, but instead said actively, "In this case , Then we will look around first, maybe we can find some clues."

After a while, the two began to walk around in this fog.

Although Youxiang was a bit impulsive and warlike, but she was not a brainless recklessness. She was cautious along the way. Coupled with the harsh environment, she had one hundred and twenty points of attention, and she was more cautious than ever. As for Xiao Zi, he doesn't catch a cold in this place, so naturally he will not take it lightly.

Because of the dense fog, it took a long time for the two of them to discover the terrain clearly. To their surprise, this cave was not as expected, but rather desolate, not to mention trees or even roots of weeds. , The broken stones all over the floor, I can't feel any vitality.

And even the range is very small, with stone walls on all sides, no matter if you walk from any direction, you will be blocked by the stone walls for about ten minutes.

"This place is really weird, is it really a blessed land?" Youxiang asked again. According to her, it was a huge open-air cave.

"This...I don't know too much." At this time, even Xiao Zi had doubts about her judgment, and then she suggested, "Why don't we look for it again, maybe there is a secret door or something."

"It can only be this way." Youxiang spread out her hands and said helplessly.

Because there was no danger in the previous half an hour, the two of them relaxed a little bit of vigilance, so they started to search separately.

After another half an hour, suddenly, Xiao Zi let out an exclamation, "Youxiang! Come and see, what is this?!"

After hearing this, Youxiang's heart tightened, and immediately ran over looking for her voice. After a while, she came to Xiao Zi who was standing in front of a rock wall, and found that Xiao Zi looked at the rock wall blankly with a surprised expression.

Youxiang instinctively followed the place where Xiao Zi was pointing, and her expression suddenly changed, because she actually saw a face on the stone wall.

"Yue, scared me to death, what I thought it was, it turned out to be a stone face." At first, You Xiang was really taken aback, but after a closer look, she found that it was not her real face, but somehow. Whoever carved the stone face just looks lifelike.

"But it's a little different." Xiao Zi still looked at the stone face, frowning.

"What's the difference?" Youxiang asked wonderingly.

Xiao Zi shook her head, "I can't tell the details, it's just a feeling..." After that, her gaze looked towards the surrounding stone walls. After a while, she exclaimed again, "Ah, there is another one!"

Youxiang looked up, and sure enough, there was a stone face more than three meters high on the rock wall, but this stone face was a bit strange, giving people a feeling of recession, and I don’t know if it was carved. The intensity is too small.

"Why is there such a thing on this wall? Who is it that carved it here? It's really nasty." Youxiang curled his mouth and couldn't help stepping forward, reaching out to touch the stone face she could reach. .

"Youxiang, wait!"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Zi hurriedly exclaimed, but it was too late. Just as her words were uttered, You Xiang's hand was already pressed on the stone surface, and then...

Wow! Wow! Wow...

I didn't see that Youxiang used much strength, and the entire stone surface began to spill a lot of stone powder, as if a curtain was just peeled off by life. Fortunately, the two ran fast so that they would not be spilled. However, when they saw it again, their faces changed drastically.

Because on the originally flat stone wall, it is now pits and dust, covered with countless stone faces, and the expressions on each face are different, some open their mouths and howling, and some face panic. Luster, and some of the facial features are completely squeezed together, obviously painful and hideous...Every stone face is lifelike, as if it were a real person.

"This...what the **** is this?" You Xiang was completely stunned, speechless, looking at the stone faces, she instinctively gave birth to a sense of horror.

The same goes for Xiao Zi next to her, feeling a hairy scalp.

This is why they are not so courageous. If ordinary people see so many terrifying stone faces, even if they don't faint with fright, they might be frightened and panicked.

"No! We have to leave this place as soon as possible, this is definitely not a blessing!" After the surprise, Xiao Zi said quickly, her feeling of uneasiness in her heart has become stronger and stronger.

"Okay, let's go!" At this time, even Youxiang didn't hesitate. After all, she was only going to challenge the big monster, not this evil thing.

But sometimes it’s so dramatic. When you don’t want to go, you can come and go freely, but when you want to go, you can’t go. Just like now, just waiting for Xiaozi to open the gap, before the two of them get in. Suddenly a violent counter-shock force came from the space, and the gap was abruptly dispersed.

In fact, to be correct, it was not the gap, but the space that shattered. This originally couldn't affect the gap, but after all, Xiao Zi's strength was still too weak, and the space was chaotic, and she could not open a safe gap.

"Oops, what should I do?" In the end, the life-saving skills were broken, Xiao Zi suddenly panicked, and immediately asked Youxiang.

"Don't worry, wait for the space to stabilize. There are no enemies appearing yet...Huh?!" Youxiang seemed calmer, but before she finished her words, her face changed and she turned her head abruptly. The pupils dilated suddenly.

Because the human faces on the stone walls are alive!

They seemed to be people deep in the quagmire. They raised their heads while making a silent howl, while struggling hard to get out of the shackles of the rock wall. Then, as their struggle became more and more violent, countless hands stretched out from the stone wall, and their bodies...Where is the carved stone face? This is clearly the "stone man" inlaid in the stone wall. "!

You Xiang saw it, and Xiao Zi could obviously see it. Seeing this scene, the two girls finally panicked and couldn't help but back away.

However, the subsequent development greatly exceeded their expectations: originally thought that these stone men came out to attack them, but when their bodies were separated from the stone wall, they turned into a pile of stone dust in less than a second. Then the wind disappeared completely.

"What's going on?" You Xiang was surprised, and asked while vigilant.

Xiao Zi shook her head and didn't quite understand it, but as these stone men disappeared more and more, she suddenly moved in her heart and immediately said, "I understand. These stone men should be living creatures. I don't know who they are. Petrify them and lock them in the rock wall, and then the touch you just touched probably touched some kind of mechanism, so you made them'live' again. Although they are not really alive, but even if life has passed away, survive The instinct still exists, so they want to get away from the stone wall. However, the dead life cannot return again after all. They originally stayed in the stone wall and can keep their petrified bodies indestructible, but once they leave the stone wall, then..."

Xiao Zi didn't go on with the following words, but there is no need to say more, because the current phenomenon has already explained everything... Leaving the stone wall is disappearing.

"...This is really sad." Listening to Xiao Zi's words, and seeing those stone people disappearing into stone powder one by one, You Xiang no longer frightened, but had a trace of pity, but then she raised a question, " But how did I activate them?"

She really didn't believe it. Just like this, she could bring these stone people to life.

Faced with this problem, Xiao Zi was helpless, "I'm just guessing, I don't know if it's correct."

Although Xiao Zi's guess was not completely in the way, it was not much different from the facts, but it was because of Youxiang's huge burning soul that activated these stone men.

Youxiang’s soul has an unyielding will to never bow. Coupled with a burning not long ago, her soul has a lot more abilities that she doesn’t even know about herself. After the stone people came into contact with her, they instinctively "lived." "Come here.

At the same time, there is another thing activated.


At the moment when all the stone men disappeared, a low roar suddenly sounded, and the two girls were shocked and subconsciously warned.

Then, the voice uttered extremely angry words: "Damn it! I endured tens of thousands of years, and slept for tens of thousands of years. Finally, it was equal to a day when you could fully recover. You two little mice dare to come to my forbidden place. Also destroy my altar, you are seeking your own death!!!"

The deep voice was full of anger, depressing coercion, and power fluctuations of terror.

It seems that a great devil who has been sleeping for many years is about to be born!

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